The On-the-Job Training Program issues payments to participating businesses for a portion of approved new hire wages on a reimbursable basis. To be eligible for reimbursement, the OJT hire must complete a minimum of 5 days on the job. The business may begin invoicing NYSERDA for reimbursement after the new hire has completed four weeks on the job. Businesses are only allowed to invoice NYSERDA once a month for each hire. The participating business has 60 days after the contracted OJT end date to invoice for the remaining awarded amount.
To submit an invoice requesting reimbursement for an approved new hire’s wages, follow the instructions below.
No payments will be processed for new hires that are not approved by NYSERDA.
Log into your NYSERDA Portal account.
Access the Projects tab and select WFD OJT New Hires - Approved from the drop-down. The list will filter to display only Approved OJT project records.
Locate the correct Project Record and access by clicking the name in the Project Name column.
Once in the Project Record, scroll down to the Project Invoices section and click on the New Project Invoice button. This will open a new window with the Invoice Details page.
Review the information at the top of the invoice for accuracy. Ensure the correct Purchase Order is selected from the Purchase Order drop-down. The Is this the final Invoice field should only be checked if this invoice represents the final invoice for the On-the-Job Training project.
Then, input the total Hours Worked by the New Hire since the last Invoice. The invoice totals will auto-update based on your input.
Next, enter in a Customer Invoice # that corresponds to your invoice. Indicate the date range for the hours worked in the Invoice Notes field. Please ensure that the date range noted for this invoice does not overlap with the dates listed on prior invoices approved for the same employee, otherwise the invoice will be rejected.
Before you can attach supporting documentation, click Save. The Invoice page will refresh with the payment amount that will be provided by NYSERDA.
Click Manage/Upload Documents to attach supporting documentation for the invoice. This will open the Invoice Supporting Documents page.
As noted on the Invoice Details page, payment documentation should be in the form of paycheck stubs and/or a payroll summary showing hours worked, wages paid, and applicable tax information. It is strongly preferred that you upload these materials as a single PDF.
On the Invoice Supporting Documentation page, enter in a name for the supporting document in the Document Name field, then click the Choose File button to locate and upload the document from your computer. Click Save to add the document to the Invoice Record.
If you do not click Save after uploading a document, it will not be saved to the Invoice Record.
It is preferred that you combine all payroll documents into a single PDF. However, if you must add additional documents, click the Add Another Document option and following Step 9 above until all supporting documents have been uploaded to the Invoice Record.
When all supporting documentation has been uploaded, click Save to ensure all your documents have been uploaded and attached to the Invoice Record. Then click Back to Invoice.
If any details on the Invoice need to be updated, click Edit, make any required changes and click Save again.
Click Submit to submit the invoice to NYSERDA's Program and Finance team for review, approval and payment. The page will refresh to display a successful submittal message.
If there are any issues with the submitted invoice during the review and approval process, NYSERDA Program staff will contact the Primary Contact for the On-the-Job Training project to resolve the issue(s).