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styles{"body":{"text":{"color":"#465671","textAlign":"left","fontWeight":"normal","fontSize":14}},"header":{"backgroundColor":{"color":"#f2f8fa"}},"headline":{"alignment":{"horizontal":"start"},"text":{"text":"Standards & Quality Assurance (SQA) - Combined Residential Quality and Market Standards Application","color":"#002d72","textAlign":"left","fontWeight":"bold","fontSize":26}},"base":{"border":{"bottom":false,"left":true,"right":false,"top":false,"color":"#233e90","width":4,"style":"solid"},"backgroundColor":{"color":"#f2f8fa"},"borderRadius":{"radius":4},"boxShadow":{"shadows":[{"color":"rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08)","x":0,"y":1,"blur":1,"spread":0},{"color":"rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.16)","x":0,"y":1,"blur":3,"spread":1}]}}}body<p><br /></p>

Standards and Quality Assurance (SQAThe  Quality and Market Standards (QMS) module allows NYSERDA and contracted Quality Service Providers (QSPs) to identify projects that are eligible for field inspections. A random sampling of projects are selected for inspection to verify that program and technical requirements have been met. The SQA QMS module allows inspectors to document evidence of any non-conformance through photos and written documentation. Information collected by the inspector is uploaded into the Salesforce QA checklist and an inspection report is generated. The SQA QMS module allows the Contractor to submit corrective action documentation as needed and for the program implementer (either initiative staff or an external company providing support) to respond.

Audience: Participating Contractors

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titleProcess Overview

titleProcess Overview


The diagram below outlines the SQA QMS Process Steps for the complete inspection process. The standard inspection process is outlined in the All Inspections row. If an inspection requires Corrective Actions, this process is included in the Correct Action Required Path. Generally speaking, Inspections without major or critical failures non-conformances will typically end at the Review & Approve Inspection step in the All Inspections row. If there are any CAR Tasks, the process will include the Corrective Action Required Path.

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styles{"body":{},"header":{"backgroundColor":{"color":"#f3f4f9"}},"headline":{"text":{"text":"Process Steps","color":"#002d72","textAlign":"left","fontWeight":"bold","fontSize":18},"alignment":{"horizontal":"start"}},"base":{"backgroundColor":{"color":"#ffffff"},"borderRadius":{"radius":4},"boxShadow":{"shadows":[{"color":"rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08)","x":0,"y":1,"blur":1,"spread":0},{"color":"rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.16)","x":0,"y":1,"blur":3,"spread":1}]}}}
body<p><br /></p> Diagram
diagramNameEAE - SQA Process

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titleProcess Details

titleProcess Details

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styles{"body":{},"header":{"backgroundColor":{"color":"#f3f4f9"}},"headline":{"text":{"text":"Inspections","color":"#002d72","textAlign":"left","fontWeight":"bold","fontSize":18},"alignment":{"horizontal":"start"}},"base":{"backgroundColor":{"color":"#ffffff"},"borderRadius":{"radius":4},"boxShadow":{"shadows":[{"color":"rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08)","x":0,"y":1,"blur":1,"spread":0},{"color":"rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.16)","x":0,"y":1,"blur":3,"spread":1}]}}}
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NYSERDA conducts a minimum of three field inspections for each new participating Contractor/Builder. New Contractors/Builders contractors who have not passed three inspections are listed as as Provisional. When they are in good standing after these inspections, their status updates to is updated to Full. After a Contractor/Builder receives Full statusan installer receives Full status, NYSERDA periodically selects reviews a random sample of projects for review. Contractors /Builders with a Probationary or Suspended status  status may have 100% of their projects inspected.

In general, users can only schedule inspections for completed projects. However, Salesforce can allow inspections on in-progress projects if the program/initiative requires.

The SQA Module uses the following Statuses for scheduling, conducting and reviewing inspections. Users can filter projects through these statuses.


Not Schedule

A project with no scheduled inspection.

Scheduling in Progress

An inspection where scheduling has begun, but the scheduling procedure is incomplete.

Customer Non-Responsive

An inspection where the customer is not responding to contact efforts. Please note that there are several instances where a Scheduler, Inspector, or Program Implementer can identify the customer as non-responsive.


A scheduled field inspection (the Inspector has not submitted the inspection record). Scheduling an inspection automatically updates the record to this status.

Photos Requested

The Contractor or Builder must submit photos for a photo inspection request.

Photos Submitted

The Contractor or Builder has submitted photos for a photo review request.

Inspection Complete

A completed inspection where the Inspector has submitted the inspection record.

QA Manager Approval Needed

An inspection ready for QA Manager approval.

Report Issued – No Corrective  Action Needed

The QA Manager has approved and issued the inspection report and there are no CAR-eligible failures (incidental and/or minor failures may remain).

Report Issued – Corrective  Action Needed

The QA Manager has approved and issued the inspection report and CAR-eligible failures (major and/or critical) remain unresolved.

Program Implementer  Approval Needed

The Contractor or Builder has submitted their response to a CAR and it is ready for Program Implementer approval.

Contractor Non-Responsive

The Contractor or Builder has not responded to NYSERDA's request for corrective actions on a project or has not responded to a photo review request. The Program Implementer or QA Manager manually changes the status of the inspection to this status.

Contested – QA Manager  Review Needed

The Contractor or Builder has contested the validity of a failure (CAR-eligible or not) identified during the inspection and the Program Implementer has confirmed.

Contested – NYSERDA QA Manager Review Needed

An inspection that requires NYSERDA QA Manager review. These occur when a Contractor or Builder has contested the validity of a failure (CAR-eligible or not) identified during the inspection, and both the Program Implementer and QA Manager have confirmed.


A completed inspection (inspection record complete, all failures resolved, etc.)


An inspection cancelled at the customer’s request.
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styles{"body":{},"header":{"backgroundColor":{"color":"#f3f4f9"}},"headline":{"text":{"text":"Post Inspection Report","color":"#002d72","textAlign":"left","fontWeight":"bold","fontSize":18},"alignment":{"horizontal":"start"}},"base":{"backgroundColor":{"color":"#ffffff"},"borderRadius":{"radius":4},"boxShadow":{"shadows":[{"color":"rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08)","x":0,"y":1,"blur":1,"spread":0},{"color":"rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.16)","x":0,"y":1,"blur":3,"spread":1}]}}}
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Once an inspection has been completed and submitted by the Inspector, and is reviewed and approved by the QSP QA Manager, an Inspection Report is generated and appended to the Project Inspection Record. An email is systematically sent to the Contractor with a link to the Inspection Report.


Below are examples of the heading for an Inspection Report for both a passed and failed inspection. In an actual Inspection Report, below the Pass/Fail heading displays details on all aspects of the inspection results.

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styles{"body":{},"header":{"backgroundColor":{"color":"#f3f4f9"}},"headline":{"text":{"text":"Email Communications","color":"#002d72","textAlign":"left","fontWeight":"bold","fontSize":18},"alignment":{"horizontal":"start"}},"base":{"backgroundColor":{"color":"#ffffff"},"
styles{"body":{},"header":{"backgroundColor":{"color":"#f3f4f9"}},"headline":{"text":{"text":"Post Inspection Report","color":"#002d72","textAlign":"left","fontWeight":"bold","fontSize":18},"alignment":{"horizontal":"start"}},"base":{"backgroundColor":{"color":"#ffffff"},"borderRadius":{"radius":4},"boxShadow":{"shadows":[{"color":"rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08)","x":0,"y":1,"blur":1,"spread":0},{"color":"rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.16)","x":0,"y":1,"blur":3,"spread":1}]}}}
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Once an inspection has been completed and submitted by the Inspector, an Inspection Report is generated and appended to the Inspection Record. An email is systematically sent to the Contractor/Builder with a link to the Inspection Report.

Below are examples of the heading for an Inspection Report for both a passed and failed inspection. In an actual Inspection Report, below the Pass/Fail heading displays details on all aspects of the inspection results.

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titlelearn more...

Contractors receive email communication about QMS inspections. When an Inspector schedules a project for QMS, an email will be sent to the contractor with the inspection date, time, and address. NYSERDA automatically sends emails for cancelled and rescheduled inspections. The QSP QA Manager - the designated manager from the QSP QA agency - approves and distributes inspection reports to the project applicant. In rare instances a Contractor may not be notified of an upcoming inspection upon the customer’s request.

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styles{"body":{},"header":{"backgroundColor":{"color":"#f3f4f9"}},"headline":{"text":{"text":"Email CommunicationsQuality Scoring","color":"#002d72","textAlign":"left","fontWeight":"bold","fontSize":18},"alignment":{"horizontal":"start"}},"base":{"backgroundColor":{"color":"#ffffff"},"borderRadius":{"radius":4},"boxShadow":{"shadows":[{"color":"rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08)","x":0,"y":1,"blur":1,"spread":0},{"color":"rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.16)","x":0,"y":1,"blur":3,"spread":1}]}}}
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titlelearn more...

Contractors and builders will always receive email communication about SQA inspections. When NYSERDA schedules a project for SQA, we will send an email to the contractor with the inspection date, time, and address. NYSERDA automatically sends emails for cancelled and rescheduled inspections. The QSP QA Manager - the designated manager from the QSP QA agency - approves and distributes inspection reports to the project applicant. In rare instances a Contractor/Builder may not be notified of an upcoming inspection upon the customer’s request.

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The QMS Salesforce module assigns a Quality Score (on a scale of 1 to 5) based on the inspection results. This score will be provided in the Inspection report that is generated after the Inspector completes the inspection. NYSERDA provides Contractors a link to the inspection report through Salesforce.

SQA Quality ScoreQuality Score Description
1 or 2

Signifies a Failed Inspection with major and/or critical non-conformances. The Contractor must provide evidence to NYSERDA that these non-conformances outlined in the Inspection Report were resolved. Inspections in this score range may also contain minor or incidental non-conformances that will still need resolution, though the Contractor is not required to provide evidence for these issues.

The inspection score may be updated if the Major and/or critical non-conformances are successfully contested

3, 4, or 5Signifies a Passed Inspection with only minor or incidental non-conformances. The Contractor must correct these issues but is not required to provide evidence to NYSERDA.

Aura - Tab
titleThe NYSERDA Partner Portal

titleThe NYSERDA Portal


The Quality and Market Standards (QMS) module is built within the NYSERDA Partner Portal (Salesforce). All activity related to scheduling, conducting, reviewing and approving inspections, and managing corrective action responses and resolutions, is documented and managed from within Salesforce. 

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styles{"body":{},"header":{"backgroundColor":{"color":"#f3f4f9"}},"headline":{"text":{"text":"Logging into the NYSERDA Partner Portal","color":"#002d72","textAlign":"left","fontWeight":"bold","fontSize":
styles{"body":{},"header":{"backgroundColor":{"color":"#f3f4f9"}},"headline":{"text":{"text":"Quality Scoring","color":"#002d72","textAlign":"left","fontWeight":"bold","fontSize":18},"alignment":{"horizontal":"start"}},"base":{"backgroundColor":{"color":"#ffffff"},"borderRadius":{"radius":4},"boxShadow":{"shadows":[{"color":"rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08)","x":0,"y":1,"blur":1,"spread":0},{"color":"rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.16)","x":0,"y":1,"blur":3,"spread":1}]}}}
body<p><br /></p>

The SQA Salesforce module assigns a Quality Score (on a scale of 1 to 5) based on the inspection results. This score will be provided in a report that is generated once the inspection is complete. NYSERDA provides Contractors/Builders a link to the inspection report through Salesforce.

titlelearn more...
SQA Quality ScoreDescription
1 or 2Signifies a Failed Inspection with major and/or critical deficiencies. The Contractor/Builder must provide evidence to NYSERDA that these deficiencies outlined in the Inspection Report were resolved. Inspections in this score range may also contain minor or incidental deficiencies that will still need resolution, though the Contractor/Builder is not required to provide evidence for resolution of these issues. The inspection score may be updated if the major and/or critical deficiencies are contested and NYSERDA approves.
3, 4 or 5Signifies a Passed Inspection with only minor or incidental deficiencies. The Contractor/Builder must correct these issues but is not required to provide evidence to NYSERDA.
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titleThe NYSERDA Partner Portal

UI Steps

UI Step

Access the Portal Login Page.


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UI Step

Enter your Username and Password and click Log In.

Your username is your email address through your organization with .nyserda added to the end as shown in the example screenshot below.

You created the password when accessing the NYSERDA Partner Portal the first time after receiving login information from NYSERDA. If you have forgotten the password, click the Forgot Your Password? Link and follow the prompts to reset your password.


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Aura - Panel
titleThe NYSERDA Portal

The Standards and Quality Assurance (SQA) module is built within the NYSERDA Partner Portal (Salesforce). All activity related to scheduling, conducting, reviewing and approving inspections, and managing corrective action responses and resolutions, is documented and managed from within Salesforce. 

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styles{"body":{},"header":{"backgroundColor":{"color":"#f3f4f9"}},"headline":{"text":{"text":"Logging into the NYSERDA Partner PortalDashboard","color":"#002d72","textAlign":"left","fontWeight":"bold","fontSize":18},"alignment":{"horizontal":"start"}},"base":{"backgroundColor":{"color":"#ffffff"},"borderRadius":{"radius":4},"boxShadow":{"shadows":[{"color":"rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08)","x":0,"y":1,"blur":1,"spread":0},{"color":"rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.16)","x":0,"y":1,"blur":3,"spread":1}]}}}
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titlelearn more...


The Dashboard page provides an overview of your projects and to the available reports for Contractors/Builders.

Below is an example of the NYSERDA Partner Portal (Salesforce) Home page after logging in. Many of the menu options along the top will be reviewed throughout this guide and provide navigation access to other parts of the Standards and Quality Assurance Salesforce build.

UI Steps

UI Step

After logging into Salesforce, click the Dashboards tab to access the Dashboard.

UI Step

The Dashboard includes several visual charts to help you track your projects

UI Steps

Access the portal login page at

UI Step

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UI Step

Enter your Username and Password.


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Username:Your username is the email address used when creating your NYSERA Partner Portal (Salesforce) account with .nyserda added to the end as shown in the example screenshot above
Password:You created this password when registering for the NYSERDA Partner Portal (Salesforce) account. If you have forgotten the password, click the Forgot Your Password? Link and follow the prompts to reset your password.
UI Step

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A If you have access to several dashboards, use the dropdown menu to navigate between them
B Click Refresh to update the dashboards and display the most up-to-date information
C Hover your mouse over any data elements in any graph to reveal a tooltip with granular details
D Each chart in the Dashboard has an underlying report that can be accessed by clicking the chart

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styles{"body":{},"header":{"backgroundColor":{"color":"#f3f4f9"}},"headline":{"text":{"text":"DashboardReports","color":"#002d72","textAlign":"left","fontWeight":"bold","fontSize":18},"alignment":{"horizontal":"start"}},"base":{"backgroundColor":{"color":"#ffffff"},"borderRadius":{"radius":4},"boxShadow":{"shadows":[{"color":"rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08)","x":0,"y":1,"blur":1,"spread":0},{"color":"rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.16)","x":0,"y":1,"blur":3,"spread":1}]}}}
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titlelearn more...


To access all of the reports available to Contractors/Builders, follow the instructions belowThe Dashboard page provides an overview of your projects and to the available reports for Contractors/Builders.

UI Steps

UI Step

After logging into Salesforce, click access the Dashboards tab to access the Dashboard.

UI Step

Then click the Go to Dashboard List link.

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UI Step

Select the Program folder to access the report list. Once clicked, the reports will show to the right.


The Dashboard includes several visual charts to help you track your projects.

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UI Step
A If you have access to several dashboards, use the dropdown menu to navigate between them
B Click Refresh to update the dashboards and display the most up-to-date information
C Hover your mouse over any data elements in any graph to reveal a tooltip with granular details
D Each chart in the Dashboard has an underlying report that can be accessed by clicking the chart
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styles{"body":{},"header":{"backgroundColor":{"color":"#f3f4f9"}},"headline":{"text":{"text":"Reports","color":"#002d72","textAlign":"left","fontWeight":"bold","fontSize":18},"alignment":{"horizontal":"start"}},"base":{"backgroundColor":{"color":"#ffffff"},"borderRadius":{"radius":4},"boxShadow":{"shadows":[{"color":"rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08)","x":0,"y":1,"blur":1,"spread":0},{"color":"rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.16)","x":0,"y":1,"blur":3,"spread":1}]}}}
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titlelearn more...

To access all of the reports available to Contractors/Builders, follow the instructions below.

UI Steps
UI Step

After logging into Salesforce, access the Dashboards tab.

UI Step

Then click the Go to Dashboard List link.


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UI Step

Select the Program folder to access the report list. Once clicked, the reports will show to the right.


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UI Step

Below is a list of all reports available to Contractors/Builders.

Report NameDescriptionContractor Inspection DashboardHigh-level overview of completed inspections.Photo Inspection ScoreOverview of all photo inspection score over a set period of time.2018 Inspection Scores*List of all projects from 2018.2019 Inspection Scores*List of all projects from 2019.Invoices by Payment Status**Groups projects by invoice status and displays invoice amount.Status and System Size*Groups projects by project status and system size.Waiting and Response*Lists all projects that require input/response for process participants.Number of Projects by Utility*Groups projects by electric utility company.Open Projects with Completion Deadline*Lists all approved projects at risk for termination.Inspection ListLists all approved/completed field or photo inspection projects.* Includes links to Project records
** Includes links to Project and Invoice records
*** Includes links to Project and Inspection records
UI Step

After accessing a report, use the Filters at the top of the page to define how the information in the report should be displayed.


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Run Report Click to update the report information based on the filters set. Hide Details Hides the details of each heading in the report table. Click again to unhide these details. Printable View Click to open the report in a print friendly format. Export Details Exports the report into an excel format. UI Step

Click any Underlined Link in a report table to open the corresponding Project Record.


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Below is a list of all reports available to Contractors/Builders.

Report NameDescription
Contractor Inspection DashboardHigh-level overview of completed inspections.
Photo Inspection ScoreOverview of all photo inspection score over a set period of time.
2018 Inspection Scores*List of all projects from 2018.
2019 Inspection Scores*List of all projects from 2019.
Invoices by Payment Status**Groups projects by invoice status and displays invoice amount.
Status and System Size*Groups projects by project status and system size.
Waiting and Response*Lists all projects that require input/response for process participants.
Number of Projects by Utility*Groups projects by electric utility company.
Open Projects with Completion Deadline*Lists all approved projects at risk for termination.
Inspection ListLists all approved/completed field or photo inspection projects.

* Includes links to Project records
** Includes links to Project and Invoice records
*** Includes links to Project and Inspection records

UI Step

After accessing a report, use the Filters at the top of the page to define how the information in the report should be displayed.


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Run Report Click to update the report information based on the filters set.
Hide Details Hides the details of each heading in the report table. Click again to unhide these details.
Printable View Click to open the report in a print friendly format.
Export Details Exports the report into an excel format.

UI Step

Click any Underlined Link in a report table to open the corresponding Project Record.


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Aura - Tab
titleResponding to Corrective Actions

titleResponding to Corrective Action Required (CAR) Requests


Corrective Action Required (CAR) tasks may be assigned to specific Measures or Tasks for an inspection. CARs, in general, highlight major or critical deficiencies of the installation or project.

Contractors/Builders who receive CAR tasks related to a prior inspection must resolve all Critical and Major failed tasks. This may require performing additional work on the build site to fix any documented issues. Once these issues have been resolved, Contractors/Builders should follow the following process to update the inspection record.

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styles{"body":{},"header":{"backgroundColor":{"color":"#f3f4f9"}},"headline":{"text":{"text":"Resolving Corrective Actions (CARs)","color":"#002d72","textAlign":"left","fontWeight":"bold","fontSize":18},"alignment":{"horizontal":"start"}},"base":{"backgroundColor":{"color":"#ffffff"},"borderRadius":{"radius":4},"boxShadow":{"shadows":[{"color":"rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08)","x":0,"y":1,"blur":1,"spread":0},{"color":"rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.16)","x":0,"y":1,"blur":3,"spread":1}]}}}
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titlelearn more...

UI Steps

UI Step

Contractors and Builders respond to Corrective Action Required (CAR) tasks through the Review Failed Tasks page in Salesforce. Access to this page can be found in the email communication sent to Contractors and Builders when an inspection uncovers CARs.


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UI Step

On the Review Failed Tasks page, use the side navigation bar to locate all CAR eligible failed tasks. Major or Critical failed tasks that require a response are denoted with a Red X to the right of the task. The first failed task will already be visible.


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UI Step

For each CAR eligible failed task, click the Action dropdown list and select Mark as Resolved, then add a note in the Notes section. Finally, click Insert to update the failed task and open the attachment window.


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Note that an Action must be selected, and Notes documented before you are able to click the Insert option to upload new files or photos. Additionally, the Mark as Resolved option is only available for Major or Critical failed tasks. Given that Minor or Incidental failed tasks do not require a response to NYSERDA if resolved, that option is not available.

UI Step

In the Attachment column, click the Paperclip icon to open the CAR Failure Review Attachment window.


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UI Step

Click Choose Files in the new window to locate the files on your computer. Choose the appropriate file(s) for upload.


Image Added


Multiple files or photos can be uploaded at the same time. Simply select multiple files or photos during Step three of this section.

UI Step

After a file is uploaded, a thumbnail of the file will display in the Attachment window. Click the Close button when complete.

UI Step

After successfully responding to all Failed tasks, click Submit at the bottom of the page to submit your CAR replies for review.

UI Step

After resolving the CAR tasks, the Program Implementer will review the submitted resolution. If the resolution is approved, no further actions are necessary for that specific CAR tasks. If the resolution is denied, the Program Implemented will reach out to request additional corrections.

UI Step

Complete the above steps for all other CAR tasks.

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styles{"body":{},"header":{"backgroundColor":{"color":"#f3f4f9"}},"headline":{"text":{"text":"Contesting Corrective Actions (CARs)","color":"#002d72","textAlign":"left","fontWeight":"bold","fontSize":18},"alignment":{"horizontal":"start"}},"base":{"backgroundColor":{"color":"#ffffff"},"borderRadius":{"radius":4},"boxShadow":{"shadows":[{"color":"rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08)","x":0,"y":1,"blur":1,"spread":0},{"color":"rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.16)","x":0,"y":1,"blur":3,"spread":1}]}}}
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To contest a failed task, follow step 1 and step 2 from the Resolving Corrective Actions (CARs) section on this page, then:

UI Steps

UI Step

To contest a failed task, select Contest Rating from the Action dropdown list.

UI Step

Follow all additional steps from the Resolving Corrective Actions (CARs) section until all CARs have been resolved or contested.

  • Contractors are still required to resolve any failed tasks if the Program Manager denies the contest.
  • If the Program Implementer marks a Contest Failed Task as upheld, it will be escalated to the NYSERDA QA Manager.

UI Step

Contested Failed Tasks that are upheld by the Program Implemented are escalated to the NYSERDA QA Manager who will also perform a review and either deny or uphold the contested failed task.

  • Contractors are still required to resolve any failed tasks if the NYSERDA QA Manager denies the contest.
  • Contractors will receive a follow-up notification email regarding the CAR tasks and must respond by the Respond By date in the notification.
  • Failed tasks can only be contested twice.

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titleTraining Resources

titleTraining Resources

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titleResponding to Corrective Actions
titleResponding to Corrective Action Required (CAR) Requests

Corrective Action Required (CAR) tasks may be assigned to specific Measures or Tasks for an inspection. CARs, in general, highlight major or critical deficiencies of the installation or project.

Contractors/Builders who receive CAR tasks related to a prior inspection must resolve all Critical and Major failed tasks. This may require performing additional work on the build site to fix any documented issues. Once these issues have been resolved, Contractors/Builders should follow the following process to update the inspection record.

Contractors and Builders respond to Corrective Action Required (CAR) tasks through the Review Failed Tasks page in Salesforce. Access to this page can be found in the email communication sent to Contractors and Builders when an inspection uncovers CARs.

Aura - Panel
styles{"body":{},"header":{"backgroundColor":{"color":"#f3f4f9"}},"headline":{"text":{"text":"Resolving Corrective Actions (CARs)",":{"color":"#002d72#465671","textAlign":"left","fontWeight":"boldnormal","fontSize":1814}},"alignmentheader":{"backgroundColor":{"horizontalcolor":"start#f3f4f9"}},"baseheadline":{"backgroundColortext":{"colortext":"#ffffffTraining Video"},"borderRadiuscolor":{"radius#002d72":4},"boxShadowtextAlign":{"shadowsleft":[{,"colorfontWeight":"rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08)normal","xfontSize":018},"yalignment":1,{"blurhorizontal":1,"spreadstart":0}},{"colorbase":"rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.16)","x":0,"y":1,"blur":3,"spread":1}]}}}
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titlelearn more...
UI Steps
UI Step

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UI StepOn the Review Failed Tasks page, use the side navigation bar to locate all CAR eligible failed tasks. Failed tasks that require a response are denoted with a Red X to the right of the task. The first failed task will already be visible.

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UI StepFor each CAR eligible failed task, click the Action dropdown list and selectMark as Resolved, then add a note in the Notes section. Finally, click Insert to update the failed task and open the attachment window. Expand

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Note that an Action must be selected, and Notes documented before you are able to click the Insert option to upload new files or photos.

UI StepIn the Attachment column, click the Paperclip icon to open theCAR Failure Review Attachment window.

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UI StepClick Choose Files in the new window to locate the files on your computer. Choose the appropriate file(s) for upload. Expand
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Multiple files or photos can be uploaded at the same time. Simply select multiple files or photos during Step three of this section.

UI StepAfter a file is uploaded, a thumbnail of the file will display in the Attachment window. Click the Close button when complete. UI StepAfter successfully responding to all Failed tasks, click Submit at the bottom of the page to submit your CAR replies for review.
UI Step

After resolving the CAR tasks, the Program Implementer will review the submitted resolution. If the resolution is approved, no further actions are necessary for that specific CAR tasks. If the resolution is denied, the Program Implemented will reach out to request additional corrections.

UI Step

Complete the above steps for all other CAR tasks.

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The video below is a recording of the training session provided to Participating Contractors on January 26, 2022. Click the Play button on the video to being watching the recording. You can also click the full window icon in the lower-right hand corner to open the video in full-screen mode.

titlewatch video

nameNYSERDA Standards and Quality Assurance (SQA) Training for Contractors Session 3.mp4
pageExternal Guide Video Library

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titlelearn more...

To contest a failed task, follow step 1 and step 2 from the Resolving Corrective Actions (CARs) section on this page, then:

UI Steps
UI Step

To contest a failed task, select Contest Rating from the Action dropdown list.

UI Step

Follow all additional steps from the Resolving Corrective Actions (CARs) section until all CARs have been resolved or contested.

  • Contractors are still required to resolve any failed tasks if the Program Manager denies the contest.
  • If the Program Implementer marks a Contest Failed Task as upheld, it will be escalated to the NYSERDA QA Manager.
UI Step

Contested Failed Tasks that are upheld by the Program Implemented are escalated to the NYSERDA QA Manager who will also perform a review and either deny or uphold the contested failed task.

  • Contractors are still required to resolve any failed tasks if the NYSERDA QA Manager denies the contest.
  • Contractors will receive a follow-up notification email regarding the CAR tasks and must respond by the Respond By date in the notification.
  • Failed tasks can only be contested twice.
Aura - Tab
titleTraining Resources
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body<p><br /></p>

The below presentation was used during the live training session to Participating Contractors. To read through the presentation, click once to open in full-screen mode, then scroll down to review additional slides. Do not use the arrows to the right and left after opening the presentation in full-screen mode as it will navigate to other attachments on this page.

titlereview presentation

View file
nameRES SQA Training Presentation - Participating Contractors.pdf
pageExternal Guide Attachment Library

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