The content in this space is currently being migrated to the cloud. Any content edits must be made by a Knowledge Base admin until migration is complete.
To request content edits, please submit a request to the Strategic Operations Training Team and include the page URL and details on required edits.
A member of the Strategic Operations Training Team will reach out for clarity if needed.
SeamlessDocs Business Procedure step by step guideline.
Process Overview
Download the attached SeamlessDocs Template. Use this document to add top-of-page text or a blurb about the from, section names, and/or certification statements (if any) to the form.
Download the attached Data Dictionary. List all of the data fields you'd like to capture in the form (including attachments) in the attached file.
Download the attached SeamlessDocs Email Template. There's some pre-written material to get you started. SeamlessDocs will send the first two notices. When the form is submitted, the first one appears on the screen. The second will be in the email copy that the user and an internal mailbox are sent after the application is submitted. Additionally, please prepare any manual email notifications you may send out during the form review process as part of the Marketing evaluation. The examples in the file are from program applications that are typically approved or rejected.
Share completed SeamlessDocs Templates with the Strategic Operation Team (Shaun/Sheila) to get started.
Strategic Operation Team (Shaun/Sheila) will create a draft SeamlessDocs form and share it with the Program Manager.
Review after receiving the SeamlessDocs draft form link from the Strategic Operations team
Make any necessary changes required and share it via email.
After a final review of the draft form send Approval to Strategic Operation to start getting required Approvals.
Connect with your Department’s Attorney to confirm any legal statements (Terms & Conditions, Attestation, E-signature). If applicable Work with your department’s attorney to draft legal statements that may need to be included in the form.
Share legal's confirmation or legal statement with the Strategic Operations team.
Data Classification Data Classification (C-I-A) Guidelines
The Strategic Operations team will connect the Program manager with Data Governance to classify Data fields on the SeamlessDocs form.
A Data Governance ticket will need to be created in order to Classify the Data. Link to the ticket creation.
Information Asset Worksheet ticket creation
Data Governance will schedule a meeting to go over the Information Asset Worksheet.
Once Data is classified (Low or High) by the Data Governance team a copy of the Data Dictionary will be shared with the PM and the Strategic Ops team.
Once legal confirms a (Terms and Conditions or Attestation) will be required on the form. PM will need to work with Tom Rood (Contracts) to complete the E-signature template and then route it to NEIS for Sara LeCain’s review and approval. The Strategic Operation team can connect PM with Tom once we have a solid draft of the SeamlessDocs form.
After completing the E-signature template with Legal an updated version of the (Terms and Conditions or Attestation will be provided to be included in the SeamlessDocs form)
A Marketing ticket will be initiated by the Strategetic Operation team to complete the content review.
Marketing needs about 2 weeks to complete a SeamlessDocs form review.
After 2 weeks, marketing will share the SeamlessDocs form and email templates with comments.
PM will accept marketing input for inclusion on the SeamlessDocs form.
Submit test application to ensure all SeamlessDocs fields are correct.
Approve SeamlessDocs form to be launched.
The Strategic Ops team will reset the tracking number and delete all test submissions.
SeamlessDocs Form is ready for deployment.