Mini-Bid: Contractor Proposal Submission

If requested in the Mini Bid set up. Contractors will follow these steps to submit their intent to propose. This process begins when the contractor receives an email from salesforce where you can access the Link to Proposal Submission.

Intend to Propose

The Contractor will verify that an email is received, with the Link to Proposal Submission.

After the Mini Bid is created, the proposal solicitation link is now activated. Now, the Contractor will go through the response form. Choosing Intend to Propose or Do Not Intend to Propose. Select Intend to Propose then Select Next to proceed to the Proposal Detail tab.

The Proposal Details tab is now visible. The Proposal Name will be auto generated. In dollars enter the Proposal Total. Then the contractor will submit all required documents marked with the red asterisk by selecting Choose File. Lastly, they will click Submit Proposal.

The Contractor will verify the proposal has submitted successfully. Then they can select All My Responses

If the particular Mini Bid is set up to receive more than one proposal they can do so by clicking Submit Another Proposal

A table will display all the projects that have been submitted. To submit another proposal the Contractor will select Submit Another Proposal.

If you are permitted to allow multiple proposals, you will repeat steps 1 through 5.

Not Intend to Propose

The Contractor will verify that an email is received, with the Link to Proposal Submission.

After the Mini Bid is created, the proposal solicitation link is now activated. Now, the Contractor will go through the response form. Choosing Intend to Propose or Do Not Intend to Propose. Select Do Not Intend to Propose.

Then the Contractor will provide a brief statement as to why they do not intend to propose in the input box and click Save.

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