Operational Certification UI Button |
color | blue |
size | small |
display | block |
title | What to Expect for Tier 1 Operational Certification and After |
url | https://knowledge.nyserda.ny.gov/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=161288662 |
UI Button |
color | blue |
size | small |
display | block |
title | Operational Certification Generic Checklist |
url | https://knowledge.nyserda.ny.gov/download/attachments/72909120/Operational%20Certification%20Request%20Checklist_External.xlsx?api=v2 |
UI Button |
color | blue |
size | small |
display | block |
title | Form A: P[50] 8760 Template |
url | https://knowledge.nyserda.ny.gov/download/attachments/72909120/OpCert%20Form%20A%20%28P%5B50%5D%208760%20Template%29.xlsx?api=v2 |
UI Button |
color | blue |
size | small |
display | block |
title | Form B: Permits and Approvals |
url | https://knowledge.nyserda.ny.gov/download/attachments/72909120/OpCert%20Form%20B%20%28Permits%20and%20Approvals%29.xlsx?api=v2 |
Offshore Wind (OSW) UI Button |
color | blue |
size | small |
display | block |
title |
OSW - Quarterly ReportingForm C: Site Control | url | https://knowledge.nyserda.ny.gov/ |
pages/viewpage.action?pageId=121833490download/attachments/72909120/OpCert%20Form%20C%20%28Site%20Control%29.xlsx?api=v2 |
UI Button |
color | blue |
size | small |
display | block |
title |
OSW - DAC Benefits TemplateForm D: Seller's Operational Certification Request Letter | url | https://knowledge.nyserda.ny.gov/download/attachments/72909120/ |
OSW%20Quarterly%20Progress%20ReportOpCert%20Form%20D%20%28Seller%27s%20Operational%20Certification%20Request%20Letter%29_ |
DAC%20Benefits%20Template xlsx