Adobe Acrobat: Set Acrobat DC as Default Application

You may find that Acrobat Reader DC is set as the default app in Windows 10.  This app doesn't let one manipulate PDFs, only read them.  If you have a license for Acrobat Pro DC, you may have to change the default application. First, follow the instructions here Adobe Acrobat: Logging into Adobe Acrobat DC, then, once logged in, follow the instructions on this page.

Click on the Start menu icon and start typing Default until the Default apps options appears. Select it.

Scroll to the bottom and select the option Choose default apps by file type.

Scroll down to the P section and look for the file type .pdf (Adobe Acrobat Document). Click this option and when the Choose an app window appears, select Adobe Acrobat DC.

You default application when opening .pdf files is now set to Adobe Acrobat Pro DC.

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