System Instructions


All projects from contract execution through commercial operation must submit quarterly reports through the LSR portal. Reports are due March 1st, June 1st, September 1st, and December 1st. The quarterly report consists of an updated project schedule and project narrative, plus attachments where applicable.


All reports are due each quarter.

Log into the Salesforce Portal and access the Projects Tab.

Access the Project Record in Salesforce by clicking the link in the Project Name column.

In the Project Details page, scroll down to the Document Approval/Rejection section and click the Choose File button to upload your completed Exhibit K.

Continue to do this for each required attachments as indicated in each section of Exhibit K. Please use naming convention to match section. You can upload as many attachments as needed.

To view what you have uploaded, click on Attachment History. Once all attachements are added, click the Save Document button to save.