Aura - Title |
color | #0073a4 |
textAlign | left |
fontSize | 28 |
lineHeight | 28 |
cloudText | Demo Title |
tag | h1 |
fontWeight | bold |
WebEx: One Touch Links for Mobile Devices |
Aura - Divider |
serializedStyles | {"alignment":{"horizontal":"start"},"icon":{"name":"faPaperPlane","color":"#333","size":24},"text":{"color":"#333","fontSize":14,"textAlign":"left","fontWeight":"bold","text":"Aura Divider"},"border":{"top":false,"right":false,"bottom":true,"left":false,"color":"#0073a4","style":"solid","width":2},"size":{}} |
type | regular |
Info |
When setting up meetings in WebEx that will have call-in phone numbers, it is recommended |
to provide the call-in information within the email |
/invite. This will allow mobile users to join using one touch dialing. |
For NYSERDA InterCall lines you would enter the number and conference code in the following format where 123456789 represents your specific conference code number.
1-866-394-2346,,123456789 Image Removed
UI Steps |
UI Step |
Identify the meeting number for your WebEx Meeting or Webinar. |
, enter the number and conference code in the following format |
, where 123456789 should be replaced by the meeting number: 1-415-655-0001, 123456789#,# Expand |
| Image Modified |
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