The online application can be accessed by clicking the link below and logging into your Salesforce Portal account, then selecting the Combined Residential Application option.
The application is comprised of seven (7) distinct steps, or pages, that you will navigate through as you complete the application. Each page contains fields and information that must be provided as part of the application which are denoted by a red asterisk.
Every step, or page, throughout the application contains a Save button at the bottom of the page. Click Save before exiting the application if you do not have time to complete it in one sitting.
To re-access a Saved and incomplete application:
Log back into the Salesforce Portal
Select the Projects tab
Locate the correct Application and click on the link in the Project Name column
Finally, click on the Application Wizard button to return to your incomplete application.
STEP 1: Applicant Information
Complete the Application Information section:
Your First Name and Last Name will pre-populate.
Select your Preferred Applicant Language from the drop-down.
Provide your Primary Phone Number.
All other fields are optional and can be completed at need.
Complete the Utility Information section:
Using the Utility Address field, begin typing in your street address. Salesforce will suggest verified addresses below this field as you type. Selecting an option from this lit will populate all other Utility and Mailing address fields.
If your Mailing address is different from your Utility address, update the Mailing Address fields as needed.
Select the appropriate response for the Does the applicant own this site drop down. This field identifies if the Applicant is the owner of the dwelling associated with the Utility Address entered into the application.
The Number of Units field becomes required if Multi-Family (5+ units) is selected as the Dwelling Type.
Select the option from the Dwelling Type drop-down that most closely identifies what type of dwelling exists on the site.
The Number of Units field becomes required if Multi-Family (5+ units) is selected as the Dwelling Type.
To adv
It is recommended that you click Save before clicking Continue. The Save button appears at the bottom of each step (page) and can be clicked periodically to save your progress. Once saved, you can exit the application and return to it a later date to finish it.
Complete the Utility Information section:
Using the Utility Address field, begin typing in your street address. Salesforce will suggest verified addresses below this field as you type. Selecting an option from this lit will populate all other Utility and Mailing address fields.
To advance to the next step, click Continue at the bottom of the page.
It is recommended that you click Save before clicking Continue.
Begin by typing in your street address in the Utility Address field. As you type, Salesforce will provide verified addresses that match your input. Selecting an option from this list will populate all other Utility and Mailing address fields.
If your Mailing address is different from your Utility address, update the Mailing Address fields as needed.
To complete step 1, select if the Applicant owns the site, the Dwelling Type and the Number of Units for the dwelling and/or site.
The Number of Units field becomes required if Multi-Family (5+ units) is selected as the Dwelling Type.
To advance to the next step, click Continue.
It is recommended that you click Save before clicking Continue. The Save button appears at the bottom of each step (page) and can be clicked periodically to save your progress. Once saved, you can exit the application and return to it a later date to finish it.