// Find out the varinitial state selectorsof =the ['#splitter-sidebar','.vsplitbar', '#splitter-button'];
AJS.$.each(selectors, function(){
AJS.$(''+thissidebar and set cookies to remember it
jQuery.cookie("showsidebar",AJS.$("div#splitter-sidebar").width(), {expires:5});
jQuery.cookie("resetsidebar",jQuery("doc-sidebar"), {expires:5});
//If the sidebar is visible, hide it and the split bar...
if (AJS.$("div#splitter-sidebar").width() > 0) {
// ...then change the width and position of the content...
AJS.$('#splitter-content').css({'width':'100%', 'left':'0'});
</script> // ...and hide the sidebar button
// The unload function runs when the user navigates away from the page
jQuery(window).unload(function() {
// Read the cookie to find out where the sidebar was originally
var origstate = jQuery.cookie("showsidebar");
// If the sidebar is now hidden and it wasn't originally, Click the button
if (AJS.$("div#splitter-sidebar").width() != 300 && origstate == 300) {
// Restore the original value for the doc-sidebar cookie
// Delete the temporary cookies
jQuery.cookie("showsidebar", null);
jQuery.cookie("resetsidebar", null);
</script> |