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More and more we have a need for continuing our work outside of the office. Here is a collection of useful tip sheets to facilitate working remotely.
All-Staff Webinar (3/26)
- All-Staff Webinar recorded Thursday, March 26th
Tutorial Videos (updated 3/26)
- Tips and Tools for Working Remotely Stream 2 (recorded 3/25) Tips an Tricks for Teams, WebEx and working remotely
Getting Started
- Accessing your computer from home
- Multi-Factor Authentication: Configure SecureAuth Authenticate
- VMWare: Configure VMWare Horizon Client
- Connect to your Virtual Machine from a browser
- Office365: Accessing Your NYSERDA Email via the Web
- Phones: Call Forwarding on Your Desk Phone
- iOS: Setup NYSERDA email on Your Personal Phone
- Windows: How to change NYSERDA password if you are NOT on a thin client.
- Windows: How to change your login password from home
- iOS: Multi Factor Authentication Token Renewal
- VMware: Changing Connection Protocols
- Initial Setup
Webex: First Login for Personal WebEx Accounts
WebEx Meeting: Signing Into Your Personal WebEx Account
- Using your personal meeting room
WebEx Meeting: Starting an Impromptu Meetinga Meeting in your Personal Room
WebEx Meeting: Scheduling a WebEx Meeting with your personal WebEx account
- Events Webinar - What are they and how to decide if it's the right tool
WebEx: How to choose which to useWhen to Set Up a Meeting vs. an Event
WebEx Event: Recommended Event Setup Process
WebEx Event: Schedule a Webex event with your personal accountScheduling a WebEx Event - Additional Tips and Tricks
WebEx: Alternate numbers for dial-in
WebEx Meeting: Tips for a more successful meeting
Webex: Best practices from Webex
WebEx: Install the iPhone App
Guidance for Remote Meetings
Handy Tips
- Tips and Tools for Working Remotely Stream 1
- Tips and Tools for Working Remotely Stream 2
- Acrobat: Logging into Adobe Acrobat DC
- Acrobat: Set Acrobat DC as the default application in Windows 10
- Printing: Print your documents while remote
- Windows: Set microphone and camera privacy settings
- Outlook: Editing your NYSERDA Signature in Outlook
If you still need assistance with working remotely, please feel free to email,
call 518-862-1090 ext. 4357 (HELP)
or submit a Service Desk Ticket! (you must be logged in to use this link)
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