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System Instructions


The following sections will help you understand the process for Creating and Managing Program Partnerships in Salesforce.

Before creating a New Account, search in Salesforce for an Existing Account to update.

Search for an Existing Account or Create a New Account

  1. Navigate to the NYSERDA launch pageat and click the Salesforce
  2. Enter the Company Name in the Searchfield at the top of the Salesforce check for any existing accounts in Salesforce.
  3. If the search results in zero matches, click the Accountstab and then click New.

  4. Enter all available information on the Accounts tab then click Save.

Establish a Program Partnership

  1. On the Account tab, scroll to the Program Partnerships section and click New Program Partnership.

  2. Search for the program name in the Program field; select the appropriate program and click Save. If the program name is not available, submit a Salesforce Jira Software Issue to request adding the program to the list.
  3. Save the record.

Updating Program Partnership Records

  1. On the Program Partnership record the below fields impact what is displayed on NYSERDA’s Website. If you have not already established a website to display your Program Partnership data, a Salesforce Jira Software Issue must be Submitted to initiate the process.

    StatusIndicates the status of the Account in relationship to the Program. Program Partnerships with a “Full”, “Provisional”, or “Probation” status can be displayed on the website.
    WebsiteThe URL of the Account’s website. This can be displayed on the website.
    Areas of ExpertiseSkillsets and technologies in which an Account specializes. Multiple Areas of Expertise may be selected and displayed on the website.
    Counties ServedThe New York State Counties where the Account performs their business activities. Multiple Counties Served may be selected and displayed on the website.
    Do Not Display on WebsiteA checkbox which when selected, removes an Account from the website listing for only the applicable Program Partnership.

  2. Select desired Area of Expertise from left and click right arrow to add; to remove an Area of Expertise, select from the field on left and click left arrow. When done click OK.

  3. To edit Counties Served, hover over the field and Double Click.

  4. Scroll down past the counties until you reach the regions at the bottom of the list on the left and select desired region(s). Click OK.

Search for an Existing Account

  1. Navigate to the NYSERDA launch pageat and click the Salesforce
  2. Enter the Company Name in the Searchfield at the top of the Salesforce check for any existing accounts in Salesforce.
  3. If the search results in zero matches, click the Accounts tab and then click New.

  4. Enter all available information on the Accounts tab then click Save.

Create a New Account

Establish a Program Partnership

  1. On the Account tab, scroll to the Program Partnerships section and click New Program Partnership.

  2. Search for the program name in the Program field; select the appropriate program and click Save. If the program name is not available, submit a Salesforce Jira Software Issue to request adding the program to the list.
  3. Save the record.

Updating Program Partnership Records

  1. On the Program Partnership record the below fields impact what is displayed on NYSERDA’s Website. If you have not already established a website to display your Program Partnership data, a Salesforce Jira Software Issue must be Submitted to initiate the process.
  2. Select desired Area of Expertise from left and click right arrow to add; to remove an Area of Expertise, select from the field on left and click left arrow. When done click OK.

  3. To edit Counties Served, hover over the field and Double Click.
  4. Scroll down past the counties until you reach the regions at the bottom of the list on the left and select desired region(s). Click OK.
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