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The New York State Clean Energy Internship Program, the Climate Justice Fellowship Program, and the On-the-Job Training Program are workforce development initiatives offered through NYSERDA. The programs focus on enhancing the talent pipeline for New York State businesses engaged in the clean energy industry by facilitating the placement of students and recent graduates into paid internships and by supporting the hiring and training of new full-time workers and one-year fellows. NYSERDA reimburses eligible employers for a percentage of wages for the participating interns, fellows, and new hires.

Businesses submit an online application to apply for all three programs, and applicants may be approved for one or more programs depending on eligibility criteria.

Once approved, participating employers submit an application for each individual they wish to hire in order to apply for funding.

These instructions cover the steps of the application to become a participating employer.

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The content below provides guidance when beginning, and navigating through, the online application. Please review before accessing any of the Application Instruction tabs to the left.

Checking Your Application Progress:

Business Submitting Application

titleProcedure 1

This step will link to/refer to the materials we will create for the Public Knowledge Base.

Once the application is accessed, ensure Workforce Development is selected for the Program Family drop-down and click the Workforce Development and Training radio button. Then click Continue.

UI Steps
UI Step

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The application is comprised of four pages, or steps. Your progress throughout the application can be viewed in the upper right-hand corner where progress is denoted with a black circle. Additionally, these can be used to navigate to completed pages. To navigate this way, click the circle representing the required page.


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Application Field Tips and Information:

As you progress throughout the application, fields marked with a Question Mark within a circle contain tool-tips to help you understand the information required for those fields. Tool-tips within the field (such as with the Legal Business Name in the screenshot below) are activated when hovering your cursor over the field, whereas tool-tips next to the field name, such as in the Current Business Size field in the screenshot below) are active when the question mark is clicked.


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UI Step

Beginning the Application:

Once the application is accessed, ensure Workforce Development is selected for the Program Family drop-down and click the Workforce Development and Training radio button. Then click Continue to begin the application process.


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Navigating the Application:

Every page contains both a Previous and Continue button.

  • The Previous button enables to applicant to return to previous pages should it be necessary to update information on pages that have already been completed.
  • The Continue button allows applicants to navigate to next page, or step, of the application. Applicants cannot advance to the next page if any required fields on the page have not been completed.

Special Notes:

Content on this page with an associated camera icon indicates a screenshot, or other content, has been placed within a Tool-Tip. To access the content in a Tool-Tip, simply hover your cursor over the camera icon. Try it with this camera icon:


Success! You have accessed the content within this Tool-Tip!

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titleApplication: Page 1

titleApplication Page 1: Company Information


The first page of the application requires you to document your company information. All required fields on this page are denoted by a red asterisk *.


Select either EIN (Employer Identification Number or SSN (Social Security Number)


UI Steps

UI Step

Begin by entering in your company's name and address information.

UI Step

Next, select the kind of business for the company. Options in the field drop-down are

Multi-selector drop-down
Field NameRequiredDescription/Requirements
Legal Business NameYesBusiness Name/ Disregarded Entity NameNoBusiness WebsiteNoStreet Address 1YesStreet Address 2NoCityYesState/ProvinceYesZip/Postal CodeYesWhat kind of business do you have?Yes


  • Corporation
  • Disregarded Entity
  • Federal, State, or Local Government
  • Individual / Sole Proprietor
  • Limited
  • Liability Co.
  • Not For Profit
  • Partnership
  • Public Authority
  • Trust / Estates
Please select if applicableNoMulti-selector list
Exempt Payee CodeNoTax Identification TypeYes
UI Step

Then, specify if the company is New York State registered or New York City certified MinorityWomen, or Service-Disabled Veteran owned business, if applicable.

UI Step

Input your company's Exempt Payee Code, if applicable.

UI Step

Lastly, check the appropriate Tax Identification Type for the company.

Employer Identification Number


: If selecting this option, an additional field will become visible. Input the


company's Employer Identification Number.


Social Security Number: If selecting this option, a note will appear. Your Social Security Number cannot be input within the application. Instead, you should mail your W9 to NYSERDA at the address provided within the note associated with this field.

UI Step

After completing all required and applicable fields on this page, click Continue to move onto the next page of the application. Click the next tab on this page to advance to the instructions for Application Page 2: Contact Information.


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titleApplication: Page 2

titleApplication Page 2: Contact Information


The second page establishes the Primary, Accounts Receivable, and Authorize Signatory contacts associated with the application. Should NYSERDA require additional information for the application, the Primary Contact will be contacted. All required fields on this page are denoted by a red asterisk *.



UI Steps

UI Step

Enter in contact information for the

details for each contact associated with this page of the process.

Primary Contact: Acts as the primary contact for any NYSERDA communications with the business.

Accounts Receivable Contact: Acts as the business reviewer and approved of any associated Invoices.

Authorized Signatory Contact: Acts as the authorized signer when signatures are required as part of the process

Primary Contact for the company. The Primary Contact will be the recipient of any future NYSERDA communications.

UI Step

Next, enter in the contact information for the company's Accounts Receivable Contact. This individual may be contacted with questions related to the payment of invoices.


The Primary Contact can also act as the Accounts Receivable Contact. If this is the case, check the Accounts Receivable Contact is same as Primary Contact checkbox.

UI Step

Lastly, enter in the contact information for the company's Authorized Signatory Contact. This individual will be the company's approved signatory should approval or decisions requiring an authorized signatory be necessary.


The Primary Contact can also act as



Accounts Receivable and

Authorized Signatory Contact. If


this is the case, be sure to check the Authorized Signatory Contact is same as Primary Contact checkbox.

UI Step

After completing all required and applicable fields on this page, click Continue to move onto the next page of the application. Click the next tab on this page to advance to the instructions for Application Page 3: Business Details associated checkbox for each section. If the associated checkbox is checked, the contact information fields for each section will become hidden.


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titleApplication: Page 3

titleApplication Page 3: Business Details


The third page establishes some basic demographics of the company that are required to review, process, and approve applications. All fields on this page are required.

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NYSERDA Project Manager

titleProcedure 2

There are several elements of this step that determine how/if an application moves forward in the process.

titleVerify if Business is an Existing OJT/Internship Participant
  1. Search for the business name under Accounts
  2. If they already have an account, see if they have a “Partner Account” (check box in that column)
  3. If they have a “Partner Account” see if they already have a program partnership for Internship and/or OJT.
    1. If not, proceed as usual
    2. If they are already a participant in one program but are applying for the other
      1. ****
      2. ***
    3. If they are already a program participant in both programs,
      1. Mark application status as Duplicate
      2. If More Info is Needed to review their application, check with internal PM first to see if question can be answered
  • Otherwise, proceed with review. *See if Due Diligence review is required or not.. it may be even if they are already a Partner Account

UI Steps

UI Step

Complete all fields on this page, leveraging the tool-tips, as described in the Introduction tab, to review additional field requirements or information if needed.

UI Step

Be as specific as possible for the first and last fields on this page as they relate specifically to eligibility requirements and will be reviewed by the NYSERDA Program Team prior to approving any applications. For the last field, NYSERDA will perform an internal review to cross-check programs your company is currently participating in at NYSERDA.

UI Step

After completing all fields on this page, click Continue to move onto the next page of the application. Click the next tab on this page to advance to the instructions for Application Page 4: Application Review.


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titleApplication: Page 4

titleApplication Page 4: Application Review


The last page provides an opportunity for applicants to review all submitted information before signing and submitting the application. All fields on this page are required.



UI Steps

UI Step

Begin by viewing or downloading the two documents in the blue message box. Once reviewed, check the box attesting that you have read and understand the program requirements. You cannot submit your application until this has been completed.

UI Step

Then, answer the four required questions.

UI Step

Click the Print button at the bottom of the page to open a PDF version of your completed, but unsigned, application. Review all application information for accuracy. Return to the online application, read the disclosure and check the box to attest that you agree to the terms and conditions.

UI Step

Next, sign the application. There are two ways to accomplish this:

titleElectronic Signature
  1. Click the Electronic Signature button. You will be directed to DocuSign to provide your electronic signature.

  2. On the first DocuSign page, check the agreement box, then click Continue. 


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  3. The application will appear. Click Start. 


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  4. You'll be directed to the signature portion of the application. Click Sign


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  5. A modal window will appear requesting your signature preference. Your Name and initials will pre-populate. Choose your signature option and click Adopt and Sign when ready. 


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  6. You'll return to the application in DocuSign where your signature will display in the signature field. Click Finish


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  7. You'll be returned to the Application Review page. A message stating Application is signed will be visible. 


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titlePhysical Signature
  1. Use the pdf version of the completed, but unsigned, application from step 3 above. Print the pdf.
  2. Physically sign the printed pdf application.
  3. Scan all pages of the completed and signed application to your computer. You can use photos of the application.
  4. At the bottom of page 4 of the application, click the Choose File button in the Signed Application section to locate the file of the signed application on your computer.
  5. Upload the file.
  6. Click the Save button to save the uploaded file to the online application tool.

UI Step

Finally, to complete the application process, click the Submit button at the bottom of the page.

UI Step

Once submitted, the Primary Contact for the application will receive an email confirming the application has been submitted. 


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titleNext Steps

titleNext Steps

Now that you have submitted your application:

  • It will be reviewed first by NYSERDA Program Staff and then by the New York State Department of Labor.
  • The Primary Contact associated with the application will continue to receive communications throughout the review and approval process regarding updates to the application process.
  • Check the email address associated with the application regularly for communication updates. If either NYSERDA or the Department of Labor need additional information or clarity on any of your responses to the application, it will be requested through email, with instructions on what actions you need to take.
  • If your application is approved, you will receive an email communication with additional steps or instructions, if any. If your application is rejected, the email communication received will outline the specific reasons for rejection.

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titleProject Manager Reviews Submitted Application
  1. Portal sends an automated email to Internship PM
  2. PM opens application
    1. PM clicks link in email or
    2. PM opens “Contractor Applications” tab in Portal
      1. PM selects “WFD – Project Manager Approval Queue” and Clicks “Go”
        1. This list displays all contractor applications in the “Under Review” status.
        2. If an application is marked as “Request for Information” then it’s waiting on the customer to respond before a review can continue
        3. Complete reviews in order of oldest creation date to newest.
      2. PM clicks on the Application Number hyperlink to open an application to review (one that is “Under Review” without the “Request for Information” button being checked
    3. PM scrolls down to the contact information and clicks “documents” then clicks the signed application to open it in PDF form
    4. PM reviews the following fields:
      1. Business address – confirm it is in NYS. If a residential address, may need to investigate.
      2. WBE/MBE/SDVOB – if they are an WBE/MBE/SDVOB then they don’t need to have 2 or more employees.
        1. Check on WBE/MBE/SDVOB websites
      3. Descriptions of jobs business plans to offer – Make sure them demonstrate the connection to clean energy
      4. Review website to verify services related to clean energy

Sent to PM review queue (sophie, becky, laura). Verify who will be in this queue after go-live.

titleApplication is Missing Required Information
  1. PM clicks “Edit” at top of application
  2. PM checks the “Request for More info” box under the “Review” section
  3. Enter the Request for Information Date
  4. Click Save
  5. PM sends More Information Needed Email
    1. Scroll down to “Activity History”
    2. Click “Send an Email”
    3. Click “Select Template”
    4. Select “NYSERDA WFD Templates”
    5. Select “WFD CONAPP Request for Additional Information”
    6. Select “From” Address = either or
    7. Edit Template to describe the additional information needed to complete the review
    8. Click “Send”
  6. Applicant responds to PM via email
  7. PM clicks “Edit” at top of Application”
  8. PM unchecks the “Request for Information” box under “Review” and adds in Request for Information date
  9. PM completes review of additional information and proceeds with Approval/Rejection/More Info Needed sequence as applicable.
titleProject Manager Approves Application
To approve an application, the PM scrolls down to “Approval History” section
  • PM clicks “Approve / Reject”
  • PM clicks “Approve”
  • Application Proceeds to DOL review stage.
    titleProject Manager Rejects Application
    1. To reject an ineligible application, the PM scrolls down to “Approval History” section
      1. PM clicks “Approve / Reject”
      2. PM enters comments about ineligibility in Comments box
      3. PM clicks “Reject”
      4. PM sends Rejection Email
        1. Scroll down to “Activity History”
        2. Click “Send an Email”
        3. Click “Select Template”
        4. Select “NYSERDA WFD Templates”
        5. Select “WFD Contractor Rejection Notification”
        6. Select “From” Address =
        7. Edit Template to list reasons why applicant is not eligible
        8. Click “Send”
        9. System automatically sets Application Status to “Rejected”
        10. Process Complete.

    NYS Department of Labor

    titleProcedure 3

    There are several elements of this step that determine how/if an application moves forward in the process.

    titleDepartment of Labor Review Submitted Application
    1. Portal sends an automated email to DOL reviewer
    2. DOL reviewer opens up “Contractor Applications” tab in Portal
    3. DOL reviewer selects “WFD – DOL Approval Queue” and clicks “Go”
    4. DOL reviewer clicks on the Application Number hyperlink to open an application to review
    5. DOL obtains business information necessary for Due Diligence Review under the Company Information Section:
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    6. Any additional detail they may need can be found under the Documents section with the DocuSign version of the application (e.g., contact info)
    titleApplication is Missing Required Information
    1. To indicate that more information is needed to complete the Due Diligence Review, DOL reviewer clicks “Edit” at top of application
    2. Under the “Review” section, DOL reviewer checks the “Request for Information” box and enters in the date that the initial RFI was made.
    3. DOL reviewer adds in Comments in Notes field about subsequent check-ins after the initial RFI
    4. PM monitors Business Application Review Queue.
      1. For applications that have been in RFI status from a DOL request for more than 30 days, PM emails DOL asking about activity/responsiveness of applicants
      2. Businesses that are past 30 days are given one final request with a 1-week deadline to resolve the Due Diligence issues.
      3. If issues are resolved, DOL reviewer proceeds with Business Application approval process.
      4. If issues are not resolved, DOL reviewer confirms to the NYSERDA PM that the business is not actively addressing the Due Diligence Issue.
        1. PM scrolls down to “Approval History” section
        2. PM reviewer clicks “Approve / Reject"
        3. PM reviewer clicks “Reject” and enters “Did not pass Due Diligence Review in given timeframe” in comments box
        4. PM sends Rejection Email
  • Scroll down to “Activity History”
  • Click “Send an Email”
  • Click “Select Template”
  • Select “NYSERDA WFD Templates”
  • Select “WFD Contractor Rejection Notification”
  • Select “From” Address =
  • CC DOL Contact
  • Edit Template to list reasons why applicant is not eligible
  • Click “Send”
  • System automatically sets Application Status to “Cancelled”Process Complete.
    titleDepartment of Labor Approves Application
    1. To approve an application, the DOL reviewer scrolls down to “Approval History” section
      1. DOL reviewer clicks “Approve / Reject”
      2. DOL reviewer clicks “Approve”

    NYSERDA Project Coordinator

    titleProcedure 4
  • Portal sends an automated email to PC
  • PC opens application
    1. PC clicks link in email or
    2. PC opens up “Contractor Applications” tab in Portal
      1. PC selects “WFD – Project Coordinator Approval Queue” and Clicks “Go”
      2. PC clicks on the Application Number hyperlink to open an application to review
  • PC checks if application is a duplicate
  • PC checks NEIS to see if contractor is already a NYSERDA supplier
    1. If so, continue
    2. If not, PC emails the applicant the New Supplier Creation Uploader with a request for the business to complete and return it. Use template
      1. Checks “RFI button” and adds date email sent
      2. When business provides New Supplier Creation Uploader, Kelli unchecks the RFI button and submits form to
      3. Once business has a new supplier number, continue with process
  • The PC scrolls down to “Approval History” section
    1. PC clicks “Approve / Reject”
    2. PC clicks “Approve"
  • PC completes “Provision Contractor Login” Process
    1. Clicks “Provision Contractor Login” button at the top of the application
    2. PC clicks “Create Account”
    3. PC Clicks “Create Contact and Community User”
    4. If a contractor already has a portal account from another program, when you go to provision a log-in, you will get a message saying a portal log in has already been created.
    5. To Provision Contractor Log-in for both programs
      1. ?
    6. To Provision Contractor Log-in for just one program
      1. Open up Account under “Portal User Details” (click on hyperlink of business name)
      2. Scroll down to Program Partnerships
      3. Delete the Program Partnership that they are not approved for or perhaps Edit the program partnership and change the status to “none” – Beth to confirm
  • PC sends application Approval email
    1. Scroll down to “Activity History”
    2. Click “Send an Email”
    3. Click “Select Template”
    4. Select “NYSERDA WFD Templates”
    5. Select “WFD Contractor Approval Notification”
    6. Select “From” Address =
    7. Edit Template to indicate if they are approved for one or both programs
    8. Click “Send”
  • Portal automatically sends an email to Contractor after Provision Log in Step
  • Process Complete