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Aura - Title
cloudTextDemo Title
Hubs Salesforce User Guide
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serializedStyles{"alignment":{"horizontal":"start"},"icon":{"name":"faPaperPlane","color":"#333","size":24},"text":{"color":"#333","fontSize":14,"textAlign":"left","fontWeight":"bold","text":"Aura Divider"},"border":{"top":false,"right":false,"bottom":true,"left":false,"color":"#002d72","style":"solid","width":2},"size":{}}

The Salesforce CRM Portal was developed to allow Hubs to manage relationships and interactions with existing and potential customers, provide an easily accessible and centralized platform for anyone in your Hub to view records of customer interactions, and collect and organize data through automated reporting and dashboard features. Below is important introductory information important information regarding the Salesforce CRM Portal. For details and step-by-step instructions on specific functions and activities, please access the tabs.

Aura - Tab Group
settings{"generalSettings":{"tabSpacing":0,"tabWidth":50,"tabHeight":40,"direction":"vertical"},"activeSettings":{"backgroundColor":{"color":"#002d72"},"text":{"fontSize":18,"color":"#fff","textAlign":"left","fontWeight":"normal"}},"inactiveSettings":{"backgroundColor":{"color":"#f4f5f7"},"text":{"fontSize":18,"color":"#002d72","textAlign":"left","fontWeight":"normal"}},"contentSettings":{"backgroundColor":{"color":"#fff"},"boxShadow":{"shadows":[{"color":"rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08)","is":"drop-shadow","x":0,"y":0,"blur":1,"spread":0},{"color":"rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.16)","x":0,"y":3,"blur":2,"spread":-2}]},"border":{"style":"solid","width":2,"top":false,"bottom":false,"left":true,"right":false,"color":"#002d72"},"padding":{"top":10,"right":10,"bottom":10,"left":10}},"hoverSettings":{"backgroundColor":{"color":"#0073a4"},"text":{"fontSize":18,"color":"#ffffff","textAlign":"left","fontWeight":"normal"}}}

Aura - Tab



The information below reviews how to access and navigate the Salesforce CRM Portal, including helpful definitions, and consolidates specific activities that can be performed in multiple areas.

Related Training Video:

UI Expand
titleIntroductory Video

nameHUBS Introduction.mp4

Navigation and Core Concepts:

UI Expand
titleAccess to and Basic Navigation of the CRM Portal


Ensure that you have provided a Signed NDA to your Project Manager to gain access to the Salesforce CRM Portal.

UI Steps

UI Step

Log into the Salesforce CRM using the following link:

UI Button
titleSalesforce CRM Portal Login

UI Step

Use the Global Search tool to locate records of any type. When entering in search terms and parameters, search results will begin appearing below the search field. Each result will identify the record type to reduce confusion.


UI Step

Use the Top Navigation Menu to easily access and interact with specific records types.


UI Expand
titleImportant Terms, Acronyms & Definitions


Represents an organization (company, institution. If it has a door, it's an Account)

All Salesforce contact records have an account.

  • Persons interested in a program or opportunity should be identified as Individual Account
  • Persons representing a business should be identified as Business Account Persons working as a business (primary contact for account) can also be considered an Account
API - Application Programming Interface

This refers to the automation of data transfers from one system to another


A group of accounts, contacts, or leads that:

  • Are associated with an event(s) or effort (Attendees at a workshop is considered a Campaign)
  • Are defined by a similar set of targeted activities (Marketing mailer or Door-to-Door Outreach)
ContactAn individual person who has an established relationship with NYSERDA. If it's a person, it's a Contact
Converting a LeadWhen a Lead becomes qualified or meets a certain level of readiness for the program application process, the Lead gets converted into a Contact, and has an associated Account, and Opportunity.
CRM - Customer Relationship ManagementThis term is often associated with systems or software that helps manage the complete customer relationship
CustomerAn individual or business who reaches out to a Hub for NYSERDA programs and offerings
EventA scheduled occurrence that has both a start and end date such as, but not limited to: workshops, conferences, or meetings
  • A potential Contact who may be interested in NYSERDA programs and offerings
  • Also a process to nurture a relationship with a potential Contact. Leads can become Contacts
OpportunityAn effort aligned with an Account , Contact, or Lead that Contact that sets and nurtures the interest of NYSERDA Programs through a lifecycle with the end result of application submittal and project initiation
PPSI - Personal and Protected Sensitive informationA term that refers to customer information that must be protected given its sensitive nature and includes any personal  information that is not publicly available or can be used to locate or identify a specific individual
TaskA single activity, or planned activity, that is scheduled such as, but not limited to: phone calls, emails, or reminders
UAT - User Acceptance Testing
  • Used to describe a comprehensive process that helps evaluate whether a system or tool works as intended
  • Most software applications have a UAT environment that mirrors the production environment where functions and activities can be tested without effecting data production

Universal Functions:

UI Expand
titleFollowing Records

Many record types in the Salesforce CRM Portal can be Followed. When you follow a record, you see updates to the record in your feed. The Feed is displayed on the CRM portal home page next to the Support tab.

Leads, Contacts, Opportunities, Campaigns, Accounts, Projects, and Events are all record types that can be Followed .

Image Removed

(up to 500 records).

To Unfollow, select the same button you used to Follow.

Image Added

UI Expand
titleLogging CallsActivities through Log a Call Tab


Although the tab reads Log a Call other customer related activities (emailed, sent a letter, met in person) can be logged. 

Most record types in the Salesforce CRM Portal provide the ability to Log Calls Activities. When a Call a Activity is Logged within a specific record type, it is automatically related to that record type. For example, when Logging an Activity from a Call from a specific Lead Record, that logged call will activity will automatically be related to the Lead Record.

  • Logging a Call provides an Activity provides a record of outreach or follow-up efforts and is an important part of the relationship management process.
  • Logging a Call an Activity can be done from the following record types: Leads, Contacts, Opportunities, Accounts, and Projects.



UI Steps

UI Step

When Logging an Activity, select the Log a Call

add a subject.

tab. The subject field will be prepopulated with the word Call, delete the text and type in the activity to be recorded. 


This field is required and must be


complete before


the Logged

Call can

Activity can be saved. 

UI Step

Input any comments as needed. This is not a required field.

UI Step

The Logged Call can Activity can be related to many record types though it will initially default to searching existing Account Records. Use the field to search for existing Account Records or choose another record type to relate the Logged Call to Activity to using the drop-down menu on the right side of this field.

UI Step

Click Save when complete.


UI Expand
titleCreating Tasks


Most record types in the Salesforce CRM Portal provide the ability to Create Tasks. When a Task is Created within a specific record type, it is automatically related to that record type. For example, when Creating a Task from a specific Lead Record, that task will automatically be related to the Lead Record.

  • Tasks are an effective way of staying up-to-date with required activities that must or should be completed within a specific timeframe.
  • Tasks appear in both the Open Tasks panel on the Salesforce CRM Portal Home Page and in the Events & Tasks page. Only Tasks that have not been completed will appear in the Open Tasks panel.
  • Tasks can be created from the following record types: Leads, Contacts, Opportunities, Accounts, and Projects.
  • When using a hub queue, the entire team has visibility into the Task.



UI Steps

UI Step

When Creating a Task add a subject. This field is required and must be completed before the Task can be saved.

UI Step

Input a due date when the Task is expected to be completed.

UI Step

The Task can be Assigned to either a Hub user or a Hub queue. By default the Task will automatically be Assigned to the current user. To assign to an alternate user, click the X on the left of the current user name to remove the existing assignee, then use the field to search for an alternate Hub user. To assign to a Hub queue, use the drop-down on the right side of the field to switch the assign type from Users to Queues, then use the field to search for a Hub queue.

UI Step

The Task can be related to many record types though it will initially default to searching existing Account Records. Use the field to search for existing Account Records or choose another record type to relate the Task by using the drop-down menu on the right side of this field.

UI Step

Click Save when complete.


UI Expand
titleCreating Events


Most record types in the Salesforce CRM Portal provide the ability to Create New Events. When an Event is Created within a specific record type, it is automatically related to that record type. For example, when Creating New Events from a specific Lead Record, that event will automatically be related to the Lead Record.

  • New Events appear in both the calendar on the Salesforce CRM Portal and in the Events & Tasks page.
  • Events can be created from the following record types: Leads, Contacts, Opportunities, Accounts, and Projects.
  • Events will only be seen by the user who created the Event.



UI Steps

UI Step

When Creating an Events add a subject. This field is required and must be completed before the Event can be saved.

UI Step

Include a description if needed. This is not a required field.

UI Step

Set the Event start and end details.

UI Step

Include a location if needed. This is not a required field.

UI Step

The Event can be related to many record types though it will initially default to searching existing Account Records. Use the field to search for existing Account Records or choose another record type to relate the Event by using the drop-down menu on the right side of this field.

UI Step

Click Save when complete.


UI Expand
titleSending Emails


Most record types in the Salesforce CRM Portal provide the ability to Send Emails. When an Email is Sent within a specific record type, it is automatically related to that record type. For example, when Sending an Email from a specific Lead Record, that email will automatically be related to the Lead Record.

  • Emails can be sent from the following record types: Leads, Contacts, Opportunities, Accounts, and Projects.
  • Salesforce emails do not allow graphics to be inserted.



UI Steps

UI Step

The From field will automatically pre-populate with the current user's email but this can be changed using the drop-down for this field and selecting an alternate option.

UI Step

The To field will automatically pre-populate with either the current Lead or Contact, or the primary Contact on the Account, Opportunity, or Project record.

UI Step

The BCC field will automatically pre-populate with the current user. Use the X to remove if needed and add any other BCCs as needed.

UI Step

Use the Subject field as needed. Note that when using Email Templates, the Subject field will populate based on the specific template used.

UI Step

Input the body of the email in the large word formatting field. Note that when using Email Templates, the email body will populate based on the specific template used.

UI Step

Use the Paperclip icon to include an email attachment.

UI Step

Use the Template icon (the paper icon with the plus sign in the lower right-hand corner) to select from available email templates.

UI Step

The Email can be related to many record types though it will initially default to searching existing Account Records. Use the field to search for existing Account Records or choose another record type to relate the Email to using the drop-down menu on the right side of this field.

UI Step

Click Send when complete.


Aura - Tab

titleCRM Portal Home Page


The CRM Portal Home Page provides a high-level overview of current tasks, events, and leads that can also be easily and quickly created using the Quick Create menu. This is the default page that CRM Portal users will be brought to when signing into the Salesforce CRM Portal.

Image Modified

UI Expand
title1 - Quick Create Menu

UI Steps

UI Step

The Quick Create menu provides a quick way to create New Events, New Tasks, and Follow-Up records.


UI Step

When clicking any of these three options, a modal window will appear to document the details of the New Event, New Task, or Follow-Up record.

titleNew Event screenshot

titleNew Task screenshot

titleFollow-Up screenshot

UI Step

Required information on each modal window is identified by a red asterisk to the left of the field name.

UI Step

When creating New Task and Follow-Up records, The Assigned To field default to the Hub user creating the record. This can be changed. To assign the record to an alternate Hub member, click the X to the far right of the current assignee. then, begin typing in the name of the alternate Hub user into the same field. Available options will begin to appear below this field. Select the correct user.

titlewatch video

nameHubs Reassign Task or Followup.mp4

UI Expand
title2 - My Leads Panel



UI Steps

UI Step

Click a Lead name to quickly access the specific Lead record.

UI Step

Click View All to be taken to the Leads page. Please review the Leads tab on the left for more information regarding Leads.


UI Expand
title3 - Event & Task Calendar



UI Steps

UI Step

The Calendar will show only active Events that have been created and will only show those Events that have been assigned to the current user.

UI Step

Use the backward and forward arrows to navigate between Calendar months.

UI Step

Use the Calendar icon drop-down to change the Calendar view options (day, week, month).

UI Step

Use the New Event button to create a new Event. This is a similar process to using the Quick Create menu to create a new Event.

UI Step

Clicking a specific Event within the Calendar will direct you to the specific Event record.


UI Expand
title4 - Open Tasks Panel



UI Steps

UI Step

Only active, incomplete Tasks will appear in this panel.

UI Step

Click the Checkbox to the left of the Task name to mark as complete. Note that when checking the box, a modal window will appear to select an appropriate Task status. Currently the options are: Approved, Reject, and Completed.

UI Step

Once a Task is marked as complete, the task will be crossed out. A simple page refresh will remove the completed Task from the panel.

UI Step

Click View All to be taken to the Events & Tasks page. Please review the Events & Tasks tab on the left for more information regarding Tasks


When redirected to Events & Tasks page, it will show all tasks that have been assigned to you or that you created.


UI Expand
titleRelated Training Video

nameHUBS - CRM Portal Home Page.mp4

Aura - Tab

titleCreating & Converting Leads


The information below provides guidance on all aspects of lead creation and management. Hubs cannot delete leads or delete Lead Records. Should this be necessary, please work with your NYSERDA Project Manager.

UI Expand
titleWeb-to-Lead Form



UI Steps

UI Step

Hubs will receive the Web-to-Lead form HTML from the NYSERDA Program Team. The HTML will be unique to each Hub so that incoming leads are automatically assigned to the correct corresponding Hub Queue.


Hubs will need to provide the web domain names before NYSERDA can provide the HTML.

UI Step

The HTML can be set to any URL which might be shared via a Hub for customer outreach and can be used however the Hub requires to capture new leads and customers.

UI Step

The HTML can be updated to point to a specific redirect link after form completion and submittal. By default, the HTML will direct submitters to the NYSERDA website.

UI Step

Customers submitting an alternate Hub Web-to-Lead form will need to be manually reassigned to the correct Hub Queue by the Hub who received the leadTo change the webpage redirect, within the HTML change Line 111 values by inserting the Webpage.

UI Step

When possible, let customers know that completing the address fields will help NYSERDA determine which programs the customer is pre-qualified for. 


Red asterisk fields are required on the Web-to-Lead form. 


UI Expand
titleLeads CRM Portal Page


Page OptionsDescription/Function
1Lead QueuesGroups leads into helpful queues for easy review and access. Click the current queue to open the drop-down to select other available queues. Use the Pin icon to set a different queue as the default view when accessing this page.
2New Lead ButtonOpens a modal window to create a new lead. New leads are automatically added to the current users My Leads queue. Please review the Create New Lead section below for more information.
3Add to Campaign ButtonAssociates any number of leads on the current list to an active campaign. Individual leads on the lead list must be selected first using the checkbox to the left of any lead name. Review the Add to Campaign information in the Lead Record section below to learn how to assign leads to campaigns.
4Accept Change Status ButtonWhen clicked, any leads selected using the checkbox to the left of any lead name will have the lead owner changed to the active Hub user. Accepted leads will only be visible to the Hub member who Accepts them and will not be visible to any other Hub member. It is not recommended to Accept leads in bulk. Instead, review the Change Owner Button information in the Lead Record section below to learn how to change the lead owner.5Change Status ButtonWhen clicked, lead statuses can be lead statuses can be changed in bulk for any leads selected using the checkbox to the left of any lead name. It is not recommended to change lead statuses in bulk. Instead, review Review the Lead Status and Convert Leads information in the Lead Record section below to learn more.
6Printable View ButtonGenerates a document of the current lead queue that can be printed.

Leads List

A list of all leads in the currently selected queue. Access a specific Lead Record by clicking the name link in the Name Column.
6Search List Field

Filter the visible lead list below based on the search parameters

8Leads ListA list of all leads in the currently selected queue


Access a specific Lead Record by clicking the name link in the Name Column.

UI Expand
titleCreate New Lead



UI Steps

UI Step

Complete as many fields as possible when creating a New Lead noting that fields marked with a red asterisk are required and must be completed before the lead can be created. The following are required fields:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Company
  • Lead Status
  • Preferred Contact Method

The preferred method to enterleads is using your WTL form. 

If entering a Lead directly from Salesforce, Company is required. If the Lead is an individual, enterLast Name, First Name Individual in the Company field. If the Lead is representing a Company or Organization enter the Company or Organization name.

  • Lead Status
  • Preferred Contact Method

UI Step

Some fields have a small grey circular Information Icon. Hovering the cursor over this icon will display a tooltip

UI Step

Some fields have a small grey circular Information Icon. Hovering the cursor over this icon will display a tooltip with helpful information for that field. 

UI Step

Use the Search Address box to locate and populate the rest of the mailing address fields.

UI Step

Be sure to check the Mailing Address in DAC box or the Service Address in DAC box if the address(es) is/are within a Disadvantage Community. This helps NYSERDA determine if the lead is pre-approved for specific NYSERDA Programs.

UI Step

If the Mailing Geo Match Address or Service Geo Match Address fields contain information it indicates that the lead may be pre-approved for specific NYSERDA Programs.

UI Step

Click Save & New to save the Lead Record and generate a blank new lead form.

UI Step

New leads are automatically assigned and only visible to the lead creator.


UI Expand
titleLead Record

Record OptionsDescription/Function

Lead Status Conversion Tool

A tool to move the lead through the conversion process. Either click the Mark Status as Complete to update the lead status to the next sequential status in the tool or click on a specific status and click on the same button to update the lead to the selected status.


Leads should not be converted using the Converted status button on this tool as it will not convert the Lead Record to a Contact Record.

Lead Status Options and Definitions:

  • New: New lead created
  • Contacted: Initial contact was made through email, text, phone call, etc.
  • Open: Lead is interested in NYSERDA programs
  • Unqualified: Lead will not move forward with applying to NYSERDA programs
  • Converted: Lead converted to Contact, Opportunity, and Account.
2Follow ButtonReviewed on the Introduction Tab.
3Convert ButtonThe correct method to convert a Lead Record to a Contact Record. Review the Converting Leads section below for more information.
4Edit ButtonPlaces the entire Lead Record into edit mode. Be sure to Save when all changes have been made.
5Change Owner Button

The correct method of changing a Lead Record owner to an alternate Hub queue or Hub member.

titlescreen recording


The below video contains no sound.


6Details TabDisplays the Lead Record details that can be edits either through the pencil icon at the far right of any field in this tab or when using the Edit button in the controls at the top-right of this page.

Related Tab - Lead History

Displays the history of all changes to the Lead Record.

Related Tab - Activity History

Another mechanism to email the Lead by selecting the Send an Email button.

Related Tab - Campaign History

Displays any campaign(s) the Lead Record has been associated with. Provides the ability to add the lead to existing campaigns and, if the lead is assigned to an individual Hub member and not a Hub queue, can create a new campaign at the same time.

titlescreen recording


The below video contains no sound.

nameHubs Add to Campaign.mp4

Related Tab - Notes & Attachments

Displays any attachments uploaded to the Lead Record. Provides the ability to upload additional files.


Uploaded files must not contain any PPSI (Personal and Protected Sensitive Information)

8Feed Tab

Provides the ability to add an update to the Lead's Feed. Displays updated information to Users who Follow the Lead.

9Quick ToolsProvides access to Log CallsCreate New TasksCreate New Events, and Send Emails and links any of these record types to the Lead Record. These functions are reviewing in the Introduction Tab. Upcoming or overdue Tasks will appear in this section as well.

UI Expand
titleConverting Leads

When a Lead Record is ready to be converted into a Contact Record it is important that Hubs use the Convert Button on any Lead Record. Any other mechanism used to convert a lead will not work. When converting a lead, the system will also either create a related Account Record and Opportunity Record or will ask to assign the converted lead (Contact Record) to an existing Account Record and Opportunity Record.

UI Steps

UI Step

At the top of the Convert Lead screen, input an Account Name for the lead, being sure (this is the Person or Company Name), being sure to switch the record type to Individual Account (if a person) and Business Account (if a business). If the lead should be associated with an existing existing Account Record, click the Choose Existing radio button to search for and locate the existing Account Record.


UI Step

Next, update any of the Contact fields as needed. If the lead should be associated with an existing Contact Record, click the Choose Existing radio button to search for and locate the existing Contact Record. In most cases a new Contact Record will be created.


UI Step

Then, input the Opportunity Name. It is best practice to input an opportunity name that easily identifies a specific NYSERDA Program the customer is interested in. Account Records and Contact Records can have multiple opportunities and the person's First and Last Name (ex. Bilbo Baggins - Empower +). If the lead should be associated with an existing Opportunity Record, click the Choose Existing radio button to search for and locate the existing Opportunity Record. 


If you prefer to not create an opportunity upon conversion, a check box is available under the Create New field.


UI Step

Finally, update the Record Owner to an alternate Hub member or Hub queue if required. Leave the Converted Status field to the default Qualified option and click Convert.


UI Step

Once converted, the Salesforce CFM Portal will create any required records and/or link created records to existing ones based on the options chosen in the previous steps. Confirm the record creation/linkages on the next window.


UI Step

The converted lead confirmation window can be closed. Additionally, use the buttons on the bottom right to Create New Tasks that will be automatically linked to the account, contact, and opportunity records, or click Go to Leads to return to the leads page.

UI Expand
titleRelated Training Video

nameHUBS Creating and Converting Leads.mp4

Aura - Tab

titleCreating & Managing Contacts

UI Expand
titleContacts CRM Portal Page


Page OptionsDescription/Function 
1Contacts List ViewsGroups Contacts into helpful queues for easy review and access. Click the current queue to open the drop-down to select other available queues. Use the Pin icon to set a different queue as the default when accessing this page.

Search List Field

Filter the visible Contact list below based on the search parameters.


New Contacts Button

Opens a modal window to create a new contact. New contacts are automatically added to the current users My Contacts queue. Please review the Create New Contact section below for more information.

4Add to CampaignAssociates any number of contacts on the current list to an active campaign. Individual contacts on the contact list must be selected first using the checkbox to the left of any contact name. Review the Add to Campaign information in the Contact Record section below to learn how to assign contacts to campaigns.
5Contacts ListA list of all Contacts in the currently selected queue. Access a specific Contact Record by clicking the name link in the Name Column.

UI Expand
titleCreate New Contact



UI Steps

UI Step

Complete as many fields as possible when creating a New Contact noting that fields marked with a red asterisk are required and must be completed before the lead can be created. The following are required fields:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email Address
  • Phone Number

UI Step

Some fields have a small grey circular Information Icon. Hovering the cursor over this icon will display a tooltip with helpful information for that field. 

UI Step

Use the Search Address box to locate and populate the rest of the mailing address fields.

UI Step

Click Save & New to save the Contact Record and generate a blank new contact form.


UI Expand
titleContact Record

the lead

Record OptionsDescription/Function

Follow Button

Reviewed on the Introduction Tab.

2Edit ButtonPlaces the entire Contact Record into edit mode. Be sure to Save when all changes have been made.
3Clone ButtonCan be used to create an exact duplicate of this record. This may be a useful tool when creating an additional contact with similar information, such as a shared address.
4New NoteNotes are a useful way to add any additional context to a Contact record that may be helpful for you or other Hub members. Notes, once created, can be found in the Related tab on each Contact record.
5Details Tab

Displays the Contact Record details that can be edits either edited either through the pencil icon at the far right of any field in this tab or when using the Edit button in the controls at the top-right of this page.


Related Tab - Opportunities

Allows new opportunities to be created and automatically assigned to the current Contact Record. The process to create a new opportunity is outlined in the Create New Opportunity section in the Opportunities Tab to the left. Follow the instructions there to learn how to create an opportunity for a specific Contact Record.

Related Tab - Campaign History

Displays any campaign(s) the Contact Record has been associated with. Provides the ability to add the lead to existing campaigns and, if the lead is assigned to an individual Hub member and not a Hub queue, can create a new campaign at the same time.

titlescreen recording


The below video contains no sound.


Though the the below video was taken from the Add to Campaign option in the Lead Record, the process is the same as would be conducted in the Contact Record.

nameHubs Add to Campaign.mp4

Related Tab - Contact History

Displays the contact history for every logged call.

Related Tab - Notes & Attachments

Displays any attachments uploaded to

the Lead Record. Provides the ability to upload additional files.


Uploaded files must not contain any PPSI (Personal and Protected Sensitive Information)

Related Tab - Notes

Displays Notes created from the Notes button on the Details tab.

7Feed TabProvides the ability to add an update to the Contact Feed. Displays updated information to Users who Follow the Contact.
8Quick ToolsProvides access to Log CallsCreate New Quick ToolsProvides access to Log CallsCreate New TasksCreate New Events, and Send Emails and links any of these record types to the Contact Record. These functions are reviewing in the Introduction Tab. Upcoming or overdue Tasks will appear in this section as well.

UI Expand
titleRelated Training Video

nameHUBS Creating and Managing Contacts.mp4

Use the Add Contact Roles button to assign existing Contact Records to the current Opportunity Record. Additionally, use the Edit Contact Roles button to update the role an assigned Contact plays with respect to the opportunity (i.e., if the contact is the decision-maker, select that role option from the list when Editing Contact Roles.

Aura - Tab

titleCreating Opportunities

UI Expand
titleOpportunities CRM Portal Page


Page OptionsDescription/Function 
1Opportunities List ViewsGroups Opportunities into helpful queues for easy review and access. Click the current queue to open the drop-down to select other available queues. Use the Pin icon to set a different queue as the default when accessing this page.
2New Opportunities ButtonOpens a modal window to create a new Opportunity. New Opportunities are automatically added to the current users My Opportunity queue. Please review the Create New Opportunity section below for more information.
3Search List FieldFilter the visible Opportunities list below based on the search parameters.
4Opportunities ListA list of all Opportunities in the currently selected queue. Access a specific Opportunities Record by clicking the name link in the Name Column. 
5Printable View Button

Generates a document of the current lead queue that can be printed.

Image Removed

Opportunity Status Conversion Tool

The correct method of changing an Opportunity Record owner to an alternate Hub member. Use the Search Users field to search for and locate an alternate Hub member that should become the owner of the Opportunity Record. Check the Send Notification Email box to send the new owner an email notification of the change.

UI Expand
titleCreate New Opportunity


When creating an Opportunity without using the conversion process, the Account should be the Contact's Account. This will keep it consistent with the Opportunities that get created from the conversion process and allow the Account to connect the Contact and Opportunity.



UI Steps

UI Step

Complete as many fields as possible when creating a New Opportunity noting that fields marked with a red asterisk are required and must be completed before the opportunity can be created. The following are required fields:

titletips on required fields

Required FieldsTip

Application Type

  • Opportunity Name
  • Stage
  • Customer Type
  • Close Date
  • UI Step

    Some fields have a small grey circular Information Icon. Hovering the cursor over this icon will display a tooltip with helpful information for that field. 

    UI Step

    Use the Account Name field to locate and relate the opportunity to a specific account.

    UI Step

    Set the Stage drop-down to Nurturing if this is a brand new opportunity or to any other Stage as appropriate for the specific opportunity.

    UI Step

    Document the opportunity type in either/both the NYSERDA Program and Non-NYSERDA Program drop-down fields. If the opportunity does not appear on either of those drop-down fields, use the Other NYSERDA Program field to type in the opportunity.

    UI Step

    Click Save & New to save the Opportunity Record and generate a blank new opportunity form.

    UI Step

    New Opportunities are automatically assigned and only visible to the opportunity creator.


    Image Removed

    UI Expand
    titleOpportunity Record
    Record OptionsDescription/Function1

    A tool to move the Opportunity through the conversion process. Either click the Mark Status as Complete to update the opportunity status to the next sequential status in the tool or click on a specific status and click on the same button to update the lead to the selected status. Review the Converting Opportunities section below to learn more.

    Opportunity Status Options and Definitions:

    • Nurturing
    • Application in Development
    • Application Submitted
    • Application Approved
    • Project Contracted
    • Application Withdrawn
    • Closed
    2Follow ButtonReviewed on the Introduction Tab.
    3Edit ButtonPlaces the entire Opportunity Record into edit mode. Be sure to Save when all changes have been made.
    4Change Owner Button

    Image Removed

    5Change Record Type
    6Details TabDisplays the Opportunity Record details that can be edits either through the pencil icon at the far right of any field in this tab or when using the Edit button in the controls at the top-right of this page.
    7Related Tab - Contact Role

    Image Removed

    8Quick ToolsProvides access to Log CallsCreate New TasksCreate New Events, and Send Emails and links any of these record types to the Opportunity Record. These functions are reviewing in the Introduction Tab. Upcoming or overdue Tasks will appear in this section as well.
    UI Expand
    titleRelated Training

    nameHUBS Creating Opportunities.mp4

    Aura - Tab


    • Audit: Ex. Energy Audit and Assessment
    • Grant: Ex. Empower +
    • Loan: Ex. Financing Program
    • Not Applicable
    • NYSERDA Solicitation

    Opportunity Name

    Opportunities should be named by identifying the Customer's First and Last Name and the Program or Opportunity they are interested in

    (ex. Bilbo Baggins - Empower +).


    Customer Type

    Select one of the following:

    • Market rate
    • Multifamily
    • Not-for-profit
    • Residential
    • Small Commercial
    • Partner
    • Contractor/Installer
    • Builder
    • Trainer
    • Referral.

    Close Date

    Estimate closing date for opportunity. Can be adjusted, if needed. 


    For NYC Hubs are required to use the NYC  Hub Selection field to differentiate which NYC Hub entered the Opportunity.

    UI Step

    Some fields have a small grey circular Information Icon. Hovering the cursor over this icon will display a tooltip with helpful information for that field. 

    UI Step

    Use the Account Name field to locate and relate the opportunity to a specific account. 


    Ensure the correct Contact Account account is identified to connect the Contact and Opportunity.

    UI Step

    Set the Stage drop-down to Nurturing if this is a brand new opportunity or to any other Stage as appropriate for the specific opportunity. 

    titletips on stage options

    Stage OptionDescriptions
    NurturingGrowing relationship with Contact.
    Application in Development:Assisting with application development.
    Application SubmittedContact has submitted application.
    Application ApprovedContact application has been approved
    Project ContractedContact has been connected with a Contractor.

    Project Completed

    Project is complete.
    Application WithdrawnApplication was withdrawn.
    Closed - Customer Ineligible

    Contact was not eligible for program or resource the opportunity was closed. 


    Do not delete the Opportunity. A Contact might return at a later date to the Hub for assistance regarding this Opportunity, at which point the Stage would change.

    Closed - Customer Not Responsive

    Contact was not responsive the opportunity was closed. 


    Do not delete the Opportunity. A Contact might return at a later date to the Hub for assistance regarding this Opportunity, at which point the Stage would change.

    DeferredContact deferred the Opportunity for another time. 

    UI Step

    Document the opportunity type in either the NYSERDA Program or Non-NYSERDA Program orOther Program drop-down fields. If the opportunity does not appear on either of those drop-down fields, use the Other NYSERDA Program field to type in the opportunity. 


    Although selecting a NYSERDA Program or Non-NYSERDA Program is not required you must identify which program or resource you are connecting a Contact to.

    Each Opportunity must contain ONLY one program or resource identified for a Customer. If braiding or stacking programs for a Customer you must separately enter those programs or resources as opportunities.

    UI Step

    Click Save & New to save the Opportunity Record and generate a blank new opportunity form.

    UI Step

    New Opportunities are automatically assigned and only visible to the opportunity creator.


    Image Added

    Image Removed

    UI Expand
    titleOpportunity Record

    Image Added

    Record OptionsDescription/Function

    Opportunity Status Conversion Tool

    A tool to move the Opportunity through the conversion process. Either click the Mark Status as Complete to update the opportunity status to the next sequential status in the tool or click on a specific status and click on the same button to update the lead to the selected status. Review the Converting Opportunities section below to learn more.


    Stages can also be changed within the Details tab in the Stages field. These are the same Stages found in the Create New Opportunity tab. If updating Stages in the Details tab there are additional stage selections than provided with the Opportunity Status Conversion Tools. Those additional stage selections are identified and defined in the Create New Opportunity tab. 

    Opportunity Status Options and Definitions:

    • Nurturing - Growing relationship with Contact.
    • Application in Development - Assisting with application development.
    • Application Submitted - Contact has submitted application.
    • Application Approved - Contact application has been approved.
    • Project Contracted - Contact has been connected with a Contractor.
    • Application Withdrawn - Application was withdrawn.
    • Closed - Opportunity was closed. 


    Do not delete the Opportunity. A Contact might return at a later date to the Hub for assistance regarding this Opportunity, at which point  the Stage would change.

    2Follow ButtonReviewed on the Introduction Tab.
    3Edit ButtonPlaces the entire Opportunity Record into edit mode. Be sure to Save when all changes have been made.
    4Change Owner Button

    The correct method of changing an Opportunity Record owner to an alternate Hub member. Use the Search Users field to search for and locate an alternate Hub member that should become the owner of the Opportunity Record. Check the Send Notification Email box to send the new owner an email notification of the change.


    Image Added

    5Change Record Type

    Record Type identifies which NYSERDA Program the Opportunity belongs to. When a new Opportunity is created the record type is selected by the User. There are two record type options Clean Energy Hubs Opportunity and CEEP Legacy.

    All record typed created by the Hubs should be Clean Energy Hubs Opportunity.

    CEEP Legacy record types refer to CEEP contacts that have been migrated over to the CRM system. 

    6Details TabDisplays the Opportunity Record details that can be edits either through the pencil icon at the far right of any field in this tab or when using the Edit button in
    titleManaging Campaigns
    UI Expand
    titleCampaigns CRM Portal Page
    Page OptionsDescription/Function 
    1Campaigns List ViewsGroups Campaigns into helpful queues for easy review and access. Click the current queue to open the drop-down to select other available queues. Use the Pin icon to set a different queue as the default when accessing this page.
    2New Campaign ButtonOpens a modal window to create a new Campaign. New Campaigns are automatically added to the current users My Campaigns queue. Please review the Create New Campaign section below for more information.
    3Search List FieldFilter the visible lead list below based on the search parameters.
    4Campaigns ListA list of all Campaigns in the currently selected queue. Access a specific Campaign Record by clicking the name link in the Name Column.
    UI Expand
    titleCreate New Campaign

    During the process of Select a Record Type, only select the Regional Clean Energy Hubs as the option.

    Section Column
    UI Steps
    UI Step

    Complete as many fields as possible when creating a New Campaign noting that fields marked with a red asterisk are required and must be completed before the lead can be created. The following are required fields:

    • Campaign Name
    • Type
    UI Step

    Some fields have a small grey circular Information Icon. Hovering the cursor over this icon will display a tooltip with helpful information for that field. 

    UI Step

    Click Save & New to save the Campaign Record and generate a blank new Campaign form.

    UI Step

    New Campaigns are automatically assigned and only visible to the campaign creator.


    Image Removed

    UI Expand
    titleCampaign Record

    Image Removed

    The correct method of changing a Campaign Record owner to an alternate Hub queue or Hub member.

    Record OptionsDescription/Function
    1Follow ButtonReviewed on the Introduction Tab.
    2Edit ButtonPlaces the entire Campaign Record into edit mode. Be sure to Save when all changes have been made.
    3Clone ButtonCan be used to create an exact duplicate of this record. This may be a useful tool when creating an additional contact with similar information, such as a shared address.
    4Change Owner Button

    Image Removed

    5Details TabDisplays the Campaign Record details that can be edits either through the pencil icon at the far right of any field in this tab or when using the Edit button in the controls at the top-right of this page.67Related Tab - Campaign MembersContact Role

    Use the Add

    existing Leads or Contacts to the Campaign Record.Related Tab - Activity HistoryDisplays any email records sent as part of the select campaign. Use the Send an Email button to send an email to all associated Campaign Members.Related Tab - Attachments

    Upload any related campaign Attachments using the Upload Files button. Otherwise, view and related campaign attachments previously uploaded.


    Attachments must not contain PPSI (Personal or Protected Sensitive Information)

    UI Expand
    titleAdd Campaign Members
    UI Steps
    UI Step

    From a Campaign Record, access the Related tab to add LeadsContacts, or Accounts to that Campaign. Note that the Accounts option can be found by clicking the small blue arrow to the right of the Add Leads and Add Contacts buttons.


    Image Removed

    UI Step

    Once an Add Leads, Add Contacts, or Add Accounts button is clicked, you will be taken to a search window. Use the Search field to locate the correct LeadContact, or Account record or select from one of the Recent options visible by clicking the Plus Icon. Click Next when the correct record is selected.

    Image Removed
    UI Step

    On the next screen, click Submit. Note that if you choose the Overwrite member status option, all existing campaign members will be overwritten with the new member and will no longer be associated with the campaign.


    Image Removed

    UI Expand
    titleRelated Training

    nameHUBS Creating and Leveraging Campaigns.mp4

    Contact Roles button to assign existing Contact Records to the current Opportunity Record. Additionally, use the Edit Contact Roles button to update the role an assigned Contact plays with respect to the opportunity (i.e., if the contact is the decision-maker, select that role option from the list when Editing Contact Roles.


    Image Added

    8Feed Tab

    Provides the ability to add an update to the Opportunity Feed. Displays updated information to Users who Follow the Opportunity.

    9Quick Tools

    Provides access to Log CallsCreate New TasksCreate New Events, and Send Emails and links any of these record types to the Opportunity Record. These functions are reviewing in the Introduction Tab. Upcoming or overdue Tasks will appear in this section as well.

    10NYC Hub Selection

    To be used by NYC Hubs ONLY. All NYC Hubs must select their Hub from the dropdown menu. 

    UI Expand
    titleRelated Training Video

    nameHUBS Creating Opportunities.mp4

    Image Removed

    Displays both notes and uploaded attachments. Use the Upload Files button to upload new documents.

    Aura - Tab
    Aura - Tab

    Image Removed

    titleCreating & Managing Account
    UI Expand
    titleAccounts CRM Portal Page
    Page OptionsDescription/Function 
    1Accounts List ViewsGroups Accounts into helpful queues for easy review and access. Click the current queue to open the drop-down to select other available queues. Use the Pin icon to set a different queue as the default when accessing this page.
    2New Accounts ButtonOpens a modal window to create a new Account. New Accounts are automatically added to the current users My Accounts queue. Please review the Create New Account section below for more information.
    3Search Accounts FieldFilter the visible Account list below based on the search parameters.
    4Accounts ListA list of all Accounts in the currently selected queue. Access a specific Account Record by clicking the name link in the Name Column.
    UI Expand
    titleCreate New Account
    UI Steps
    UI Step

    Complete as many fields as possible when creating a New Account noting that fields marked with a red asterisk are required and must be completed before the lead can be created. The following are required fields:

    • Account Name
    UI Step

    Some fields have a small grey circular Information Icon. Hovering the cursor over this icon will display a tooltip with helpful information for that field. 

    UI Step

    Use the Search Address box to locate and populate the rest of the mailing address fields.

    UI Step

    Be sure to check the Mailing Address in DAC box or the Service Address in DAC box if the address(es) is/are within a Disadvantage Community.

    UI Step

    If the Mailing Geo Match Address or Service Geo Match Address fields contain information it indicates that the lead may be pre-approved for specific NYSERDA Programs.

    UI Step

    Click Save & New to save the Account Record and generate a blank new Account form.

    UI Step

    New Accounts are automatically assigned and only visible to the Account creator.


    Image Removed

    UI Expand
    titleAccount Record
    Record OptionsDescription/Function
    1Follow ButtonReviewed on the Introduction Tab.
    2Edit ButtonPlaces the entire Account Record into edit mode. Be sure to Save when all changes have been made.
    3New NoteNotes are a useful way to add any additional context to an account record that may be helpful for you or other Hub members. Notes, once created, can be found in the Related tab on each account record.
    4Details Tab

    Displays the Account Record details that can be edits either through the pencil icon at the far right of any field in this tab or when using the Edit button in the controls at the top-right of this page.

    5Related Tab - Contacts

    Displays Contact Records associated with the account. Use the New button to create a new Contact Record. Refer to the Create New Contact section in the Contacts tab to the left to learn more.

    Related Tab - Program PartnershipsDisplays any Program Partnerships related to the account.
    Related Tab - Contractor ApplicationsDisplays any completed applications related to the account.
    Related Tab - Opportunities

    Displays any associated opportunities created and aligned to the account. Use the new button to create a new opportunity. Please refer to the Create New Opportunity section of the Opportunities tab to the left to learn more.

    Related Tab - Open Activities

    Displays existing Task and Event Records associated with the Account Record. Use the New Task or New Event button to create new tasks or events associated with the account.

    Related Tab - Activity HistoryDisplays any email notifications sent through the Account Record to the associated Contacts.
    Related Tab - Notes & Attachments

    Do not upload files with PPSI (Personal or Protected Sensitive Information)

    Related Tab - Account HistoryDisplays a list of all changes or updates made with respect to the Account Record.6Quick Tools

    Provides access to Log CallsCreate New TasksCreate New Events, and Send Emails and links any of these record types to the Account Record. These functions are reviewing in the Introduction Tab. Upcoming or overdue Tasks will appear in this section as well.

    Aura - Tab
    titleAccessing Project Records
    UI Expand
    titleProjects CRM Portal Page
    Managing Campaigns


    Campaigns are a helpful tool to group Contact, Leads, Opportunities, and Accounts into categories determined by the Hubs. Sample categories include Multifamily, Single Family, Commercial, Small Business, Events, etc. 

    UI Expand
    titleCampaigns CRM Portal Page

    Image Added

    Page OptionsDescription/Function 
    1Campaigns List ViewsGroups Campaigns into helpful queues for easy review and access. Click the current queue to open the drop-down to select other available queues. Use the Pin icon to set a different queue as the default when accessing this page.
    2New Campaign ButtonOpens a modal window to create a new Campaign. New Campaigns are automatically added to the current users My Campaigns queue. Please review the Create New Campaign section below for more information.
    3Search List FieldFilter the visible lead list below based on the search parameters.
    4Campaigns ListA list of all Campaigns in the currently selected queue. Access a specific Campaign Record by clicking the name link in the Name Column.

    UI Expand
    titleCreate New Campaign



    UI Steps

    UI Step

    When creating a new Campaign, the Select a Record Type window will pop-up. Only select the Regional Clean Energy Hubs as the option and click Next


    Image Added

    UI Step

    Complete as many fields as possible when creating a New Campaign noting that fields marked with a red asterisk are required and must be completed before the lead can be created. The following are required fields:

    • Campaign Name
    • Type


    Although not required, check the Active box to signify that the Campaign is active. 

    UI Step

    Some fields have a small grey circular Information Icon. Hovering the cursor over this icon will display a tooltip with helpful information for that field. 

    UI Step

    Click Save & New to save the Campaign Record and generate a blank new Campaign form.

    UI Step

    New Campaigns are automatically assigned and only visible to the campaign creator.


    Image Added

    UI Expand
    titleCampaign Record

    Image Added

    Record OptionsDescription/Function
    1Follow ButtonReviewed on the Introduction Tab.
    2Edit ButtonPlaces the entire Campaign Record into edit mode. Be sure to Save when all changes have been made.
    3Clone ButtonCan be used to create an exact duplicate of this record. This may be a useful tool when creating an additional contact with similar information, such as a shared address.
    4Change Owner Button

    The correct method of changing a Campaign Record owner to an alternate Hub queue or Hub member.


    Image Added

    5Details TabDisplays the Campaign Record details that can be edits either through the pencil icon at the far right of any field in this tab or when using the Edit button in the controls at the top-right of this page.
    6Related Tab - Campaign Members

    Add existing Leads or Contacts to the Campaign Record.

    Related Tab - Activity HistoryDisplays any email records sent as part of the select campaign. Use the Send an Email button to send an email to all associated Campaign Members.
    Related Tab - Attachments

    Upload any related campaign Attachments using the Upload Files button. Otherwise, view and related campaign attachments previously uploaded.


    Attachments must not contain PPSI (Personal or Protected Sensitive Information)

    UI Expand
    titleAdd Campaign Members

    UI Steps

    UI Step

    From a Campaign Record, access the Related tab to add LeadsContacts, or Accounts to that Campaign. Note that the Accounts option can be found by clicking the small blue arrow to the right of the Add Leads and Add Contacts buttons.


    Image Added

    UI Step

    Once an Add Leads, Add Contacts, or Add Accounts button is clicked, you will be taken to a search window. Use the Search field to locate the correct LeadContact, or Account record or select from one of the Recent options visible by clicking the Plus Icon. Click Next when the correct record is selected.

    Image Added

    UI Step

    On the next screen, click Submit. Note that if you choose the Overwrite member status option, all existing campaign members will be overwritten with the new member and will no longer be associated with the campaign.


    Image Added

    UI Expand
    titleRelated Training Video

    nameHUBS Creating and Leveraging Campaigns.mp4

    Aura - Tab

    titleCreating & Managing Account

    UI Expand
    titleAccounts CRM Portal Page


    Image Added

    Page OptionsDescription/Function 
    1Accounts List ViewsGroups Accounts into helpful queues for easy review and access. Click the current queue to open the drop-down to select other available queues. Use the Pin icon to set a different queue as the default when accessing this page.
    2New Accounts ButtonOpens a modal window to create a new Account. New Accounts are automatically added to the current users My Accounts queue. Please review the Create New Account section below for more information.
    3Search Accounts FieldFilter the visible Account list below based on the search parameters.
    4Accounts ListA list of all Accounts in the currently selected queue. Access a specific Account Record by clicking the Account name hyperlink in the Account Name Column.

    UI Expand
    titleCreate New Account


    Best Practice is to not create new accounts unless you are entering a Business or Organization with Multiple Contacts.



    UI Steps

    UI Step

    When creating a new Account, the Select a Record Type window will pop-up. Choose your account type and click Next


    Image Added

    UI Step

    Complete as many fields as possible when creating a New Account noting that fields marked with a red asterisk are required and must be completed before the lead can be created. The following are required fields:

    • Account Name

    Account Name shall be the individual’s name ex: Mary Dawn

    UI Step

    Some fields have a small grey circular Information Icon. Hovering the cursor over this icon will display a tooltip with helpful information for that field. 

    UI Step

    Use the Search Address box to locate and populate the rest of the mailing address fields.

    UI Step

    Click Save & New to save the Account Record and generate a blank new Account form.

    UI Step

    New Accounts are automatically assigned and only visible to the Account creator.


    Image Added

    UI Expand
    titleAccount Record

    Image Added

    Record OptionsDescription/Function
    1Follow ButtonReviewed on the Introduction Tab.
    2Edit ButtonPlaces the entire Account Record into edit mode. Be sure to Save when all changes have been made.
    3New NoteNotes are a useful way to add any additional context to an account record that may be helpful for you or other Hub members. Notes, once created, can be found in the Related tab on each account record.
    4Details Tab

    Displays the Account Record details that can be edited either through the pencil icon at the far right of any field in this tab or when using the Edit button in the controls at the top-right of this page.

    5Related Tab - Contacts

    Displays Contact Records associated with the account. Use the New button to create a new Contact Record. Refer to the Create New Contact section in the Contacts tab to the left to learn more. Used for Business Accounts. However, you may add the household names as contacts.

    Related Tab - Program Partnerships Used for Business AccountsDisplays any Program Partnerships related to the account.
    Related Tab - Opportunities

    Displays any associated opportunities created and aligned to the account. Use the new button to create a new opportunity. Please refer to the Create New Opportunity section of the Opportunities tab to the left to learn more.

    Related Tab - Open Activities

    Displays existing Task and Event Records associated with the Account Record. Use the New Task or New Event button to create new tasks or events associated with the account.

    Related Tab - Activity HistoryDisplays any email notifications sent through the Account Record to the associated Contacts.
    Related Tab - Notes & Attachments

    Displays both notes and uploaded attachments. Use the Upload Files button to upload new documents.


    Do not upload files with PPSI (Personal or Protected Sensitive Information)

    Related Tab - Account HistoryDisplays a list of all changes or updates made with respect to the Account Record.
    6Feed Tab

    Provides the ability to add an update to the Account Feed. Displays updated information to Users who Follow the Account.

    7Quick Tools

    Provides access to Log CallsCreate New TasksCreate New Events, and Send Emails and links any of these record types to the Account Record. These functions are reviewing in the Introduction Tab. Upcoming or overdue Tasks will appear in this section as well.

    Aura - Tab

    titleAccessing Project Records

    UI Expand
    titleProjects CRM Portal Page


    Image Added

    Page OptionsDescription/Function 
    1Projects List ViewsGroups Projects into helpful queues for easy review and access. Click the current queue to open the drop-down to select other available queues. Use the Pin icon to set a different queue as the default when accessing this page.
    2Search Projects FieldFilter the visible Project list below based on the search parameters.
    3Projects ListA list of all Projects in the currently selected queue. Access a specific Project Record by clicking the name link in the Name Column.

    UI Expand
    titleProject Record

    Image Added

    Record OptionsDescription/Function
    1Follow ButtonReviewed on the Introduction Tab.

    New Note

    Notes are a useful way to add any additional context to a project record that may be helpful for you or other Hub members. Notes, once created, can be found in the Related tab on each project record.

    3Edit Button

    Places the entire Project Record into edit mode. Be sure to Save when all changes have been made.

    4Details TabDisplays the Project Record details that can be edits either through the pencil icon at the far right of any field in this tab or when using the Edit button in the controls at the top-right of this page.
    5Related Tab - Engagements

    Lists all Engagement Objects created to document the work done for the project. Please refer to the Project Engagement Objects section below to learn more. 


    For the Hub Regional Project record, Monthly Engagements may be entered. For Applications submitted, Hubs will not be entering an Engagement to a Project Record.

    6Related Tab - Project Invoices

    Displays all Invoices that have been submitted for the project. Clicking the Invoice Number link will bring you to the Invoice Record in Salesforce.


    For the Hub Regional Project record, Monthly Invoices Submitted will appear. It is recommended that the entry of a New Invoice be submitted through the Partner Portal.

    7Quick ToolsProvides access to Log CallsCreate New TasksCreate New Events, and Send Emails and links any of these record types to the Project Record. These functions are reviewed in the Introduction Tab. Upcoming or overdue Tasks will appear in this section as well.

    UI Expand
    titleProject Engagement Objects


    Information entered for each engagement object is automatically added to the monthly report. Monthly reports are a requirement for Hubs to ensure that NYSERDA has a firm accounting of all the work done for the project and is used when reviewing and approving invoices.

    UI Steps

    UI Step

    Click the New button in the Engagements section of the Related Tab.


    Image Added

    UI Step

    In the New Engagement window, select the category that best matches the related work done for the project, then click the Next button.


    Each engagement type provides a different set of fields when documenting the work.


    Please note that Hub Directors shall ONLY enter Capacity Gaps and Program Market Feedback Engagements.

    There should be at a minimum one (1) entry for each Hub member requesting reimbursement on the monthly invoice.

    Each Engagement shall be tied to the Statement of Work (SOW) Task. (Required field for each Engagement).

    titlerecord type guide

    Record TypeDescription
    AccomplishmentsIdentify significant events, Administrative (meetings) and Project Management tasks; and a roll up of the number of opportunities e.g., 14 new opportunities, in conversation with 12 existing opportunities, and 3 withdrew their application.  
    CampaignsNew community campaigns launched, or activities related to existing community campaigns that the Hub has taken over.
    Capacity Gaps

    Identify the Hub capacity issues/gaps (e.g., administrative, management and staff knowledge, skills, geographic each, partnerships/network management, etc.) or issues impacting the effective delivery of Hub services in the Region, identify necessary resources to address the capacity issues/gaps, and what measures the Hub leadership team has taken.

    Local Pilot ProjectsActivities pertaining to approved Local Project Support funding.

    Articles, Social Media, Email, News (PSA, Cable, TV), Press Release, Print, and Radio. All marketing materials shall be approved by NYSERDA prior to placement, unless key messaging is used.


    Presentations, Exhibitor opportunities, Stakeholder Forums, Energy Literacy Workshops, and Trainings provided. Attendance sheets are required for Stakeholder Forums and Energy Literacy Workshops; however, sign in sheets for other outreach engagements are encouraged.

    To upload attachments, the Engagement record must be created. Then use the drop down and select the Hub Name, Open the Engagement, click Related tab and upload the attendance/sign in sheets.

    PartnershipsNew partnerships established. A Partnership Support Letter is required to be uploaded. Support letters shall be on the Partner’s letterhead and outline how the Partner will work with the Hub to meet the Hub goals.  To upload the Support Letter, enter the Engagement, located the record, lick the Related Tab, and upload the document.
    Program - Market FeedbackIdentify any significant events, deviations from the budget opportunities and challenges, feedback or problems encountered during the month that could be shared with NYSERDA program teams. Do NOT include contractual issues.


    Image Added

    UI Step

    In the next window, fill in the required fields then click the Save & New button.



    The screenshot below references the Accomplishments engagement object fields and does not convey the fields required for other engagement object types.

    Image Added

    UI Step

    To EditDelete, or Clone an Engagement Object click the name of the engagement object from the Engagements list in the Related Tab. Make any edits as needed, being sure to save before exiting.

    UI Expand
    titleRelated Training Video

    nameHUBS Accessing Project Records.mp4

    Aura - Tab

    titleWorking With Reports

    UI Expand
    titleCreate New Report


    Each Hub has a folder that contains their reports which is located under All Folders in the Reports tab. 

    titleHub Pre-defined Reports

    Hub – Opportunities

    Hub – Converted Leads

    Hub – Prime Hub Contacts w/Activities

    Hub – Prime Hub Leads w/Activities

    Hub – Monthly Report Roll Up  (Required for Monthly Invoice)

    Hub Monthly Report – Part 1 and Part 2 (separate report rolled into Monthly Report Roll Up)


    Image Added

    UI Steps

    UI Step

    On the Reports tab, click the New Report button to start the process.


    Image Added

    UI Step

    In the Create Report window, choose a Report Type which defines the tables and fields you can have in the report. Use the Category on the left to filter the report types by the main objects you want to report on.


    Image Added

    UI Step

    Once the Report Type is selected, click the Start Report button.


    Image Added

    UI Step

    On the New Report page, you can drag and drop the categories under the Column section to the table on right. If any changes to the table were made, click the Run button to see how the Report would look like.


    Image Added

    UI Step

    Once you are ready to save the report, click the Save button. 


    For Hub member visibility, save New Reports to the Hub Folder.


    Image Added

    UI Step

    On the Save Report pop-up window, update the report name and add a discription. 


    Image Added

    UI Step

    When saving a report, if you want to share the report with other users in the Hub, the report should be saved in your Hubs folder (Private Reports Folder is set as the default). Click the Select Folder button and choose your Hubs Folder.


    Image Added

    UI Step

    In the Select window pop-up, click the folder name starting with HUBS, then click the Select Folder button to continue.


    Image Added

    UI Step

    Once you are ready to save the report, click the Save button. 


    Image Added

    UI Expand
    titleReports CRM Portal Page

    Image Added

    Page OptionsDescription/Function
    1Search ReportsFilter the visible Reports list below based on the search parameters.

    New Report

    Allows users to run pre-configured reports. There is some flexibility in what each report will show. Please review the recording in the Reports Training Video section below to learn more.

    3Report Folders

    Groups reports together based on the report folder commonality.

    4Available Reports

    Displays all reports for the select folder.

    UI Expand
    titleReports Training Video

    nameHUBS Working With Reports.mp4

    Aura - Tab

    titleManaging Tasks

    UI Expand
    titleTasks CRM Portal Page


    Image Added

    Page OptionsDescription/Function 
    1Tasks List ViewsGroups Tasks into helpful queues for easy review and access. Click the current queue to open the drop-down to select other available queues. Use the Pin icon to set a different queue as the default when accessing this page.
    2Search Tasks Field

    Filter the visible Task list below based on the search parameters.


    New Tasks Button

    Opens a modal window to create a new lead. New Tasks are automatically added to the current users queue. Please review the Create New Task section below for more information.
    4Tasks List list of all Tasks in the currently selected queue. Access a specific Task Record by clicking the name link in the Name Column.

    UI Expand
    titleCreate New Task



    UI Steps

    UI Step

    Complete as many fields as possible when creating a New Task noting that fields marked with a red asterisk are required and must be completed before the lead can be created. The following are required fields:

    • Assigned to
    • Subject
    • Priority - should always be set to Normal. High priority assignments should be done via email or telephone
    • Status
      • Open - Assigned to Hub Member

      • Approved - Assignee approves email, accepts the meeting

      • Rejected - Assignee rejects the task, comments should be included in the comments as to why the Task was rejected

      • Completed - Task finished


    The Type drop-down is action to be taken by the Assigned Hub Member.

    UI Step

    Click Save & New to save the Task and generate a blank new form.

    UI Step

    New Tasks are automatically assigned and only visible to the creator.


    Image Added

    UI Expand
    titleTask Record

    Image Added

    Record OptionsDescription/Function
    1Mark CompleteAllows user to update Task status to ApprovedReject, or Completed.

    Edit Button

    Places the entire Task Record into edit mode. Be sure to Save when all changes have been made.

    3Delete Button

    Delete the Task Record.

    4Change Date

    Allows user to change the Due Date of the Task.

    5Details TabDisplays the Task Record details that can be edited either through the pencil icon at the far right of any field in this tab or when using the Edit button in the controls at the top-right of this page.
    6Related Tab - Notes & Attachments

    Displays both notes and uploaded attachments. Use the Upload Files button to upload new documents. 


    Do not upload files with PPSI (Personal or Protected Sensitive Information)

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    Aura - Tab
    Page OptionsDescription/Function 
    1Projects List ViewsGroups Projects into helpful queues for easy review and access. Click the current queue to open the drop-down to select other available queues. Use the Pin icon to set a different queue as the default when accessing this page.
    2Search Projects FieldFilter the visible Project list below based on the search parameters.
    3Projects ListA list of all Projects in the currently selected queue. Access a specific Project Record by clicking the name link in the Name Column.
    UI Expand
    titleProject Record
    Record OptionsDescription/Function
    1Follow ButtonReviewed on the Introduction Tab.

    New Note

    Notes are a useful way to add any additional context to a project record that may be helpful for you or other Hub members. Notes, once created, can be found in the Related tab on each project record.

    3Change Record Type
    4Edit Button

    Places the entire Project Record into edit mode. Be sure to Save when all changes have been made.

    5Details TabDisplays the Project Record details that can be edits either through the pencil icon at the far right of any field in this tab or when using the Edit button in the controls at the top-right of this page.
    6Related Tab - Engagements

    Lists all Engagement Objects created to document the work done for the project. Please refer to the Project Engagement Objects section below to learn more.

    Related Tab - Project InvoicesDisplays all Invoices that have been submitted for the project. Clicking the Invoice Number link will bring you to the Invoice Record in Salesforce.
    7Quick ToolsProvides access to Log CallsCreate New TasksCreate New Events, and Send Emails and links any of these record types to the Project Record. These functions are reviewing in the Introduction Tab. Upcoming or overdue Tasks will appear in this section as well.
    UI Expand
    titleProject Engagement Objects

    Information entered for each engagement object is automatically added to the monthly report. Monthly reports are a requirement for Hubs to ensure that NYSERDA has a firm accounting of all the work done for the project and is used when reviewing and approving invoices.

    UI Steps
    UI Step

    Click the New button in the Engagements section of the Related Tab.


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    UI Step

    In the New Engagement window, select the category that best matches the related work done for the project, then click the Next button.


    Each engagement type provides a different set of fields when documenting the work.


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    UI Step

    In the next window, fill in the required fields then click the Save & New button.


    The screenshot below references the Accomplishments engagement object fields and does not convey the fields required for other engagement object types.

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    UI Step

    To EditDelete, or Clone an Engagement Object click the name of the engagement object from the Engagements list in the Related Tab. Make any edits as needed, being sure to save before exiting.

    UI Expand
    titleRelated Training

    nameHUBS Accessing Project Records.mp4

    Aura - Tab

    titleWorking With ReportsInvoicing

    Image Removed

    UI Expand
    titleReports CRM Portal Page
    Page OptionsDescription/Function
    1Search ReportsFilter the visible Reports list below based on the search parameters.

    New Report

    Allows users to run pre-configured reports. There is some flexibility in what each report will show. Please review the recording in the Reports Training Video section below to learn more.

    3Report Folders

    Groups reports together based on the report folder commonality.

    4Available Reports

    Displays all reports for the select folder.

    UI Expand
    titleReports Training Video

    nameHUBS Working With Reports.mp4

    Aura - Tab
    titleEvents & Tasks
    titleManaging Events & Tasks
    UI Expand
    titleEvents & Tasks CRM Portal Page

    Image Removed

    Page OptionsDescription/Function 1Events & Tasks List ViewsGroups Events & Tasks into helpful queues for easy review and access. Click the current queue to open the drop-down to select other available queues. Use the Pin icon to set a different queue as the default when accessing this page.2New Events & Tasks ButtonOpens a modal window to create a new lead. New Events & Tasks are automatically added to the current users queue. Please review the Create New Event or Task section below for more information.3Search Events & Tasks FieldFilter the visible Event & Task list below based on the search parameters.4Events & Tasks List list of all Events & Tasks in the currently selected queue. Access a specific Event & Task Record by clicking the name link in the Name Column. UI Expand
    titleCreate New Event or Task
    Section Column
    UI Steps
    UI Step

    Complete as many fields as possible when creating a New Event or Task noting that fields marked with a red asterisk are required and must be completed before the lead can be created. The following are required fields:

    • Assigned to
    • Subject
    • Priority
    • Status
    UI Step

    Click Save & New to save the Event or Task and generate a blank new form.

    UI Step

    New Events or Tasks are automatically assigned and only visible to the creator.

    Creating an Invoice

    UI Steps

    UI Step

    In the CRM Salesforce Portal, click on the Go to Partner Portal tab to access the NYSERDA Portal.


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    UI Step

    Within the Portal, click on the Projects tab.


    Image Added

    UI Step

    Under the drop down menu, select the queue Regional Clean Energy Hubs. Once the queue is selected, the filter will show all related projects for that Hub member.


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    UI Step

    Click on the Project Name hyperlink to access the Project Details page.


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    UI Step

    In the Project Record, scroll down to the Project Invoices section and click on the New Project Invoice button. 


    Image Added

    UI Step

    In the Budget Line Items page, the Hubs member will document how much money should be invoiced against each of the Budget Line Items by typing in the amount in the boxes under the Current Invoice Amount column.


    Image Added

    UI Step

    To enter the Cost-Share amount, click the Pencil icon to open the cost-share column, enter the cost-share associated with the Budget lines and click the Green Arrow icon to save. 


    Image Added

    UI Step

    Click the Save button, the Monthly Invoice will appear. Then, enter the Invoice Amount into the NYSERDA column of the Current Invoice amount.


    Hubs may click Continue or Edit, if revisions are needed.


    Image Added

    UI Step

    Enter the Cost Share Total from the first page in the Cost Share column. The total is shown at the top of the invoice. Then, click the Cost Share Details hyperlink to include the Cost Share amount. 


    Image Added

    UI Step

    Enter the amount and click the Add New Entry hyperlink if additional Entities are needed. Then, click the Save button.


    Image Added

    UI Step

    Use the Customer Invoice # box if the Hubs member or team has a different invoicing numbering mechanism, to create a parity for reference between the invoicing process. 

    Use Invoice Notes to enter the Hubs Name, Month, and Year Invoice. Also include any special instructions for finance ex: split between funding sources, how cost share was derived.

    Then click the Save button to continue.


    Image Added

    UI Step

    In the Review page, validate the invoice summary. Then, click on the Manage Documents link. 


    Image Added

    UI Step

    In the Supporting Documents page, click the Choose File button to upload the required Monthly Report (Opportunities Report and Monthly Roll Up Report) and Invoicing Documentation for yourself and your subcontractors. Use the box under Document Name to give the supporting documents a title. The Invoicing Documentation shall be one PDF file. The Opportunities and Monthly Roll Up Reports shall be Excel files.


    There are times when receipts will need to be submitted for justification and proof of purchased materials.


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    UI Step

    Once all supporting documents are uploaded, click the Save button to save the documents. Then click the Back to Invoice link to go back. 


    Image Added

    UI Step

    Please leave the Invoice in Draft status. DO NOT click Submit. Email your NYSERDA Project Manager that your Month/Year invoice is in Salesforce for review. This will allow revisions to be resolved prior to submitting to NYSERDA Finance. 


    The NYSERDA Project Manager will email their approval or request revisions/clarifications within 3-4 days of receipt of the email.

    UI Step

    After validation by the NYSERDA Project Manager, click Submit.


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    UI Expand
    titleRejected Invoices


    If your invoice is rejected, your NYSERDA Project Manager will change the invoice status to Draft so that you are able to make the required changes to ensure the invoice can be approved by NYSERDA's Finance team. The instructions below will guide you on how to re-access the Invoice from the Project Record in the NYSERDA Partner Portal.

    UI Steps

    UI Step

    Follow steps 1 - 4 in Creating an Invoice section above.

    UI Step

    In the Project Record, scroll down to the Project Invoices section to locate the invoice set back to Draft status.


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    UI Step

    Open the Draft Invoice, click Edit and revise the invoice according to your PM's instructions.

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    titleRelated Training

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    UI Expand
    titleEvent or Task Record

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    Record OptionsDescription/Function1Mark CompleteAllows user to update Task or Event status to ApprovedReject, or Completed.2

    Edit Button

    Places the entire Task or Event Record into edit mode. Be sure to Save when all changes have been made.

    3Delete Button

    Delete the Task or Event Record.

    4Change Date

    Allows user to change the Due Date of the Task or Event.

    5Details TabDisplays the Task or Event Record details that can be edited either through the pencil icon at the far right of any field in this tab or when using the Edit button in the controls at the top-right of this page. Aura - Tab

    nameHubs Salesforce Invoicing Training.mp4

    Aura - Tab
    titleCase Management

    titleCase Management

    Case Creation


    nameEmPower and HUBS Case Creation.mp4
    pageExternal Guide Video Library

    Case Escalation Process


    nameEmPower and HUBS Case Escalation Process Video.mp4
    pageExternal Guide Video Library

    Monitoring & Checking on Case Status


    nameEmPower and HUBS Monitoring and Checking on Cases Video.mp4
    pageExternal Guide Video Library

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