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Chromebook: Is a Chromebook right for me?

We have begun the process of rolling out Chromebooks to users at NYSERDA and are offering them up to the general population. You may know that a Chromebook is different from a traditional Windows or Mac laptop and wonder if a Chromebook is right for you. Here's some things to keep in mind:

If you:

  • Are a Virtual Machine user
  • Have a need to work remotely
  • Need to take notes in meetings and away from your desk
  • Are okay with things being different than you're used to
  • Can work around some quirks in the operating system that may require you to learn new ways of doing things you're already doing

Then you're ready to give a the Chromebook a try!

On the other hand, if:

  • you're a current PC or Laptop user
  • You use Windows specific applications like ArcGIS or Photoshop or InMagic
  • have a need to work offline when you're not connected to the internet
  • you are a heavy user of keyboard shortcuts

Then a Chromebook might not be the best fit for you.

If you think you're ready to switch to a Chromebook, you can fill out this request form!