The Standards and Quality Assurance (SQA) module allows NYSERDA and contracted Quality Service Providers (QSPs) to identify projects that are eligible for field inspections. A random sampling of projects are selected for inspection to verify that program and technical requirements have been met. The SQA module allows inspectors to document evidence of any non-conformance through written documentation. Information collected by the inspector is uploaded into the Salesforce QA checklist and an inspection report is generated. The SQA module allows the Contractor to submit corrective action documentation as needed and for the program implementer (either initiative staff or an external company providing support) to respond.
NYSERDA conducts a minimum of three field inspections for each new participating Contractor. New contractors who have not passed three inspections are listed as Provisional . When they are in good standing after these inspections, their status updates to Full . After an installer receives Full status, NYSERDA reviews a random sample of projects for review. Contractors with a Probationary or Suspended status may have 100% of their projects inspected.
In general, inspections can only be scheduled for completed projects. However, Salesforce can allow inspections on in-progress projects if the program/initiative requires.
Process Overview and Introduction Placeholder
The Standards and Quality Assurance (SQA) module is built within Salesforce (also known as the NYSERDA Portal). All activity related to scheduling, conducting, reviewing and approving inspections, and managing corrective action responses and resolutions, is documented and managed from within Salesforce.
Scheduling an inspection officially kicks off the SQA Workflow in Salesforce. These inspections are scheduled by the Quality Service Provider (QSP) QA Scheduler. QSP companies are assigned to one or more counties within New York, and only projects that match the QSP QA company’s inspection criteria can be scheduled by the QSP QA Scheduler.
There may be situations when a Scheduled Inspection needs to be updated, such as when an Inspector assigned to the Scheduled Inspection can no longer perform the inspection or if the date/time of the Scheduled Inspection needs to be changed. Follow the instructions in the Updating Scheduled Inspections below to learn how to make changes to a Scheduled Inspection.
Process Step
Inspection Criteria
Scheduling the Inspection
Updating a Scheduled Inspection
Conducting the inspection is the second major step in the SQA Inspection Workflow in Salesforce. Inspections are performed by the QSP QA Inspector utilizing an Inspection Checklist that includes each required inspection task. QSP Companies are assigned to one or more counties within New York, and only projects that match the QSP QA company’s inspection criteria can be inspected by the QSP QA Inspector.
Process Step
Configuring the Inspection Checklist
Process Step
Accessing the Inspection Checklist
Field Inspection Details
Failed Checklist Tasks
Submitting Inspections
Post Inspection Report
Regardless of the actual score generated once an inspection has been completed and submitted, QSP QA Managers will use the steps below to review and approve submitted inspections.
Process Step
From the SQA Worklist tab in Salesforce, click the Status dropdown list and select QA Manager Approval Needed and then click Filter to filter for Project Inspections that require approval.
Click the desired Project Inspection link to open the inspection record.
Review the QA Score and the Inspection Report . The Inspection Report will open as a PDF.
Scroll down to the Approval History section and click the Approve/Reject link to open a new page.
Document any relevant notes in the Comment field (optional) and click the Approve button.
Clicking Approve will update the Overall Status field for the inspection to Approved .
This content will live in the PUBLIC KNowledge Base for Contractor access. When complete, those materials will be linked her so that the QSP Company, CLEAResult, and NYSERDA Program Staff know what to expect during this phase.
Process Step
Certain inspections have a Corrective Action Required (CAR) status. Any inspection with a QA score of 1 or 2 is considered CAR Eligible. After contractors resubmit CAR Tasks as either Resolved or Contested, the Program Implementer are required to review, and approve or reject the failed tasks.