Jira Service Desk: Searching for Issues

There are two ways to search for Issues in Jira: using the Search Bar or using a Search Filter.

Using the Search Bar 

Enter a search term in the Search Bar in the upper right corner of the Jira interface. Any suggested results will immediately display in a dropdown list.

Press Enter on your keyboard to see all results. This opens a search page based on your search term. 

Using a Search Filter

Navigate to Issues > Search for Issues

Jira opens a page that lists all issues you can view based on your permission level. Use the search fields to filter by different criteria. The default fields are:

  • Project
  • Type
  • Status
  • Assignee

To filter, click each field and select the desired criteria.

For example, you can search all Bugs (Type) related to Salesforce Software (Project) that are in UAT (Status).

You may save search results based on specific criteria as a Filter in Jira.

After you conduct an issue search, click Save as on the results page.

Enter a Filter Name in the provided field and click Save to finish.

**NOTE: Jira automatically adds new filters to your list of Favorite Filters. You can locate favorites from any page in Jira. Simply click Issues and select the desired filter from the dropdown list.

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