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NY Home Energy Portal Overview

Welcome! The NY Home Energy (NYHEP) Portal is NYSERDA’s system for Participating Contractors/Vendors to submit project/enrollments to the Program. This system is intended to be used by Participating Contractors, Regional Clean Energy HUBS, Appliance Vendors and Program Staff. This section will provide an overview of the NYHEP functionality.

New TermExisting Term (Or Definition if N/A)
Appliance Project Type Workflow or Appliance EnrollmentAppliance Order/Sub-Workflow
Approved Income Tier: Tier 1 (Low-Income)Tier 1 (EmPower NY)
Approved Income Tier: Tier 3 (Moderate-Income)Tier 2 (Assisted Home Performance)
Direct Install (Similar to an ER but requires a comprehensive assessment)EmPower New York - Electric Reduction
Enrollment NumberProject ID
Existing Conditions/Measures (Tabs in the NY HEP)EmPCalc/Res Audit Tool
Full ComprehensiveEmpower New York - Home Peroformance
Muni InstallDEFINITION: Full Comprehensive w/o Electric Measures
Process (button in the NY HEP)Submit (button in Uplight)
Processor Trade AllyCommunity Hub
Save (button in the NY HEP)DEFINITION: Saves Data Entry w/o Processing to the Next Step
Trade AllyParticipating Contractor/Vendor
Workflow Step

Task/Project Stage

The instructions below provides guidances on how to access the New York Home Energy Portal (NYHEP) and resetting your account password. 

Logging Into NYHEP

Access the NYHEP and type in your Username and Password and click the Sign In button. You will receive a message that a code was sent to your inbox. 

If the contractor forget their password, click the Forgot Password? link on the login page. Type in the User ID then click the Reset It button, users will then receive an email notification with a link and instructions to reset the password.

NYHEP Multifactor Code

In your inbox, you will see an email from that contains a 6 Digit Code

Users need to re-verify after 90 days or if they have not logged in with the device within the last 14 days.

Finish Logging Into NYHEP

Back on NYHEP, type in the 6 Digit Code and click Sign In button to log in. 

Contact Contractor Support with issues:

The 6 Digit Code expires after 5 minutes. Click the Resend it hyperlink if code expires.

User account will be locked after 5 failed attempts.

The My Profile tab can be accessed under the Security tab on the top right of your New York Home Energy Portal (NYHEP).

My Information

This tab allows contractors to update the following:

  • Name
  • Email Address
  • Phone number

Email Subscription

Contractors can subscribe and un-subscribe to an email by clicking on the check box, it will automatically activate the subscribtion.

Save Changes

Click the Save button to save any changes/updates made under your profile.

The Change Password tab can be accessed under the Security tab on the top right of your New York Home Energy Portal (NYHEP).

Change Password

This tab allows contractors to update their password. Enter in your previous password followed by the new password. When ready, click Change Password.

The instructions below provides guidance on how to access the online help page for additional support.

Help Icon

The Help Icon can be access on the top right side of most tabs that you are in.

Online Help

Use the expandable tabs from the left hand page tree to locate the additional guidance you are looking for.


The Search option can be used to search for specific words or phrases.

The instruction below provides guidance on how to add notes within Enrollments and Customer Records. 

Notes added to an enrollment can be accessed during any other workflow step for the same enrollment and are accessible to anyone with access to the specific enrollment.

To see these instructions in action, watch the training video below:

Error rendering macro 'multimedia'

com.atlassian.renderer.v2.macro.MacroException: Cannot find attachment 'NY HEP Adding Notes.mp4'

To add a new note, access the Note tab and click the New Note button. A new Note dialog will open. 

Notes can be added to any Record or Enrollment in the NY HEP where a Note tab is present.

Fill in the Notes field

The Note Date and Note Time fields will automatically populate with the current date and time. Users can change these fields if needed. The system will still document the actual date and time the note was created as well.

The Who can view this note? field will default to Users with access to this enrollment.

For Contractors, it does not matter what option is selected for this field as anyone with access to the enrollment will also have access to the workflow step. It is best to leave this field alone.

If the This is an Interaction checkbox is checked, a drop-down will appear allowing Contractors to add this note to one of the available reports.

Click Save to save the new Note. 

Once a note is saved, Contractors cannot edit or delete it. Be sure to review the note carefully before clicking save.

The instruction below provides guidance on how to upload document(s) within an enrollment. A red exclamation mark will be displayed under the Required column indicating the document type being a Required Document. When uploading documents, multiple document types can be selected for a single document. This is helpful when a single document can satisfy multiple document requirements.

Multiple documents can be uploaded at the same time:

PC Users: CTRL + Click

Mac Users: Command + Click

To see these instructions in action, watch the training video below:

To upload a Document, access the enrollment's Documents tab during any step.

Click the New button for the Document dialog will open.

Click Browse to select a file to upload. 

Multiple documents can be uploaded at the same time.

After the file is uploaded for the Document Type, click Save and then click Close to upload the file and close the dialog. 

After you’ve selected a file, you can remove it by clicking the x Remove button.

Multiple document types can be selected for a single document during upload. This is helpful when a single document can be used to satisfy multiple document requirements. Once the initial document type is selected, re-click the document type field to add an additional document type.

This is the Contractors last opportunity to click Remove to not upload a specific document. Once Save is clicked, the document becomes a public record and it cannot be edited, deleted, or otherwise overwritten. If the wrong document is uploaded, Contractors will need to upload the correct document and use the Comments fields to let both CLEAResult and NYSERDA know which is the correct document to review.

To download and view an uploaded document, click the Document Name Hyperlink.

The instructions below provides contractors with guidance on how to run a Report.

The Program Reports option provides an alternate mechanism to access many of the same reports that can be generated during the enrollment process. 

EmPower+ Forms Workscope Submission:

EmPower+ Forms Final Project Submission:

On the portal homepage, click the Program Reports under the Reports tab. A new window will pop-up directing you to the Reporting Services page

On the Reporting Services page, locate and click on the your report.

All of the reports accessible from this page are also accessible from Enrollments.

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