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Topic Overview |
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IntroductionAudio Conferencing is now available for Microsoft Teams. Users and join a meeting by dialing in either as a participant or as the conference call leader. Both leaders and participants can use dual-tone multifrequency (DTMF) to manage the conferencing experience. allows the ability to dial-in to Teams meetings using a phone line rather than your computer or device audio. This functionality is automatic, nothing needs to be done within the system to set it up. Dail-in information is generated automatically when scheduling meetings in Teams, and that information is available within the invite for that meeting. Every user has a uniqie Pin Number (make sure to keep the Pin private to yourself) associated with their account that allows them to access the meeting as a Meeting Organizer. |
Aura - Panel |
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Join or Conference by Phonethrough Audio Conferencing","color":"#002d72","textAlign":"left","fontWeight":" |
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Locate the meeting information through the meeting invite, dial the Number and the Conference ID to join the meeting through the Teams application, or through the phone. |
Reference Link.Dial-in as the Meeting Organizer
UI Expand |
title | DTMF Chart - Meeting Organizer |
Press | To do this | Avalibility |
*1 | Privately play a description of the available DTMF commands | Everyone |
*3 | Privately play the name of each participant in the conference | Everyone |
*4 | Mute audience or return mute control to participants
Warning |
Turning off audience muting does not unmute individual participants. When you turn off audience muting, participants hear a message explaining how to unmute themselves. |
Leader Only | HTML |
<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><button class="navbutton2" style="width:100%;">Dial-in as the Meeting Organizer</button></a> |
<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><button class="navbutton2" style="width:100%;">Dial-in as the Participant</button></a> |
*6 | Mute or unmute your microphone | Everyone |
*7 | Lock or unlock the conference | Leader Only |
*8 | Admit all participants currently in the lobby. After you issue this command, everyone joining the meeting bypasses the lobby. | Leader Only |
*9 | Enable or disable announcements for participants entering and exiting the conference. Announcements are heard by everyone in the meeting | Leader Only |
Dial-in as the Participant
UI Expand |
title | DTMF Chart - Participant |
Press | To do this |
*1 | Privately play a description of the available DTMF commands |
*3 | Privately play the name of each participant in the conference |
*6 | Mute or unmute your microphone
Aura - Panel |
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Adding Dial-In information Reset the Pin Number","color":"#002d72","textAlign":"left","fontWeight":" |
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The Dail-In Pin Number can be reset through the Call-In Section from a Teams meeting invite, or through the link below. HTML |
<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><button class="navbutton2" style="width:100%;">Pin Number Reset</button></a> |
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To add a dial-in number for a meeting in Teams, the meeting should be scheduled through Outlook or Teams, and the meeting details are automatically included. Reference Link.
Tip |
If the meeting is scheduled through Teams, make sure the PSTN conferencing is turned on for your account. (Talk to your IT admin if you're not sure.) |
Aura - Panel |
tab | 1 |
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body | <p><br /></p> |
Locate the Pin Number from the Microsoft Conferencing Email. Tip |
The Pin Number is unique to every user, it is only required if you are dialing in as the Meeting Organizer. | Store the Pin Number...If cannot locate the email, reset the Pin Number here, or through the call-in section from a Teams meeting invite. |