styles | {"body":{"text":{"color":"#465671","textAlign":"left","fontWeight":"normal","fontSize":14}},"header":{"backgroundColor":{" |
tab | 1 |
styles | {"body":{"text":{"color":"#465671","textAlign":"left","fontWeight":"normal","fontSize":14}},"header":{"backgroundColor":{"color":"#ffffff"}},"headline":{"text":{"text":"STEP |
| 3 | Partner Utility Information","color":"#233e90","textAlign":"left","fontWeight":"normal","fontSize":26}},"base":{"boxShadow":{"shadows":[{"color":"rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08)","x":0,"y":1,"blur":1,"spread":0},{"color":"rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.16)","x":0,"y":1,"blur":3,"spread":1}]},"backgroundColor":{"color":"#ffffff"},"border":{"color":"#233e90","style":"solid","width":4,"bottom":false,"top":false,"left":true,"right":false},"borderRadius":{"radius":4}}} | body | <p><br /></p> |
| Expand |
| Aura - Title |
color | #0077c8 |
textAlign | left |
fontSize | 24 |
lineHeight | 24 |
cloudText | Demo Title |
tag | h6 |
fontWeight | normal |
| Complete the | PartnerUtility Information section: |
Section |
Column |
| UI Steps |
| a Contractor from the Contractor Selection drop-down. Expand |
title | Rules to Selecting a Contractor |
| - When selecting a Contractor, you can either,
- Select one that you have already been working with,
- Select the Select Next Available option to have the next available Contractor assigned to your project, or
- Select your preference for a Contractor Partner from the list.
- Only those Contractors that serve your designated area will appear on the list.
- If you do not see a Contractor, it is likely because they do not serve your area.
- If a selected Contractor cannot perform the work due to scheduling restrictions, they may not accept the project.
- If so, an alternate will be selected by CLEAResult Shared Services.
- CLEAResult Shared Services selects Contractors when Paper Applications are submitted or if the Applicant did not select one when applying online.
- When applicants apply using a Campaign Code, the Contractor will be selected automatically.
- Applicants can change the pre-selected Contractor at need.
the Electric Utility Provider and the Primary Heating Fuel Type for the site. |
UI Step |
Selecting either Natural Gas or Other from the Primary Heating Fuel Type drop-down will enable an additional required field for this section that must be completed. |
UI Step |
Include Electric Utility and Primary Fuel Account Numbers. These fields are optional. However, providing NYSERDA with this information will enable us to provide the most accurate and effective recommendations for work that will be performed at the site. |
UI Step |
If the site has a Secondary Heating Fuel Type, select it from the drop-down. This field is optional. |
UI Step |
Respond to the Additional Question, if applicable or appropriate, with any additional information that will help NYSERDA reduce your energy consumption or reduce risks to occupant health or special needs. |
Column |
| Image Added
Aura - Title |
color | #0077c8 |
textAlign | left |
fontSize | 24 |
lineHeight | 24 |
cloudText | Demo Title |
tag | h6 |
fontWeight | normal |
| Save & Continue: |
Section |
Column |
| UI Steps |
| UI Step |
To advance to the next step, click Continue at the bottom of the page. It is recommended that you click Save before clicking Continue |
| UI Step |
While not required, you can help NYSERDA understand if an independent organization has been assisting you with the application process. If that organization appears on the other drop-down, select it from the list |
Image Removed Image Added
aura- | pretty-title Panel |
color | #0077c8 | textAlign | left |
fontSize | 24 |
lineHeight | 24 |
cloudText | Demo Title |
tag | h6 |
fontWeight | normal |
Save & Continue: | Section |
Column |
| UI Steps |
| UI Step |
To advance to the next step, click Continue at the bottom of the page. |
Column |
| Image Removed
Tip |
It is recommended that you click Save before clicking Continue. |
| styles | {"body":{"text":{"color":"#465671","textAlign":"left","fontWeight":"normal","fontSize":14}},"header":{"backgroundColor":{"color":"#ffffff"}},"headline |
tab | 1 |
styles | {"body":{"text":{"text":"STEP 3: Partner Information","color":" |
| #465671#233e90","textAlign":"left","fontWeight":"normal","fontSize": |
| 14 | header | backgroundColor | color | "#ffffff"}},"headline": | text | {"text":"STEP 4: Eligibility Screening","color":"#233e90","textAlign":"left","fontWeight":"normal","fontSize":26}},"base":{"boxShadow":{"shadows":[{"color":"rgba("rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08)","x":0,"y":1,"blur":1,"spread":0},{"color":"rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.16)","x":0,"y":1,"blur":3,"spread":1}]},"backgroundColor":{"color":"#ffffff"},"border":{"color":"#233e90","style":"solid","width":4,"bottom":false,"top":false,"left":true,"right":false},"borderRadius":{"radius":4}}} | body | <p><br /></p> |
| Expand |
Aura - Title |
color | #0077c8 |
textAlign | left |
fontSize | 24 |
lineHeight | 24 |
cloudText | Demo Title |
tag | h6 |
fontWeight | normal |
| ReviewGeoEligibility | Tip |
Applicants need only satisfy one Eligibility Requirement. Section |
Column |
| UI Steps |
| Geo Eligibility is determined automatically by the system based on the Applicant's addressSelect a contractor from the Contractor Selection drop-down. | Geo Eligibility for Moderate Income Applicants | Applicants who are considered Moderate Income are not eligible for Geo Eligibility. |
Column |
| Image Removed
Aura - Title |
color | #0077c8 |
textAlign | left |
fontSize | 24 |
lineHeight | 24 |
cloudText | Demo Title |
tag | h6 |
fontWeight | normal |
| Complete the Referral Section: |
Rules to Selecting a Contractor |
| - When selecting a contractor, you can either,
- Select one that you have been working with,
- Select the Select Next Available option to have the next available contractor assigned to your project, or
- Select your preference for a contractor partner from the list.
- Only those contractors that serve your designated area will appear on the list.
- If you do not see a contractor, it is likely because they do not serve your area.
- If a selected contractor cannot perform the work due to scheduling restrictions, they may not accept the project.
- If so, an alternate will be selected by Shared Services.
- Shared Services selects contractors when they receive Paper Applications or if the Applicant did not select one when applying online.
- When applicants apply using a Campaign Code, the contractor will be selected automatically.
- Applicants can change the pre-selected contractor at need.
UI Step |
While not required, you can help NYSERDA understand if an independent organization has been assisting you with the application process. If that organization appears on the Are any of these organizations assisting you with the application process? drop-down, select it from the list |
| Section |
Column |
| UI Steps |
| UI Step |
If you received a letter from NYSERDA with a Referral Code, select Yes in response to the question, enter the Referral Code in the provided field, then skip to Complete the Household Demographics Section below. No additional eligibility questions are required. Expand |
title | Regarding Referral Codes |
| - The Referral Code field is only accessible if Yes is selected. If you have a Referral Code, enter it in the field that appears.
- Referral Codes are provided to Applicants through mailed letters or emails either from the Applicant's Utility, from NYSERDA directly, or from the Office of Temporary Disability Assistance (OTDA).
- Applicants who have a Referral Code and enter it in the application will not need to provide additional income verification as part of the application process.
- Contractors and/or Community Organizations assisting Applicants with the application process should inquire if the Applicant, or their household, received a Referral Code through email or mail.
UI Step |
However, if you did not receive a letter with a Referral Code, select No. An additional section will appear on the application titled Categorical Eligibility. Review instructions for that section below |
Image Removed Image Added
Aura - Title |
color | #0077c8 |
textAlign | left |
fontSize | 24 |
lineHeight | 24 |
cloudText | Demo Title |
tag | h6 |
fontWeight | normal |
| Completethe Categorical Eligibility Section: | Info |
This section of the application will only appear if the applicant answers No to the question in the Referral section. Section |
Column |
| UI Steps |
| If you or any household member received an award letter for HEAR, SNAP, SSI, TANF, or Public Assistance in the past 12 months, select Yes. Categorical Eligibility is based on the date within the award letter. Award letters are good for one year from the date provided within. Multiple options can be selected.An award letter, for each option selected, must be submitted as part of this application. Expand |
| title | Acceptable Categorical Eligibility Documents |
| Categorical Eligibility Type | Acceptable Documentation | Acceptable Date Range |
HEAP | - Award Letter
- OTDA provided HEAP list
| Awarded within last 12 months | SNAP | | Awarded within last 12 months | TANF | | Awarded within last 12 months | Supplemental Security Income (SSI) | - Award Letter
- Benefit Statement
| Awarded within last 12 months | For applicants completing the application online, the award letter can be uploaded during Step 6: Project Documents.For Paper Applications, a copy of the award letter can be submitted when mailing in the application.Once completed, advance to the Household Demographics section.
UI Step |
If you, or any household members did not receive any assistance as listed above, select No. An additional section will appear on the application titled Income Eligibility. Review instructions for that section below. |
Column |
| Image Removed
Aura - Title |
color | #0077c8 |
textAlign | left |
fontSize | 24 |
lineHeight | 24 |
cloudText | Demo Title |
tag | h6 |
fontWeight | normal |
| Complete the Income Eligibility Section: |
Info | This section of the application will only appear if the Applicant:- Chooses not to accept Geo Eligibility determination that indicates the Applicant is Geo Eligible (if applicable), and/or
- Answered No to the Referral question in this section, or did not receive a Referral Code from their Utility, NYSERDA, or the Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance (OTDA), and/or
Is not eligible for Categorial Eligibility (i.e., did not receive an award letter for HEAR, SNAP, SSI, TANF, or Public Assistance in the past 12 months).
Applicants must document income for all members of the household if all previous eligibility requirements could not be met. Expand |
| title | Acceptable Income Eligibility Documents |
| Income Type | Acceptable Document | Acceptable Date Range |
Social Security | - Award Letter
- Benefit Statement
| Within 12 months | Social Security Disability (SSD) | - Award Letter
- Benefit Statement
| Within 12 months | Pension | - Pension check stub showing gross amount
- Letter from Pension Board
| Within 12 months | Disability (Short Term or Long Term) | | Within 60 days | Child Support / Alimony | - Court Award Letter
- Printout from Domestic Relations
| Within 12 months (within 60 days if using printout from DR website) | Foster Care Payment | - Statement from Social Services
| Within 60 days | Workers Compensation | - Award Letter
- Benefit Statement
| Within 60 days | Unemployment | | Within 60 days | Veterans Benefits | - Award Letter
- Benefit Statement
| Within 12 months | Annuities | | Within 60 days | Salaries/Wages | | Four weeks of paystubs from the last 60 days | Interest Income | | Within 60 days | Rental Income | - Current Lease
- Rent Receipt
| Within 12 months | Business or Farm Income | - Tax Return
- IRS Report of Quarterly Earnings
- Business records.
| Tax Return: Previous Year IRS Report: Previous 3 months Business Records: Previous 3 months | Tax Documentation | Form 1040, 1040A, or 1040EX | Most recent Federal Income Tax Return. - This is only acceptable if all members of the household who were required to file a tax return did so.
- Additionally, all sources of income must be documented within the Tax Return for each household member.
- If documenting Rental, Business, or Farm income, Applicants must submit corresponding schedules (C, E, and F)
| This section of the application will initially contain a space for the Applicant to add income sources Section |
Column |
| UI Steps |
| UI Step |
To add spaces for other members of the household for income documentation purposes, click the Add Household Member option. This will open a modal window for you to document the household member's: - First Name
- Last Name
- Age
- If they are a Full-time Student
- Gross Income Amount
- Income Source
- Income Source Frequency
- Verification Method
UI Step |
To add an income source for a household member, click the Add Another Income Source option below the household member to document the household member's: - Age
- If they are a Full-time Student
- Gross Income Amount
- Income Source
- Income Source Frequency
- Verification Method
UI Step |
To edit or delete an income source added to a household member, click the Pencil Icon (edit) or Trashcan Icon (delete) to the far right of the listed income source. |
UI Step |
Continue adding household members and income sources as needed. |
To advance to the next step, click Continue at the bottom of the page. It is recommended that you click Save before clicking Continue. |
Column |
| Image Added
Aura - Panel |
tab | 1 |
styles | {"body":{"text":{"color":"#465671","textAlign":"left","fontWeight":"normal","fontSize":14}},"header":{"backgroundColor":{"color":"#ffffff"}},"headline":{"text":{"text":"STEP 4: Eligibility Screening","color":"#233e90","textAlign":"left","fontWeight":"normal","fontSize":26}},"base":{"boxShadow":{"shadows":[{"color":"rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08)","x":0,"y":1,"blur":1,"spread":0},{"color":"rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.16)","x":0,"y":1,"blur":3,"spread":1}]},"backgroundColor":{"color":"#ffffff"},"border":{"color":"#233e90","style":"solid","width":4,"bottom":false,"top":false,"left":true,"right":false},"borderRadius":{"radius":4}}} |
body | <p><br /></p> |
| Expand |
| Aura - Title |
color | #0077c8 |
textAlign | left |
fontSize | 24 |
lineHeight | 24 |
cloudText | Demo Title |
tag | h6 |
fontWeight | normal |
| Household Information & Demographics |
Section |
Column |
| UI Steps |
| UI Step |
Add Household Members. The Number of Household Members field will automatically generate. |
UI Step |
Complete Household Demographics details field, selecting all options that apply for all members of the household. |
Column |
| Image Added
Aura - Title |
color | #0077c8 |
textAlign | left |
fontSize | 24 |
lineHeight | 24 |
cloudText | Demo Title |
tag | h6 |
fontWeight | normal |
| Complete the Referral Code Screening: |
Section |
Column |
| UI Steps |
| UI Step |
If you received a letter from NYSERDA with a Referral Code, select Yes in response to the question, enter the Referral Code in the provided field, then skip to Complete the Household Demographics Section below. No additional eligibility questions are required. Expand |
title | Regarding Referral Codes |
| - The Referral Code field is only accessible if Yes is selected. If you have a Referral Code, enter it in the field that appears.
- Referral Codes are provided to applicants through mailed letters or emails either from the Applicant's Utility, from NYSERDA directly, or from the Office of Temporary Disability Assistance (OTDA).
- Applicants who have a referral code and enter it in the application will not need to provide additional income verification as part of the application process.
- Contractors and/or Community Organizations assisting Applicants with the application process should inquire if the Applicant, or their household, received a Referral Code through email or mail.
UI Step |
However, if you did not receive a letter with a Referral Code, select No. An additional section will appear on the application titled Categorical Screening. Review instructions for that section below. |
Column |
| Image Added
Aura - Title |
color | #0077c8 |
textAlign | left |
fontSize | 24 |
lineHeight | 24 |
cloudText | Demo Title |
tag | h6 |
fontWeight | normal |
| Complete the Categorical Screening: |
Info |
| This section of the application will only appear if the applicant answers No to the question in the Referral Code Screening section. |
Section |
Column |
| UI Steps |
| UI Step |
If you or any household member received an award letter for HEAP, SNAP (food benefits), SSI, TANF, or Public Assistance in the past 12 months, select Yes. Categorical eligibility is based on the date within the award letter. Award letters are good for one year from the date provided. Once completed, advance to the Household Demographics section. |
UI Step |
If you, or any household members did not receive any assistance listed above, select No. An additional section will appear on the application titled Income Documentation Screening. Review instructions for that section below. |
Column |
| Image Added
Column |
| Image Removed
Aura - Title |
color | #0077c8 |
textAlign | left |
fontSize | 24 |
lineHeight | 24 |
cloudText | Demo Title |
tag | h6 |
fontWeight | normal |
| Complete the Household Demographics Section: |
Section |
Column |
| UI Steps |
| UI Step |
Complete the Household Demographics Details field, selecting all options that apply for all members of the household. |
UI Step |
Document how many members of the household are: - 60 years of age or older
- Children (age 17 years or younger)
- Persons with Disabilities
- Veterans or Disabled Veterans
Column |
| Image Removed |
Aura - Title |
color | #0077c8 |
textAlign | left |
fontSize | 24 |
lineHeight | 24 |
cloudText | Demo Title |
tag | h6 |
fontWeight | normal |
| Save & ContinueComplete the Income Documentation Screening: |
| section
Infocolumn |
| | UI Steps |
| UI Step |
To advance to the next step, click Continue at the bottom of the page. |
Column |
| Image Removed
Tip |
It is recommended that you click Save before clicking Continue. |
| Section |
Column |
| UI Steps |
| UI Step |
To add spaces for other members of the household for income documentation purposes, click the Add Household Member option. This will open a modal window for you to document the household member's: - First Name
- Last Name
- Age
- If they are a Full-time Student
- Gross Income Amount
- Income Source
- Income Source Frequency
- Verification Method
UI Step |
To add an income source for a household member, click the Add Another Income Source option below the household member to document the household member's: - Age
- If they are a Full-time Student
- Gross Income Amount
- Income Source
- Income Source Frequency
- Verification Method
UI Step |
To edit or delete an income source added to a household member, click the Pencil Icon (edit) or Trash Can Icon (delete) to the far right of the listed income source. |
UI Step |
Continue adding household members and income sources as needed. |
Column |
| Image Added
Aura - Title |
color | #0077c8 |
textAlign | left |
fontSize | 24 |
lineHeight | 24 |
cloudText | Demo Title |
tag | h6 |
fontWeight | normal |
| Save & Continue: |
Section |
Column |
| UI Steps |
| UI Step |
To advance to the next step, click Continue at the bottom of the page. It is recommended that you click Save before clicking Continue. |
Column |
| Image Added
Aura - Panel |
tab | 1 |
styles | {"body":{"text":{"color":"#465671","textAlign":"left","fontWeight":"normal","fontSize":14}},"header":{"backgroundColor":{"color":"#ffffff"}},"headline":{"text":{"text":"STEP 5: Review Page","color":"#233e90","textAlign":"left","fontWeight":"normal","fontSize":26}},"base":{"boxShadow":{"shadows":[{"color":"rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08)","x":0,"y":1,"blur":1,"spread":0},{"color":"rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.16)","x":0,"y":1,"blur":3,"spread":1}]},"backgroundColor":{"color":"#ffffff"},"border":{"color":"#233e90","style":"solid","width":4,"bottom":false,"top":false,"left":true,"right":false},"borderRadius":{"radius":4}}} |
body | <p><br /></p> |
| Expand |
Aura - Title |
color | #0077c8 |
textAlign | left |
fontSize | 24 |
lineHeight | 24 |
cloudText | Demo Title |
tag | h6 |
fontWeight | normal |
| Review the Application: |
Section |
Column |
| UI Steps |
| UI Step |
Review each section of the Review Page for your application. If information on the application is incorrect, use the Previous button at the bottom of the page to return to previous steps (pages) and update the information as needed. |
Column |
| Image Added
Aura - Title |
color | #0077c8 |
textAlign | left |
fontSize | 24 |
lineHeight | 24 |
cloudText | Demo Title |
tag | h6 |
fontWeight | normal |
| Section D: Energy Information: |
Section |
Column |
| UI Steps |
| UI Step |
For Section D: Energy Information, read through the disclaimer and check the I agree to the terms and conditions stated above box. |
Column |
| Image Added
Aura - Title |
color | #0077c8 |
textAlign | left |
fontSize | 24 |
lineHeight | 24 |
cloudText | Demo Title |
tag | h6 |
fontWeight | normal |
| Section H: Applicant Information: |
Section |
Column |
| UI Steps |
| UI Step |
After reviewing the complete application, scroll to Section H: Application Information, |
UI Step |
Read through the disclaimer, then click the Electronic Signature button. Expand |
title | Important Note about Electronic Signatures |
| Applicants are not required to provide Electronic Signatures. However applicants must satisfy one of alternate options below when not providing an Electronic Signature: Applicants who would prefer to print and mail a hand-signed application can bypass the Electronic Signature and click Print at the bottom of the page instead. Applicants must also provide, along with the signed application, any supporting documents required to provide proof of choices made during Step 4: Eligibility Screening. Expand |
| Energy Audit Application 8 Southwoods Blvd. Suite 201 Albany, NY 12211 |
- Applicants who would prefer to hand sign the application, but still submit electronically, can click Print at the bottom of the page, hand sign the application, and scan the signed application onto their computer for upload during Step 6: Project Documents.
UI Step |
You will be directed to electronically sign the application through DocuSign. When the page loads, check the agreement box and click Continue at the top of the page. Tooltip |
linkTextStrong | true |
appendIcon | camera |
linkTextUnderline | true |
iconColor | #0073A4 |
linkText | screenshot |
linkTextColor | #0073A4 |
| Image Added
UI Step |
Scroll to the bottom of the application and click the Sign option next to the Applicant Signature field. |
UI Step |
In the modal window that appears, click Adopt and Sign to electronically sign the application. Your Name, Initials will pre-populate and a, and signature example will already be completed for you. Tooltip |
linkTextStrong | true |
appendIcon | camera |
linkTextUnderline | true |
linkText | screenshot |
linkTextColor | #0073A4 |
| Image Added
UI Step |
Your signature example will now appear on the signature line for the application. Click Finish to return to the application. |
Column |
| Image Added
| Expand |
| Aura - Title |
color | #0077c8 |
textAlign | left |
fontSize | 24 |
lineHeight | 24 |
cloudText | Demo Title |
tag | h6 |
fontWeight | normal |
| Review the Application: |
Section |
Column |
| UI Steps |
| UI Step |
Review each section of the Review Page for your application. If information on the application is incorrect, use the Previous button at the bottom of the page to return to previous steps (pages) and update the information as needed. |
Column |
| Image Removed |
Aura - Title |
color | #0077c8 |
textAlign | left |
fontSize | 24 |
lineHeight | 24 |
cloudText | Demo Title |
tag | h6 |
fontWeight | normal |
| SectionD: Energy Information Section |
Column |
| UI Steps |
| | For Section D: Energy Information, read through the disclaimer and check the I agree to the terms and conditions stated above box. |
Column |
| Image Removed
Aura - Title |
color | #0077c8 |
textAlign | left |
fontSize | 24 |
lineHeight | 24 |
cloudText | Demo Title |
tag | h6 |
fontWeight | normal |
| Section H: Applicant Information: |
If you'd like a copy of the application, click Print. - Applicants who prefer to hand sign the application can bypass the Electronic Signature, clicking the Print button to print the application. Hand sign the application then either mail it in along with all required supporting documentation or scan the signed application onto your computer and upload it to the Online Application in the Step 6: Project Documents.
UI Step |
To advance to the next step, click Continue at the bottom of the page. |
Column |
| Image Added
Aura - Panel |
tab | 1 |
styles | {"body":{"text":{"color":"#465671","textAlign":"left","fontWeight":"normal","fontSize":14}},"header":{"backgroundColor":{"color":"#ffffff"}},"headline":{"text":{"text":"STEP 6: Project Documents","color":"#233e90","textAlign":"left","fontWeight":"normal","fontSize":26}},"base":{"boxShadow":{"shadows":[{"color":"rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08)","x":0,"y":1,"blur":1,"spread":0},{"color":"rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.16)","x":0,"y":1,"blur":3,"spread":1}]},"backgroundColor":{"color":"#ffffff"},"border":{"color":"#233e90","style":"solid","width":4,"bottom":false,"top":false,"left":true,"right":false},"borderRadius":{"radius":4}}} |
body | <p><br /></p> |
| Expand |
| Section |
Column |
| UI Steps |
| UI Step |
After reviewing the complete application, scroll to Section H: Application Information, |
UI Step |
Read through the disclaimer, then click the Electronic Signature button. Expand |
title | Important Note about Electronic Signatures |
| Applicants are not required to provide Electronic Signatures. However Applicants must satisfy one of alternate options below when not providing an Electronic Signature: Applicants who would prefer to print and mail in a hand signed application can bypass the Electronic Signature and click Print at the bottom of the page instead. Applicants must also provide, along with the signed application, any supporting documents required to provide proof of choices made during Step 4: Eligibility Screening. Expand |
| Energy Audit Application 2 Wall Street, Albany, New York 12205 | Applicants who would prefer to hand sign the application, but still submit electronically, can click Print at the bottom of the page, hand sign the application, then scan the signed application onto their computer for upload during Step 6: Project Documents. UI Step | You will be directed to electronically sign the application through DocuSign. When the page loads, check the agreement box and click Continue at the top of the page.
Tooltip |
linkTextStrong | true |
appendIcon | camera |
linkTextUnderline | true |
iconColor | #0073A4 |
linkText | screenshot |
linkTextColor | #0073A4 |
| Image Removed
UI Step |
Then, scroll to the bottom of the application and click the Sign option next to the Applicant Signature field. |
UI Step | In the modal window that appears, click Adopt and Sign to electronically sign the application. Your Name, Initials will pre-populate and a, and signature example will already be completed for you.
Tooltip |
linkTextStrong | true |
appendIcon | camera |
linkTextUnderline | true |
linkText | screenshot |
linkTextColor | #0073A4 |
| Image Removed
UI Step |
Your signature example will now appear on the signature line for the application. Click Finish to return to the application. |
Column |
| Image Removed | Aura - Title |
color | #0077c8 |
textAlign | left |
fontSize | 24 |
lineHeight | 24 |
cloudText | Demo Title |
tag | h6 |
fontWeight | normal |
| Print & ContinueReview the Required Documents section: |
Section |
| |
| UI Steps |
| UI Step |
The Required Documents section will outline any documents that are required as part of you application. |
| width | 45% | stepsstep |
If your application requires multiple documents, each will be listed as a separate line item. Click the Choose File button to the right of each requested required document to locate and upload the file from your computer. |
| size | small'd like a Electronically Signed the application in a previous step, there is no need to upload a signed application. However, if you chose to sign the application manually, after printing it, you will be required to upload a signed copy of the application | , click Print. | UI Step |
To advance to the next step, click Continue at the bottom of the page |
Image Removed Image Added
| tab | 1 | styles | {"body":{"text":{"color":"#465671","textAlign":"left","fontWeight":"normal","fontSize":14}},"header":{"backgroundColor":{"color":"#ffffff"}},"headline":{"text":{"text":"STEP 6: Project Documents","color":"#233e90","textAlign":"left","fontWeight":"normal","fontSize":26}},"base":{"boxShadow":{"shadows":[{"color":"rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08)","x":0,"y":1,"blur":1,"spread":0},{"color":"rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.16)","x":0,"y":1,"blur":3,"spread":1}]},"backgroundColor":{"color":"#ffffff"},"border":{"textAlign | left |
fontSize | 24 |
lineHeight | 24 |
cloudText | Demo Title |
tag | h6 |
fontWeight | normal |
| Complete the Other Documents section: |
Section |
Column |
| UI Steps |
| UI Step |
If there are any additional supporting documents you'd like to include as part of the application, click the Add Another Document option to locate and upload a document or file from your computer. |
UI Step |
Continue adding additional documents or files as needed. |
Column |
| Image Added
Aura - Title |
color | #0077c8 |
textAlign | left |
fontSize | 24 |
lineHeight | 24 |
cloudText | Demo Title |
tag | h6 |
fontWeight | normal |
| Save & Continue: |
Section |
Column |
| UI Steps |
| UI Step |
To advance to the next step, click Continue at the bottom of the page. It is recommended that you click Save before clicking Continue. |
Column |
| Image Added
Aura - Panel |
tab | 1 |
styles | {"body":{"text":{"color":"#465671","textAlign":"left","fontWeight":"normal","fontSize":14}},"header":{"backgroundColor":{"color":"#ffffff"}},"headline":{"text":{"text":"STEP 7: Submission Page","color":"#233e90"," |
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body | <p><br /></p> |
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| | Expand |
| Aura - Title |
color | #0077c8 |
textAlign | left |
fontSize | 24 |
lineHeight | 24 |
cloudText | Demo Title |
tag | h6 |
fontWeight | normal |
| Review the Required Documents section: |
Section |
Column |
| | UI Steps |
| UI Step |
The Required Documents section will outline any documents that are required as part of you application. |
UI Step |
If your application requires multiple documents, each will be listed as a separate line item. Click the Choose File button to the right of each requested required document to locate and upload the file from your computer. |
UI Step |
If you Electronically Signed the application in a previous step, there is no need to upload a signed application. However, if you chose to sign the application manually, after printing it out, you will be required to upload a signed copy of the application to this section. |
Column |
| Image Removed
Aura - Title |
color | #0077c8 |
textAlign | left |
fontSize | 24 |
lineHeight | 24 |
cloudText | Demo Title |
tag | h6 |
fontWeight | normal |
| Complete the Other Documents section: |
Section |
Column |
| UI Steps |
| UI Step |
If there are any additional supporting documents you'd like to include as part of the application, click the Add Another Document option to locate and upload a document or file from your computer. |
UI Step |
Continue adding additional documents or files as needed. |
Column |
| Image Removed | Aura - Title |
color | #0077c8 |
textAlign | left |
fontSize | 24 |
lineHeight | 24 |
cloudText | Demo Title |
tag | h6 |
fontWeight | normal |
| Save&Continue Section |
Column |
| UI Steps |
| | To advance to the next step, click Continue at the bottom of the page. | On the last page of the application, click the Submit button. |
UI Step |
When you have successfully submitted your application, the page will reload and display Application Status: Your application has been submitted successfully.
Tooltip |
appendIcon | camera |
linkTextUnderline | true |
linkText | screenshot |
linkTextColor | #002d72 |
linkTextUnderlineColor | #002d72 |
| Image Added
| Image Removed
| Tip |
| Image Added
| It is recommended that you click Save before clicking Continue. |
Aura - Panel |
tab | 1 |
styles | {"body":{"text":{"color":"#465671","textAlign":"left","fontWeight":"normal","fontSize":14}},"header":{"backgroundColor":{"color":"#ffffff"}},"headline":{"text":{"text":" |
| STEP 7: Submission PageNext Steps","color":"#233e90","textAlign":"left","fontWeight":"normal","fontSize":26}},"base":{"boxShadow":{"shadows":[{"color":"rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08)","x":0,"y":1,"blur":1,"spread":0},{"color":"rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.16)","x":0,"y":1,"blur":3,"spread":1}]},"backgroundColor":{"color":"#ffffff"},"border":{"color":"#233e90","style":"solid","width":4,"bottom":false,"top":false,"left":true,"right":false},"borderRadius":{"radius":4}}} | body | <p><br /></p> |
| | | Aura - Title |
color | #0077c8 |
textAlign | left |
fontSize | 24 |
lineHeight | 24 |
cloudText | Demo Title |
tag | h6 |
fontWeight | normal |
| Application Review and Approval |
UI Steps |
| UI Step |
Shared Services will review your submitted application. If they require additional information or documentation, you will receive an email communication identifying the needed information. - Applicants should respond to this communication within ten (10) days to provide the request information.
- Applicants who do not respond after ten (10) days to the initial notice will receive two (2) additional notices (the second at Day 20 and the third at Day 30) to remind them of the required information they must provide.
- Once an applicant responds to any of the 3 (three) communications, the application will continue through the approval process.
- Applicants who fail to respond to any of the three (3) notices will have their application cancelled systematically.
UI Step |
If you application is approved, you will receive an email notice guiding you on next steps. |
UI Step |
If you application is rejected, you will receive an email notice outlining the reason for denial. |
| learn more... | Aura - Title |
color | #0077c8 |
textAlign | left |
fontSize | 24 |
lineHeight | 24 |
cloudText | Demo Title |
tag | h6 |
fontWeight | normal |
| Submit the Application: |
Section |
Column |
| UI Steps |
| UI Step |
On the last page of the application, click the Submit button. |
UI Step | When your application has been successfully submitted, the page will reload and display Application Status: Your application has been submitted successfully.
Tooltip |
appendIcon | camera |
linkTextUnderline | true |
linkText | screenshot |
linkTextColor | #002d72 |
linkTextUnderlineColor | #002d72 |
| Image Removed
Column |
| Image Removed |