Applicants are required to create a Salesforce Application Portal account to use the Online Application. A Salesforce Application Portal account provides multiple methods of communication through the use of Notes and Attachments that allows Applicants to:

  • Communicate with the NYSERDA program (even after application submission).
  • Update information or documents in their application.

The instructional materials below are intended to provide guidance for:

  • Applicants when creating a Salesforce Application Portal, or
  • Shared Services, Community Organizations, NYSERDA Energy Advisors, Participating Contractors, and Participating Utilities when assisting Applicants through the online application process.

Access the Portal Registration website for the Energy Affordability & Equity Residential program.

On the Portal Registration page, review the introductory text to familiarize yourself with the registration requirements.

On the same page, complete all three fields in the Contact Information section. This includes First NameLast Name, and Email Address. All fields are required.

Click Create.

The page will reload with instructions that outline next steps. Salesforce generates an email to the email address provided in Step 3 above to continue the Salesforce Portal account creation process.

Access the email account entered into Step 3 above and locate the email sent by Salesforce. This email contains a link to continue with your Salesforce Portal account creation as well as your Username (the email address entered in Step 3 above with .nyserda appended to the end).

Click the link within the email.

On the page you are directed to, create, and confirm, a password for your Salesforce Portal account, being sure to consider the password rules listed on the page. Then, click Change Password.

Once you click Change Password, you will be directed to your new Salesforce Portal account.

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