Info |
| The instruction below provides guidance for contractors with the Assessment Submission step. |
Aura - Tab Group |
settings | {"generalSettings":{"tabSpacing":0,"tabWidth":50,"tabHeight":40,"direction":"vertical"},"activeSettings":{"backgroundColor":{"color":"#002d72"},"text":{"fontSize":16,"color":"#fff","textAlign":"left","fontWeight":"normal"}},"inactiveSettings":{"backgroundColor":{"color":"#f4f5f7"},"text":{"fontSize":16,"color":"#5e6c84","textAlign":"left","fontWeight":"normal"}},"contentSettings":{"backgroundColor":{"color":"#fff"},"border":{"style":"solid","width":2,"top":false,"bottom":false,"left":true,"right":false,"color":"#002d72"},"padding":{"top":10,"right":10,"bottom":10,"left":10}},"hoverSettings":{"backgroundColor":{"color":"#0073a4"},"text":{"fontSize":16,"color":"#ffffff","textAlign":"left","fontWeight":"normal"}}} |
tab | 1 |
Aura - Tab |
title | Applicant Information |
Panel |
borderColor | #002D72 |
bgColor | #F3F4F9 |
titleColor | #ffffff |
borderWidth | 1 |
titleBGColor | #002D72 |
borderStyle | none |
title | Assessment Submission - Applicant Information |
Info |
When the Assessment Submission is in the New status, complete the following on the Applicant Information tab. |
UI Steps |
UI Step |
Input/select the Additional Applicant Information and Owner Information fields. Tip |
The fields will be prepopulated by the Salesforce API call when the enrollment is created. |
Warning |
Proceed if the Project Type is set as Full Comprehensive or Muni Install. Audit Install is for non invasive measures, unless you are able to obtain the landload approval, in which case the Project Type can be changed to Full Comprehensive. No project should be changed to a Muni Install unless directed by NYSERDA or CLEAResult. |
Expand |
| Image Added
UI Step |
Once all of the required tabs are filled out, click the Save button and move on to the Usage & Fuel Information tab. |
Aura - Tab |
Panel |
borderColor | #002D72 |
bgColor | #F3F4F9 |
titleColor | #ffffff |
borderWidth | 1 |
titleBGColor | #002D72 |
borderStyle | none |
title | Assessment Submission - Applicant Information |
Info |
The instructions below provides guidance for contractors to update the Applicant Information, and filling out the Usage & Fuel Information, Existing Conditions, and Partner Information tabs. When a new Residential Energy Audits enrollment is created, it will contain an Assessment Submission step in the New status. The first tab of the Assessment Submission step is the Applicant Information tab. This tab will be prepopulated with the information on the Customer/Account/Premise. If you need to change the Customer Information, Installation Address, or Mailing Address, you can make those changes on the Applicant Information tab, then click Save. |
UI Steps |
UI Step |
If the new value does not match the value that’s saved on the Customer/Account/Premise, an orange exclamation mark will be displayed next to it. If you hover over the exclamation mark, a tooltip will be displayed indicating that the values are different. You can click the Update Customer button to update the value that’s saved on the Customer/Account/Premise. Expand |
UI Step |
When you click the Update Customer button, the Update Customer dialog will open, displaying every value on the Assessment Submission step that is different than the value saved in the corresponding field on the Customer/Account/Premise. All these fields will be checked by default. When finished updating, click Save in the dialog. The system will update the checked Customer/Account/Premise fields for the values to match the Assessment Submission step. Expand |
UI Step |
Back on the Applicant Information page, the Primary Trade Ally section on the Assessment Submission step will default to the Trade Ally and Employee associated with the user that created the enrollment. To change the Trade Ally to a Contractor/Vendor, click the Trade Ally Name Hyperlink. Expand |
UI Step |
After you click the Trade Ally Name hyperlink, the Add Trade Ally dialog will open. Select the correct Contractor/Vendor and Employee in the Trade Ally and Employee dropdowns, then click Save. Expand |
UI Step |
After every required field on the Applicant Information tab is filled out, input/select all required fields on the following tabs: - Usage & Fuel Information
- Existing Conditions
- Partner Information
Warning |
All required fields contains two ** (asterisk). |
UI Step |
Once all of the required tabs are filled out, click on the Notes tab to learn how to add a note. |
Aura - Tab |
Panel |
borderColor | #002D72 |
bgColor | #F3F4F9 |
titleColor | #ffffff |
borderWidth | 1 |
titleBGColor | #002D72 |
borderStyle | none |
title | Assessment Submission - Notes |
Excerpt Include |
| NY Home Energy Portal Overview |
| NY Home Energy Portal Overview |
nopanel | true |
Aura - Tab |
Panel |
borderColor | #002D72 |
bgColor | #F3F4F9 |
titleColor | #ffffff |
borderWidth | 1 |
titleBGColor | #002D72 |
borderStyle | none |
title | Assessment Submission - Documents |
Info |
The instructions below provides guidance for contractors to upload documents. The required Document Types are listed under the Required column with red exclamation mark. |
UI Expand |
title | Upload Mutilple Documents |
UI Steps |
UI Step |
On the Document tab, click the New button at the top of the Documents tab. Expand |
UI Step |
The Upload Documents dialog will open. You will need to select the Document Type for every file you choose in the Upload Documents dialog. When finished, click Save. Expand |
UI Step |
Once all of the documents are added, click on the Measures tab to learn how to add measure(s). |
UI Expand |
title | Upload Single Document |
UI Steps |
UI Step |
On the Document tab, click the Edit button icon in that Document Type’s row, the Document dialog will open. Expand |
UI Step |
Click Browse to select a file to upload. Tip |
After you’ve selected a file, you can remove it by clicking the x Remove button. |
Expand |
UI Step |
After the file is uploaded for the Document Type, click Save and then click Close to upload the file and close the dialog. Expand |
UI Step |
To view an uploaded document, click the Document Name Hyperlink. Expand |
UI Step |
Once the document is added, click on the Measures tab to learn how to add measure(s). |
Aura - Tab |
Panel |
borderColor | #002D72 |
bgColor | #F3F4F9 |
titleColor | #ffffff |
borderWidth | 1 |
titleBGColor | #002D72 |
borderStyle | none |
title | Assessment Submission - Measures |
Info |
The instruction below provides guidance for contractors to complete the required data entry fields when adding measures to the Assessment Submission step. For a full list of all program measures that may help with this tab, please access the NY HEP Measures List. |
UI Steps |
UI Step |
On the Measures tab, click the Add Measures button. The Add Measures dialog will open. Expand |
UI Step |
To select one or more measures to add to the step, check the box in the left-hand column. To add the selected measures to the step, click the Save button in the dialog. Tip |
If you increase the No. to Add value after selecting the measure, the system will add that many unique instances of the measure to the Appliance Request step. |
Expand |
UI Step |
After you add one or more measures to the step, enter each measure’s I Qty (installed quantity) if it is not prepopulated. Then, complete the data entry fields for each measure. Required fields are denoted with **. After all the measures are added and all the data entry fields are filled out, the Appliance Request step can be processed. |
UI Step |
After all the measures are added and all the data entry fields are filled out, the Assessment Submission step can be processed. Click the Process button at the top of the Measures tab or the Applicant Information tab. Tip |
If there are any missing fields, a popup will appear notifying you of what is missing. |
Expand |