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How to add the Vision, Mission, and Promise statement
To add the below to your email signature, simply highlight all three shapes with your cursor, then copy (all shapes at the same time) and paste to the end of your email signature. The two bullet shapes also have embedded links that will remain after you copy and paste so there is no need to update those.
Instructions for PC Users
Access Outlook on your PC and click the Home tab, then click the New Email button to open a New Email window.
On the New Email window, access the Insert tab and click the Signature drop down to select Signatures. This action opens the Signatures and Stationery window.
On the Signatures and Stationery window, click the New button.
On the New Signature modal window, enter a name for the signature and click the OK button. The New Signature modal window will close, returning you to the Signatures and Stationery window.
Back on the Signatures and Stationery window, use the Edit Signature content box to enter the appropriate signature format. Reference the Email Signature Examples and Standards, the Office Address and Contact Information, and the Current Vision, Mission, and Promise Statement tables in the introduction.
You can copy and paste any element from either of the above mentioned tables into the Edit Signature section of the Signatures and Stationery window.
After inputting your signature, use the New Messages and Replies/forwards drop-downs to select when to auto-apply the signature for all message types. Then click the OK button to save the new signature.
Instructions for Mac Users
Access Outlook on your MAC and click the New Message button to open a New Email window.
Click the Signature button and select Manage Signatures to open the Signatures window.
On the Signatures window, click the Plus Icon to open the Edit Signaturewindow.
On the Edit Signature window, give the signature a name in the Signature Name field and the appropriate signature format. Reference theEmail Signature Examples and Standards, theOffice Address and Contact Information, and theCurrent Vision, Mission, and Promise Statementtables in the introduction.
You can copy and paste any element from either of the above mentioned tables into the Edit Signaturesection of the Signatures and Stationerywindow.
Click the Save Icon in the menu bar to save the new signature.