Important Notice

The content in this space is currently being migrated to the cloud. Any content edits must be made by a Knowledge Base admin until migration is complete.
To request content edits, please submit a request to the Strategic Operations Training Team and include the page URL and details on required edits.
A member of the Strategic Operations Training Team will reach out for clarity if needed.

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This page outlines the process involved in requesting new site components such as Document Libraries or Lists. Click each tab below, in order, to review the complete process and all steps involved. If you have questions or issues with any part of this process, please reach out to the Data Governance Office for further assitance.


Access the Service Desk application from the NYSERDA Launch Page.


Select the Share Data with External Parties option under the IT Support side-tab.


Include the following information in the ticket:

Purpose of RequestProvide a high level description of the data that will be included in the documents or list items.
Data Classification Type

Document the data classification category:

  1. Public
  2. Confidential – Internal
  3. Confidential – Private
  4. Confidential – Restricted
Site NameProvide the name of the site where the Document Library or List should be created.
Site LinkProvide the URL of your current site.
New Document Library or List NameDocument the name the Document Library or List should be given.
Who Needs AccessList stakeholders that will require access.
What Access Level is Required

Document which type of access each stakeholder will require.

  1. Edit with Delete
  2. Edit without Delete
  3. Read-Only

The ticket and information within will be reviewed by IT and Data Governance. Once approved, the new Document Library or List will be implemented by IT. IT will also send out an email notification providing details regarding the new Document Library or list.

Review the new site component when you receive notification of implementation. Confirm that the site component was implemented correctly according to your requirements and verify that the follow disclosure appears on new Document Libraries.

When you site is implemented, IT will update the Share Data with External Parties service desk ticket established during the Submit Request step. This action sends an automated email to the Requestor confirming the work completed which includes a link to the Share Data with External Parties Service Desk ticket. The Requestor should access the ticket by clicking this link. Then, using the comments field in the ticket, document any additional changes that are need or provide you approval for the new site component. When providing final approval, be sure to close the ticket by clicking the Passed UAT button at the top-right of the page. This action sends an email confirmation to the Data Governance Office and IT that the new component works as expected.

Contact Data Governance before adding new documents or data that do not align with the site classification or external stakeholders not under an agreement with NYSERDA.

If you or other Project Leads require training on how to use your new site component, submit a Request Training ticket (only accessible from within your VM, otherwise access the Service Desk from the NYSERDA Launch Page and select the Request Training ticket type.).

Provide access for the new site component to the internal and external stakeholders following the instructions on the SharePoint: Managing Permissions page. Each user must have a unique Microsoft email account - shared accounts are not allowed.

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