Introduction Congratulations on this milestonereaching commercial operation. Here is what to expect. Your NYSERDA Project Manager will be reaching out shortly to touch base with you on next steps. Once the generator is registered in NYGATS and producing energy, it is important to understand the following: - In order for all eligible generation (including test energy) to be correctly flagged Tier-1, Seller must dispute any generation that is loaded to NYGATS NYGATS before the Statement of Qualification (SoQ) is issued. Contact NYGATS for assistance. If a Seller does not adhere to this requirement, NYGATS will will not be required to update RECS already created. Once the SoQ has been issued, Seller and NYSERDA will coordinate with NYGATS to accept the generation for Tier 1 REC creation.
- The REC Agreement’s Delivery Start Date is Contract Delivery Term usually starts the first of the month following the project’s Commercial Operation date. The NYGATS Account Holder for the project is able to sell any Tier-1 RECs on the open marked prior to the Delivery Start of the NYSERDA’s agreementpre-dating the Contract Delivery Term of its NYSERDA REC Agreement on the open market. For example, if you declare Commercial Operation and start generating electricity on August 17, the REC Agreement Contract Delivery Start Date Term will be September 1. Sellers are free to sell Tier -1 RECs generated from August 17 th through August 31st to through August 31 to any interested party.