Aura - Title |
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cloudText | Demo Title |
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VMWare: Changing Connection Protocols |
Aura - Divider |
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Info |
This page demonstrates how to change default connection protocols. These instructions only apply if you are connecting via the VMWare Horizon app. They are not necessary if you connect via |
UI Steps |
UI Step |
In the VMWare Horizon App, log in to your VM connection. To find instructions on how to access your VMWare connection, please go to Access Your NYSERDA VM. Expand |
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VMware Horizon – Changing Display Protocols
- Log into VMware Horizon via normal methods
Once logged in right click on your VM connection, in most cases, Windows 10 Persona. Expand |
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UI Step |
If you see that PCoIP (default) is checked you need to change the display protocol to the new default VMware Blast |
. Expand |
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UI Step |
Once this is selected you should be able to connect to your VM again with no issues. |
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