Field Name | Required | Purpose and Requirements |
Date of Request | No | DO not use this field. It will auto-populate with the current date. |
Desired Site Completion Date | Yes | Enter a date when the site needs to be completed by. |
Requestor Name | No | Enter your name. This field is connected to NYSERDA's active directory. |
Purpose of Request | Yes | Provide a detailed description for this request. Utilize the work done when Outlining Requirement when entering a description. Be as detailed as possible, |
Description and Permissions for Data, Document and Reports | Yes | Provide a list with a description of the data, documents and reports being shared. Identify any confidential data, who will have access to the information and the permission level (read only or read/write permissions). |
If you selected an External SharePoint site, is this a request for a new site or a new sub-site under an existing site? | No | Select all that apply from the options listed. |
If you selected New Site, describe the stakeholders for this external site | No | Select the most appropriate option from the drop-down menu. |
If you selected New Sub-Site or Document Library under existing site, then provide the link to the existing SharePoint site | No | Provide the URL link to your existing External SharePoint site this new site will be a sub-site for. |
URL preference for new SharePoint site / sub-site | No | Enter in an identifiable acronym for your program, department or team that will be used in the new site's URL. |
Title for new SharePoint site / sub-site | No | Enter in a name for your new site. This field is only used if you are requesting a new External SharePoint site. |
Provide at least 2 NYSERDA staff names that will function as SharePoint Site Leaders | No | Enter in the name of at least two of your teams members that will act as Project Leads for the new site. |
SharePoint Document Library Name(s) | No | Specify the name of all document libraries that should be created. |
Provide at least 2 NYSERDA staff names per Document Library that will function as Library Leads | No | Enter in the name of at least two of your teams members that will act as Project Leads for the new document libraries. |
Open NY Platform | No | This field should only be used if requesting using the Open NY Platform. |
Legal Contact for your program / department | Yes | Select the appropriate legal contact from the drop-down menu. |
Does the data / information contain Personal, Private, or Sensitive Information (PPSI)? | Yes | Select the option that best answers this question. |
Has the data / information / report been classified by the Data Governance Office? | Yes | Select the option that best answers this question. |
If YES: Data /information / report classification level | Yes | If you answered Yes to the above question, select the option that best responds to this field. |
Is the data / information leased or purchased from a third party or generated by NYSERDA? | Yes | Select the option that best answers this question. |
If leased or purchased from a third party, please provide a link to the third party agreement | No | Enter the link to the third party agreement. |
Identify where the data / information is stored, examples in description | No | Enter details that best respond to this field. Examples are listed below for reference. |
Stakeholder Name(s) and Organization | Yes | List all stakeholders that will have permission to access this site, i.e. DPS staff, DEC staff, etc. |
Has the stakeholder / contractor signed a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)? | Yes | Answer accordingly. If answering Yes, be sure to include all signed NDA's to this form. |
Has the stakeholder / contractor signed a fully executed NYSERDA Contract, Agreement or Task Work Order? | No | Answer accordingly. If answering Yes, be sure to include all signed contracts or agreements to this form. |
FOR DATA GOVERNANCE OFFICE ONLY. Recommendation to Legal. | No | Do not use this field. |
FOR LEGAL DEPARTMENT ONLY: Does the site need a disclaimer? | No | Do not use this field. |
FOR LEGAL DEPARTMENT ONLY: Disclaimer Language | No | Do not use this field. |
FOR DATA GOVERNANCE OFFICE ONLY: Reviewer(s) | No | Do not use this field. |
Manager or Director | No | Enter the name of the person responsible for all external information via any platform. |