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Aura - Title |
color | #0077c8 |
textAlign | left |
fontSize | 24 |
lineHeight | 24 |
cloudText | Demo Title |
tag | h6 |
fontWeight | normal |
| Review the Geo-Eligibility Screening: |
Tip |
Applicants need only satisfy one Eligibility Requirement. |
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UI Step |
Geo-Eligibility is determined automatically by the system based on the Applicant's address. Expand |
title | Geo Eligibility for Moderate Income Applicants |
| Applicants who are considered Moderate Income are not eligible for Geo-Eligibility. |
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Aura - Title |
color | #0077c8 |
textAlign | left |
fontSize | 24 |
lineHeight | 24 |
cloudText | Demo Title |
tag | h6 |
fontWeight | normal |
| Complete the Referral Code Screening: |
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UI Step |
If you received a letter from NYSERDA with a Referral Code, select Yes in response to the question, enter the Referral Code in the provided field, then skip to Complete the Household Demographics Section below. No additional eligibility questions are required. Expand |
title | Regarding Referral Codes |
| - The Referral Code field is only accessible if Yes is selected. If you have a Referral Code, enter it in the field that appears.
- Referral Codes are provided to Applicants through mailed letters or emails either from the Applicant's Utility, from NYSERDA directly, or from the Office of Temporary Disability Assistance (OTDA).
- Applicants who have a Referral Code and enter it in the application will not need to provide additional income verification as part of the application process.
- Contractors and/or Community Organizations assisting Applicants with the application process should inquire if the Applicant, or their household, received a Referral Code through email or mail.
UI Step |
However, if you did not receive a letter with a Referral Code, select No. An additional section will appear on the application titled Categorical Screening. Review instructions for that section below. |
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Aura - Title |
color | #0077c8 |
textAlign | left |
fontSize | 24 |
lineHeight | 24 |
cloudText | Demo Title |
tag | h6 |
fontWeight | normal |
| Complete the Categorical Screening: |
Info |
This section of the application will only appear if the applicant answers No to the question in the Referral Code Screening section. |
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UI Step |
If you or any household member received an award letter for HEARHEAP, SNAP (Food Stamps), SSI, TANF, or Public Assistance in the past 12 months, select Yes. Categorical eligibility is based on the date within the award letter. Award letters are good for one year from the date provided within. Once completed, advance to the Household Demographics section. |
UI Step |
If you, or any household members did not receive any assistance as listed above, select No. An additional section will appear on the application titled Income Documentation Screening. Review instructions for that section below. |
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Aura - Title |
color | #0077c8 |
textAlign | left |
fontSize | 24 |
lineHeight | 24 |
cloudText | Demo Title |
tag | h6 |
fontWeight | normal |
| Complete the Income Documentation Screening: |
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UI Steps |
UI Step |
To add spaces for other members of the household for income documentation purposes, click the Add Household Member option. This will open a modal window for you to document the household member's: - First Name
- Last Name
- Age
- If they are a Full-time Student
- Gross Income Amount
- Income Source
- Income Source Frequency
- Verification Method
UI Step |
To add an income source for a household member, click the Add Another Income Source option below the household member to document the household member's: - Age
- If they are a Full-time Student
- Gross Income Amount
- Income Source
- Income Source Frequency
- Verification Method
UI Step |
To edit or delete an income source added to a household member, click the Pencil Icon (edit) or Trash Can Icon (delete) to the far right of the listed income source. |
UI Step |
Continue adding household members and income sources as needed. |
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Aura - Title |
color | #0077c8 |
textAlign | left |
fontSize | 24 |
lineHeight | 24 |
cloudText | Demo Title |
tag | h6 |
fontWeight | normal |
| Complete the Household Demographics Section: |
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UI Steps |
UI Step |
Complete the Household Demographics Details field, selecting all options that apply for all members of the household. |
UI Step |
Select the Number of Household Members from the drop-down. |
UI Step |
Document how many members of the household are: - 60 years of age or older
- Children (age 17 years or younger)
- Persons with Disabilities
- Veterans or Disabled Veterans
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Aura - Title |
color | #0077c8 |
textAlign | left |
fontSize | 24 |
lineHeight | 24 |
cloudText | Demo Title |
tag | h6 |
fontWeight | normal |
| Save & Continue: |
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UI Step |
To advance to the next step, click Continue at the bottom of the page. It is recommended that you click Save before clicking Continue. |
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