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- Create your first knowledge base article - Click "Create" and select a "How-to" or "Troubleshooting" article.
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This is the home page for your knowledge base space within Confluence. You can use your knowledge base to capture best practices and address common problems. |
The Helpdesk Knowledgebase is a repository of tips, tricks and self-service guides to enable the entire NYSERDA community to use the IT resources available to them as well as enable those users to solve some of their own issues and get back to doing their important work! |
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Frequently asked questions
- Add links to popular how-to and troubleshooting articles.
- Highlight important documentation.
Need more help?
- You can always submit a new request
- Or you can call us at x4357 (it spells help!)
- Link to resources such as your service desk, questions & answers or a forum.
- List contacts for getting additional help.
Other resources
- Include links to relevant external sites and services.
- Add other helpful information.
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