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The Combined Residential Application is intended to streamline the application process while broadening the scope of services approved Applicants are eligible for. The application can be accessed by navigating to Applicants can access and complete the application online (an Application Portal Account is required) or print, sign and mail in a paper application.

Applicants can receive assistance from Participating Contractors and/or Community Organizations when completing an application.

The materials below provide additional resources and materials to help CLEAResults Shared Services who are assisting Applicants when completing and submitting a Combined Residential EmPower+ Application. Additionally, applicants can be provided the following link which will allow them to access related material specific to their needs: EmPower+ Applicants

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titleWhy Complete an Application Online?

Faster, Safer, and More Accurate:

  • Its the fastest path for reviewing and approving an EmPower+ applicant.
  • Reduces or prevents incomplete, incorrect or missing information in the application.
  • Sensitive documents (proof of income, utility bills) in any format (pdf, photo) are uploaded securely.
  • Applicants can provide an e-signature rather than a physical one.
  • Approved applications automatically and seamlessly upload into Uplight to auto-create projects.

More Control:

  • Applicants can choose their own Contractor if they own the property referenced in the application.
  • Applicants can start, stop and return to the application at anytime which is helpful if1:

The application cannot be completed in one setting,

Additional time is needed to gather required and/or supporting documents or information

More Reliable Communications:

  • NYSERDA staff can leverage the online application to quickly reach out to applicants directly for missing documentation or information.
  • The system the application is built around provides timely, automated reminders and notifications to applicants when communication is necessary.

Reminders are sent at day 10, 20, and 30 once an application has been initiated.

Manual cancellation of the application occurs at day 30.

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titleRelated Training Videos and Presentations



Training Presentations

View file
nameCOM RES APP Updates and New Functions for utilities Training 02242022.pptx
pageExternal Guide Attachment Library


Training Videos

nameCOM RES Application Updates for Utilities.mp4
pageExternal Guide Attachment Library

Process Overview

titleView Process Diagram

Embed Diagram
diagramNameEmPowerAHP Combined Application
pageInfoEmPower+ Shared Services

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titleCreating an Application Portal Account

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Creating an Application Portal Account
Creating an Application Portal Account

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titleSubmitting an Online Application

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The Combined Residential Application allows Applicants to access and submit either online or paper applications to the program. Applicants can receive assistance from Community Organizations and/or Participant Contractors when submitting an application. Applicants who would like to submit an Online Application must create an Application Portal account first. The instructions below provide guidance on how to access, complete and submit a Combined Residential Application. To access instructions specific to each step below, click the learn more... link to expand the section and review the related materials.


The instructional materials below are intended to provide guidance for Participating Utilities.

Review the following information prior to Step 5 Section H: Applicant Information during the Electronic Signature Process:

  • If complete the application on behalf of the customer, customer signatures can be obtained in one of the following ways:
    • Print out the application at the Electronic Signature step and have the customer sign the physical copy. Once returned to the Utility, the signed application must be uploaded to the online application tool.
    • Print out the application and leverage the internal Utilities process to capture electronic signatures from customers. Once signed, the Utility must upload a pdf of the signed application to the online application tool.
    • Additionally, instead of completing the application on behalf of the customer, Utilities can choose to help the customer complete the application themselves so that the customer can leverage the Electronic Signature process form within the online application tool.

titleStep 4: Eligibility Screening Application Changes for Utilities

This is only when a Utility or a WAP Agency is completing an application on behalf of a customer during Step 4 right after the Geo Eligibility Screening.

UI Steps

UI Step

If you are a representative certifying the eligibility for EmPower New York, select Yes in response to the question, use the drop-down menu under Entity Certifying Eligibility to select if you are a Utility or a WAP Agency. Then skip to complete the Household Demographics Section below. No additional eligibility questions are required.


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However, if you are not a representative certifying the eligibility for EmPower New York, select No. An additional section will appear on the application titled Referral Code Screening. Review the instructions for that section under Step 4: Complete the Referral Code Screening.

Excerpt Include
Submitting a Combined Residential Application
Submitting a Combined Residential Application

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titleAccessing Submitted Applications

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Submitted Combined Residential Applications are reviewed by CLEAResult Shared Services within Salesforce. Applications, once approved, are systematically pushed into Uplight for future project management. Note that paper applications received from Applicants must first be submitted through the Online Application process before they can be reviewed by Utility Companies. Access each step below by clicking on the learn more... link to expand the section and review the related instructions.


The instructional materials below are intended to provide guidance for Utility Companies when reviewing submitted applications in Salesforce. 

Utilities can only review applications where:

  • The application is in Submitted status, and
  • The respective Utility was selected on Step 2: Utility Information of the Combined Residential Application, or
  • The respective Utility completed the application on behalf of the Customer, or
  • CLEAResult Shared Services updated the Utility information to the respective Utility on the application post-submission.

UI Steps

UI Step

Log into Salesforce.

UI Step

Access the Projects tab.


UI Step

On the Projects page, select Combined Residential - All from the drop-down menu to view all applications in Submitted status. Then, click on the link in the Project Name column to open a specific Application Record.


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titleCreating Campaign Codes

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Creating Campaign Codes
Creating Campaign Codes

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