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System Instructions


Internal or External SharePoint sites can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection through your NYSERDA account. Users may want to consider bookmarking their External SharePoint sites for easier access in the future.

SharePoint Search Engine

Log into your account using your NYSERDA credentials or access the NYSERDA Launch Page and click the Office365 tile.

Click the SharePoint icon from your account to access your SharePoint account.

Type the name of the external SharePoint site in the search field. Search results will appear below the search field as you type in your search criteria. There is no need to hit enter.

SharePoint will locate any examples of your search criteria that exist on any SharePoint site or within any documents in any SharePoint document library that you have access to. If your search does not return the results you are looking for, it is likely you do not currently have access to that site or site component.

When you have located the correct site, simply click on the site link from the search results.

Followed Sites

The below instructions are best used for Internal SharePoint sites as the Follow functionality does not work consistently with External SharePoint sites. While you can Follow External SharePoint sites, it can take days, weeks or months for the site to show in the Following section of your NYSERDA SharePoint account (accessible through your account).

After accessing the correct site using the instructions in the SharePoint Search Engine section on this page, click the Follow (classic view) or Not Following (modern view) option at the top-right side of the window.

To navigate to Followed sites, access your account.

Select the SharePoint icon from the left-hand navigation pane.

Your Followed sites will appear in the left-hand navigation pane of your Sharepoint account. Click any item to access the site.