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Participating Contractors: REA Enrollments

Welcome! Here you will find user information for Participating Contractors to submit and manage Residential Energy Assessment enrollments through the NY Home Energy Portal.

The instruction below provides guidance for contractors with customer creation/searching from the customer list. You should always try to search for and locate an existing customer first before creating a new one, to avoid creating a duplicate customer. 

If you need to search for the customer, start at step 1 below.

If you know the customer does not exist, start with step 4 below.

Open the Main Menu and select the Customers option.

On the Customer List, use the Search Bar to locate an existing customer. 

The default general search will use your search criteria to locate customer records that contain that information.

Contractors can also use other options to search from the Search Type drop-down:

  • Customer Name
  • Premise Address
  • Account Number (Electric Utility Account Number)
  • Advanced Search (allows Contractors to use their own search parameters based on available data)

If the customer already exists, proceed to the Create Enrollments instructions section below. If the customer does not exist, continue with the steps below

If the customer does not exist, on the Customers tab, click the New button for the New Customer page to open. 

Complete all of the required fields listed below:

  • Customer Name
  • Customer Class
  • Mailing Address
  • Account Details
  • Vendor Premise ID 

The Vendor Premise ID section will be auto-populated in the future.

If required fields are incomplete when clicking Save, the system will provide an error message stating which fields were incomplete. If the error message is closed to quickly. a red exclamation point will appear in the upper right-hand corner of the Customer Profile that can be clicked to access the list of incomplete but required fields.

This first page needs to be completed and saved before any other tabs in the Customer Record can be accessed and the Customer Record will not be created until the first page is completed and saved. Additionally, the Billing Account # field in the Account Details section should be used to document the customer's Electric Utility Account Number. This must be a unique number. A customer record cannot be created if the Billing Account # is already being used on another Customer Record.

The Service Point Details section should be left blank. This will generate a warning that can be bypassed when Save is clicked.

When finished, click the Save button.

A warning will be displayed, press OK to continue. After that, the system will create a Customer, Account, and Premise.

After you bypass the warning message, the customer profile fields will be active. You can do the following in these fields:

  • Create new premise record such as a permanent address
  • Create new accounts for oil or gas if the customer has one
  • Add/review notes - you will be able to see the notes added by other contractors

The instruction below provides guidance for contractors with enrollment creation from the customer profile.

Open the Main Menu and select the Customers option.

On the Customer List, use the Search Bar to locate an existing customer. 

The default general search will use your search criteria to locate customer records that contain that information.

Within your Customer Profile, click the Enrollments Tab then click the New Enrollments button.

The New Enrollment Wizard window will open, select the Residential Energy Audits option in the dropdown. Then click Next.

When a new REA enrollments is created, if the user does not have a browser pop-up blocked, the new enrollment will automatically open in a new tab on the Enrollment Profile - Workflow window

If there is a pop-up blocker, follow step 6 below.

To open the enrollment manually, on the Customer - Enrollment List, click on the Edit Icon next to the Program Name.

After the new enrollment is created, the user will be directed to the enrollment’s Assessment Submission step. The Customer Information, Installation Address, Applicant Information, and Mailing Address will be prepopulated from the Account and Premise record that were selected in the New Enrollment Wizard.

The instruction below provides guidance for contractors with the Assessment Submission step.

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